I've been busy playing castle crashers and Halo Reach for awhile, but I've picked up a new hobby. Coding. With C and HTML. I bought a book covering HTML (all the way up to HTML5), and I've been looking up some C tutorials online.
As far as HTML coding goes I've almost mastered graphics and designing on sites, as well as advanced layouts. Once you know what command to type in for different actions and functions things get pretty easy. I've even got some java scripts from online to add and manipulate. Clearly, I don't can't any hosting available (unless I can beg someone for it).
And as for C, I've had some success programing a basic game with sprites from Google images. Basically, I've made a small game in which your a blue dot moving around a grassy background avoiding red dots. I'm getting better... slowly.
Well, that's about it.