Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]

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In head:Why is there a sweat drop on teh side of his head..?

Actually she didn't say she would kill you, but still..You did kinda kidnap me against my will, so she might be a little mad.

me-If it was against your will you'd be making a fuss an yo'd already have told Daisy our location.

I feel a shudder under the ground,

me-What the-

A huge ant burst out of the ground knocking spoink to the ground,


Mr. Fox:
Scraggy ran ahead and jumped up and down uring me to hurry up. He must be very excited about his up coming battle, I made sure to note his reaction to being told that a battle was up coming.

"He seemed ecstatic at simply the notion of a battle with a strong trainer, much like a child about to rip into the biggest birthday gift. The more I live the life of a trainer the more I begin to see why they share such strong bonds with their Pokemon, I've yet to have a true battle, I'm nervous about the effects that Scraggy will feel if I fail to lead him to victory..."

I looked up just in time to avoid walking off the road and into a tree. I felt a tugging at my leg, Scraggy was pointing at Violet City. It was time to procure my first badge...

Stunned in fear as the Treecko hits me hard with his pound attack. Rolling backwards from the blow I hurry and start throwing sand in all directions with a furious sand attack in attempts to blind him. A lot of it hits him in his eyes. Excited it hits him I quickly dash at him with a hard hitting tackle *critical* the Treecko goes flying back and slams into the rock.

"EEVEE eeveee EEVEE!!" (LEAVE me ALONE!)

Treecko barely able to get up from the hit in a panic runs off in fear.

With a joyous look on my face. I begin to look around seeing a soft patch of grass. Go lay down in it and rest for a bit to recover from the battle.

Inhale, exhale. Daisy had calmed down a bit by now, thanks to the support of her psychic partner. "You know, your Synchronize ability is rather useful. You must've talked to Celebi, right? trust he'll be safe?" She gave up the topic after Faye gave her a short nod.
It seemed to be getting rather late in the day, and Daisy was exhausted, but she refused to move from in front of the Gym, just in case Celebi came back or Falkner came early.

She let her pokemon out of their pokeballs and apologized profusely to them. "I shouldn't have gotten upset and blamed you all. I was too harsh, when you weren't at fault," their trainer said. "Forgive me?"
Her pokemon looked happy to see their friend and trainer back to slightly better spirits. Still, now it was mainly a waiting game.


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