Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]

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Mr. Fox:

--- Quote from: Hinagiku on May 21, 2012, 12:23:39 AM ---Zia became tired of the Ice Punches and resolved to set the little challenger in his place. Lights shaped like gemstones formed in the air around the Ampharos and shot for Scraggy, full-force. Power Gem was one of Zia's favorite moves, and he and Daisy had worked hard to get it, so of course if he could he would use it.

--- End quote ---
(again so sorry for forgetting about this)
Scraggy took most of the attack pretty well despite being so vastly overwhelmed, then the attack went critical. He tried to punch the flying rocks, but it wasn't going any good, finally one last one slammed into him; sending him flying a few feet away. When I reached him he was out like a light, I picked him up gently and walked back towards Daisy.

"That should teach him a valuable lesson. Now what say we get him fixed up?"

The Ampharos gave a proudly satisfied "hmph"-like sound. "Now don't get too proud," Daisy told him. Turning back to her friend, she nodded and smiled. "The others could use a rest too."
As they walked toward the Pokemon Center, Daisy thought to ask Otto how his job went. "I haven't really been keeping track of time--did you finish that work you were doing? Oh yeah, you didn't take any notes this time!"

As he hovered on Unfezant a thoguht struck Will, he reached out with his mind and called for Alakazam who came bursting out of his poke ball and Will communicated

Flash, then teleport behind the girl and attach this small chip to her.

Alakazam took the micro chip looking item and then focusing a bliding light flashed into existence bliding everyone. Alakazam took that instance too flash behind the girl, and so lightly the she wouldn't even feel it he attached the chip to her head, hiding it with her hair. Then he flashed back to Will and into his poke ball and Unfezant shot off like an arrow. Digging in the bag he carried, Will pulled out a small ear piece and equipped it to his ear. He turned it on and he knew it was working from the panicked cries of the police men in the back ground. He clicked a button his communicator/watch and a picture of plasmas boss appeared.

Their has been a slight change in plans, i'll report back once i've handled the situation.

The boss nodded and whspered,

If you fail you don't obtain the next clue Will, remember that.

Then the communication was shut off and Will placed his head down, allowing Unfezant to fly even faster, the area where he had fought the girl now a speck in the distance.


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