Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]

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After waking up a couple hours later I notice it is getting rather late.."Vee" (hmm) Thinking to myself  (I wonder if anyone is battling near Violet city.)
Getting closer to the city I see a few Trainers on the outskirts which looks to be a friendly battle I sit next to a tree and watch them have it out on each other. Excited to watch to see how everything goes for a real battle!

Mr. Fox:
"This is the street Scraggy. They guy should be" A curse word slipped out of my mouth as I realized I had been reading the map upsides down. How had I managed to travel all of Unova and Sinnoh regions with out getting lost so much as once? Yes, at that time I had the support of Team Plasma and had the most advanced GPS system to date. I flipped the map right side up and reviewed the map again, Scraggy and I were on the oppisiote side of the city. I was about to curse my luck when a young trainer came sprinting by.

"Uh...hello! Might I ask for a moment of your time?"
He stopped dead in his tracks, looked around to see who had yelled at him. He noticed me with Scraggy looking very much lost, he shook his head then slowly walked over to us.
"What do you want gramps?!"
"For starters I am no older then thirty, and I have no kids of my own, so I can't be a grandpa. And second my friend and I are trying to find the Gym, but we seem to keep getting lost, I would like to ask you to be our guide."
He looked at Scraggy, then at me, then burst into a fit of laughter. "There's no way in hell your going to beat Falkner with that sorry excuse for a Pokemon! I'll take you, but don't come crying to me when you get destroyed."

Scraggy didn't take what the boy had said very well, he used Dragon Dance then proceeded to smash into his leg. The kid trainer grabbed his shin and started hopping around, at this point Scraggy started throwing all sorts of punches the kid's way.
"SCRAGGY! STOP THIS INSTANT!" He did stop, but not after hitting the kid with one last punch, then he glared at the kid and returned to my side. "I'm sorry, he's newly hatched and has yet to learn manners."

"Yeah sure, the Gym's this way." He led the way, making sure there was a good amount of distance between him and Scraggy.


Celebi looks at the ant.Durant. Y U HERE?[/color]

Being very disappointed in the battle. The kids talked to something on their wrists and had to run off in a hurry before they could finish.

"Eevee vee...." (Awww man why.....) Thinking to myself..(I wonder if there is any other battles going on closer!)

As I get closer to the city I see people EVERYWHERE....None of them battling though. Heading around to another side of the city still nothing...Getting rather disappointed of not seeing anyone battling. Decided to try to play a prank on someone in the city..Creeping around the back parts of the buildings trying not to be seen by anyone. Being the evolution pokemon I'm sure everyone would like to have an Eevee...Not seeing anyone by themselves or napping or anything was getting even sadder than before.. (What am I supposed to do for fun...)

About that time I come around a corner and quickly duck behind the corner seeing a trainer by himself...sorta...had a very odd looking pokemon with him that I had never seen before and what appeared to be a Oshowott....Something with a spring and a very odd spider. (Hmmmm this might be interesting to watch.) Chuckling a little bit waiting for an opportunity to prank him!

Mr. Fox:
"This is the place." The kid had developed a nasty limp on the way over, as much as I was sorry for him I couldn't help but think that he would never judge a Pokemon like he had just done.
"I thank you for taking the time to lead us here after what Scraggy did to you. Have a pleasant day."
"Sure thing Gramps." He quickly turned away and started to limp away to his destination.

I looked at the imposing building then looked to Scraggy, we both had the same look on our faces; a fear of the unknown mixed with pure excitement. "Let's do this Scraggy." I reached out and grasped the door handle, I quickly turned it and opened the door allowing Scraggy and I to enter...


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