Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]

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Sensing the Scraggy's attack, the experienced Espeon stepped nimbly out of the way to allow the young pokemon to barrel into nothing or fall in the dirt, whichever he happened to do. Except, it didn't do either, since Zia was standing right behind her, staring at a Murkrow in the distance with a shiny object he very much wanted to learn more about. The Ampharos rubbed his side where the Scraggy had hit, and standing up to face the little one put up his paws like fists despite not knowing any physical attacks.  He felt he'd been challenged, and like Zephyr, never turned a challenge down.

"Espyo." Faye blatantly ignored the antics of the boys and looked at Otto. Pointing with her tail, she showed Otto that Daisy was a few yards away under a large tree along with Zephyr and Nori. The trainer was resting her head back against the tree, listening to another radio drama on her PokeGear.

Mr. Fox:
"Scraggy! Mind your manners! These Pokemon are friends of a friend of mine!" Scraggy's fist stop glowing and looked at the ground.

Faye pointed with her tail towards a pink haired girl I recognized in an instant as Daisy. I patted Scraggy on the head then walked over and dropped my hand on her shoulder.

"Hello Daisy, I hope you've been well since we last met."

Looking around as the guy starts attacking the spider....seeing a berry bush (pecha).
Grabbing one in my mouth that was very juicy.... ideas flying through my head I quickly throw it in the air and slap it with my tail at the odd little Pokemon with wings..
Chuckling a little bit at what i did.

"Eevee..VEEE"(Wait for it....HAAAA)

Daisy jolted when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hello Daisy, I hope you've been well since we last met."
It was her friend Otto, who couldn't have had worse timing. She opened her mouth to speak, but the normally talkative girl couldn't get a word out except a weak "sorry."
She tried again, smiling a little this time. "You figured out Falkner's not in yet? And you kept the Scraggy?"

Mr. Fox:
"You figured out Falkner's not in yet? And you kept the Scraggy?"
I had once again forgotten my manners and scared Daisy quite badly. I nervously ran my hand through my hair and chuckled a little bit.
'No need for you to be sorry, it was I who started you half to death. And yes I kept the Scraggy, his trainer was unfit. You know this Falkner well?"


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