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Author Topic: [RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]  (Read 177168 times)

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2012, 03:06:05 AM »
"That's so great! You must be good friends, huh! So what's your name?"

She was looking at me with a smile.

"I am Otto, and I vouldn't call Durant my friend. After that day it has followed me every vhere I go. I have even tried to release it back into the vild. It seems to have some sort of emotional connection to me, and today is the first day I have decided to take advantage of it and participate in a Pokemon battle, to better understand the connection betveen Pokemon and Humans. That connection fascinates me so very much" Vhat may I call you?

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2012, 03:12:24 AM »
"I am Otto, and I vouldn't call Durant my friend. After that day it has followed me every vhere I go. I have even tried to release it back into the vild. It seems to have some sort of emotional connection to me, and today is the first day I have decided to take advantage of it and participate in a Pokemon battle, to better understand the connection betveen Pokemon and Humans. That connection fascinates me so very much"

"Otto, it's nice to meet you! ...So the Durant wants to be your friend and partner--that's what an emotional connection is! At least I think so. These guys are my friends," she added, holding up Lazuli's pokeball and making a sweeping gesture towards the rest. "And you want to battle for your first time with a GYM LEADER? How about we take a shot?" She grinned, and the Ampharos and Riolu shared a look of fierce determination. The Pikachu just stood calmly.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2012, 03:22:40 AM »
I pondered what she said. For being young she had some wisdom. I pulled a notebook out of my jacket and wrote what she had said down. As I slid the notebook back into my jacket I looked at her.

"Where would we conduct this battle?"

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2012, 03:25:24 AM »
Celebi looks back see's a espeon and dragonite chasing it, the espeon uses grassknot at celebi.I don't think so! I'm not giving you a chance for your trainer to catch me!

The celebi starts flying upwards and than back and fourth trying to dodge the hypnosis if it was to use another one, while trying not to tun into anything, the celebi soon flies into the gym after making a circle and flies to the middle of the ice and lands on a ice-clump-thingy.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 03:37:41 AM by Meowth »

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2012, 03:35:01 AM »
The Celebi flew into the Gym. Where more Trainers were.

Daisy called out to the Celebi from the Gym's doorway. "I'm sorry for scaring you!" She frowned. "I just saw you were hurt, so we all wanted to help.... Faye, Donovan, talk to him?"
The Riolu and Espeon called out to the Celebi, with the Riolu projecting his feelings through his aura for the Celebi to see.
"The Lake of Rage is good. It's just a bit north. Guys, meet us when you're done, 'kay?"

Daisy stared at the notebook. That's unusual. A reporter?

She led the way to the lake.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 03:39:06 AM by Hinagiku »

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2012, 03:41:00 AM »
Lake of Rage... I pulled out my map of the Johto region and began to look it over. According to this map it was due north of Mahogany Town.

"Would you kindly lead the way, I do not wish to get lost again."

I pulled out my notebook again and began to write down various notes. I needed much more, but I was at least on the correct path to finding that answer.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2012, 03:48:54 AM »
Celebi listens to the riolu and espeon.oh... okay!

The celebi flies out of the of the gym and starts following the girl and the one guy.I'm sorry for mistaking your actions...

The celebi looks at the pokemon.So what are you guys doing?

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2012, 03:53:55 AM »
"Would you kindly lead the way, I do not wish to get lost again."

"Sure thing, Mr. Otto. One second though." Daisy flipped open her Pokegear and dialed a number. "Hey Mom, I'll send Zephyr over with the things, but I won't be home for awhile... Bye!" Click.

Daisy turned to her Dragonite and pulled a smaller bag out of her backpack. "Take these to Mom? As fast as possible, and then I'd love you to come back quickly." She traded the smaller bag for the duffel bag the Dragonite had been carrying. The Dragonite happily leaned down and when Daisy gave him a quick hug, he was up and away.

"Come on then," the pink-haired girl said, cheerfully. "Oh, Celebi--you're joining us? Once we get to the Lake, I'll heal you right up, since you probably don't like Pokemon Centers..."

The Ampharos and Pikachu cheerfully waved at the new (though probably temporary) member of the entourage.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 03:56:19 AM by Hinagiku »

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2012, 04:02:48 AM »
(this is in my notebook, so no one can see it)

"It strange, a young girl with bright pink hair approached me and quickly challenged me to a battle, but that isn't the strange part, but as if it understood Durant let out a whizzing sound that appeared to be a challenge. Can it be that Pokemon enjoy battles? If it is so then I have wasted my life trying to cause harm to Pokemon, I hope my actions aren't in vain and I can find a logical reason why humans and Pokemon should live separated, or even as equals. I shall examine the results of the battle and report them as soon as I can logically explain them, its strange that Durant  seems to be excited over the prospect of a battle..."

We were nearly to the Lake of Rage before I put my notebook away.

"Please excuse me and my notebook, but you see I am a scientist of sorts. So I might appear as a bit harsh of the things you do during this battle, just understand that I am simply noting the things you do for later examination. How much further?"

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2012, 04:05:03 AM »

The small celebi flies over to the ampharos and pikachu.So, again I ask you, what are you doing?

The celebi starts following them again cheerfully.

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2012, 04:21:39 AM »
"Just a few," Daisy said, eyes forward. "So you're a scientist? That's cool!  I thought you were a Unovan reporter or something, though why you'd follow me in that case I'd have no idea." She was impressed.

They had walked for a good while so far. When we get there... Zia seemed the most excited about a battle, but Kachi and and Donny need training...

Meanwhile, the Riolu, Pikachu, and Ampharos enjoyed bouncing around with Celebi. We're going to battle someone!
The Espeon seemed to enjoy relating to the Durant.

"Here," she said, pointing at a giant lake with a good few travelers and Trainers hanging around. She walked to the shore and let out her Lapras.  "We'll battle here. This is Lazuli, by the way. Say hi to Otto, Lazuli!"
The Lapras let out a friendly roar in greeting.

"So do you want to battle any of my Pokemon in particular? Celebi, come here?" Daisy asked. "I have something to give you." She smiled.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2012, 04:28:27 AM »
"So you're a scientist? That's cool!  I thought you were a Unovan reporter or something, though why you'd follow me in that case I'd have no idea."

"I am a member of Team Plasma. I am sure you have heard of them. But after Durant saved my life I began to question our ideals. Now I am on a mission to identify what causes the connection Trainers claim to have with their pokemon. And Durant seems to have no objections to helping me out with this mission."

A Lapras let out a roar, based on the tone of it, it was friendly. Hum... I need to look into that further. I pulled out my notebook and jotted down a quick note.

"So do you want to battle any of my Pokemon in particular? Celebi, come here?" Daisy asked. "I have something to give you."
"It might be beneficial to battle the pokemon you feel the closest to. It might go a long way towards helping me discover this connection."

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2012, 04:33:40 AM »
Celebi looks at the [Name of pokemon who spoke to him] and said.Oh cool! I hope you guys win!

Celebi flies over to the trainer confused cause she called him.What...?


Offline Hinagiku

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2012, 04:46:10 AM »
"I am a member of Team Plasma. I am sure you have heard of them. But after Durant saved my life I began to question our ideals. Now I am on a mission to identify what causes the connection Trainers claim to have with their pokemon. And Durant seems to have no objections to helping me out with this mission."
"It might be beneficial to battle the pokemon you feel the closest to. It might go a long way towards helping me discover this connection."

Team Plasma!? Wow, he's so open about it! You'd think with a group that was taken down years ago, he'd want to keep that secret... Wait, what were Team Plasma's goals again? Daisy frowned, not remembering at the moment...

"Closest to? Faye, you're up, beautiful! <3" Daisy grinned, and kneeled next to her partner. "I know this isn't the best matchup, but let's show them what we've got!" Faye let out a cry and nuzzled Daisy's face.  The afternoon sun hung high in the sky.

When Celebi flew over, Daisy pulled a can out of the duffel bag. She opened the can and offered it to the Celebi. "Drink up, it's Lemonade. It'll help refresh you. And if you still need anything, there's a potion in here too."

"When you're ready, you can start."
Daisy high-pawed Faye when she was still kneeling. The two then took their battle positions.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Return of Plasma
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2012, 04:50:12 AM »
The pink haired girl had an Espeon take its place on the battle field. Durant moved in between me and the pokemon, he let out a whirring sound and used what looked to be Agility.

"It appears he knows what is going on, you may move first."