Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]

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Alex just turns away getting Eevee back in the pokeball, and looks at her friends

"Turn arround and run"

she starts running as she pushes a button on a remote on her hand, making the ultra ball on his hand to open and send out a flashing light as the police start to round up arround him

Pignite, flame thrower.

Pignite spewed flames,makes a large circle of flames encompass him and Alex,

Just you and me little girl.

Alex turns back and smirks

"Why? you allready lost, we are deploying every single of our best to catch every Team Plasma member, if you stay here, you will be caught, what you see here are the best of the best, so i suggest you run or rot in a cell, your chooise"

she turns head away as a Carracosta from the police puts out the fires as she passes by the police that gather arround him


will shouts suddenly and Unfezant jumps into the air, Pignite is returned to the poke-ball, Alakazam teleports Will onto Unfezants back and then returns to his poke-ball, and Blastoise retreats into his shell and uses Hydro pump blasting it out of the gaps  while using rapid spin.

I woke up with a start. I must've dosed off again. I look around and there were policemen everywhere arresting a few members of Team Plasma, and a wall of flames in front of me.


I launched myself back somehow, and a policeman put's out the fire, revealing Alex and what'shisface with his Pignite.

Why? you allready lost, we are deploying every single of our best to catch every Team Plasma member, if you stay here, you will be caught, what you see here are the best of the best, so i suggest you run or rot in a cell, your choise.

Then whatshisface's pokemon do crazy tricks and they start escaping.

What's going on?!

(I slept through the part where she's revealed to be a girl, but tell me if i made a mistake)


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