Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]

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"Pyeo-yeo!" "Pharos!" Sensing a friend, Faye and Zia chased after Otto when he entered the empty Gym with a Scraggy. They were stopped in their tracks though when the door closed before they could enter. Nori and Zephyr sat lazily a few feet away from Daisy, not caring to get up and investigate.
Daisy looked up. "Guys? What are yo--?" What the heck were they doing now? The pink-haired trainer didn't feel like chasing after them at the moment though.
She hadn't been paying attention, so she hadn't noticed Otto pass by.

Mr. Fox:
"I'm sorry sir, the gym is closed until morning."
Scraggy pulled on my pants leg, he was obviously getting irritated. But I saw no way around the rules so I simply asked a simple question.
"What time in the morning, as you can see, my Scraggy is very much looking forward to this battle."
"About eightish, get here at seven and I will write you in as the first challenger." The man winked at Scraggy then gave him a berry. Scraggy greedily grabbed it and began to chew on it as I led him outside. Much to my surprise outside the door two of Daisy's Pokemon were waiting for me.

"Hello Faye and Zia, where's Daisy?"
At this time Scraggy finished his berry and realized there was no battle today, he did what I didn't want him to do; he charged up a Dragon Dance and focused on Faye...

The durant looks at me angrily, oshawott stands out in front of me.

me-Oshawott use aqua jet!

He slams into the ant while covered in water. The durant uses bug bite.

me-Celebi a little help.


--- Quote from: tepig8592 on April 21, 2012, 03:05:17 PM ---Alakazam tell Pignite to jump out of the way and use arm thrust again on Evee.Then we're  changing  plans, instead  of a long range strike teleport Blastoise right in front of Cyndaquil  and then have him use hydro cannon. Also to give Pignite a  better chance to dodge have  Unfezant use whirlwind to slow both attacks sent at him down.

That being said he began to  wonder how long it would  before the backup Alex called arrive. Will had a backup plan but he knew it was a desperate  oneand hoped he didn't have to use it.                                     

--- End quote ---

Alex, Steve, i may not be able to battle, but if you or Steve need them I have some healing items we can use.

Alex looks at him and nods, she knew it would be a close call, then suddently, sound of choopers is heard as well as cars at high velocity, she looks arround and nods, getting Terrakion and Eevee inside her pokeballs

"they are here, its over then...

she looks at her companions as alot of Unova Special Police Force gathered arround the area

Capitain " This is the USPF, Team Plasma surrender now or we will have to use force"

said the capitain with a megaphone

Ehehe...I'd rather not...last time I battled that thing...well, I can't fly anymore..

celebi hid behind the trainer.Besides. that ant is scary..also, whatsh your name?


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