Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[Profiles] Return of Plasma

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Character Name:celebi
Character Gender:male
Character Age:(i dunno, he acts around 6-7 though)
Short Backstory:Celebi was caught by team plasma and they tried to get him back to there base. But he escaped before they got him back to the base, he is now trying to find a safe-ish place to stay, even if he has to go with a trainer.
Location (Same as pokemon, except for trainer. You may also roam.):roaming kinda, i am following a trainer.
Appearance (Required for Legendary pokemon):

Mr. Fox:
Username:Mr. Fox
Character Name: Otto
Character Gender: Male
Character Age:28
Pokemon Collected: Durant
Short Backstory: Otto has been a Team Plasma member his entire adult life, he is one of the few who want nothing more then what is best for Pokemon. One day while he was traveling to give a lecture about the cruelty that Pokemon endure every day across the world the road he was walking on gave way causing him to fall into a large sink hole. After seven days in the sink hole living off only a small puddle of waste water he had found a Durant appeared in front of his face. Having not eaten in days all he could think was how to make this Pokemon his next meal. The Durant saw that he was in dire need of food quickly left, several hours later it came back with food. The Durant continued doing this until Otto was found by some passing Pokemon Trainers. After that experience Otto began to question the ideals of Team Plasma, even though he is still a member of the team, he travels the world with the Durant that saved his life trying to discover the true connection between humans and Pokemon.

Additional Info: He speaks with a slight German accent.

Username: lubbies
Character name: Azurius
Gender: male
Age: 15
Pokemon collected: Oshawott

Short backstory: Azurius was amazed by team Plasma and their motives he hopes one day that he will be a member. Right now he is being tested to see if he can. Him and Oshawott want to be just like them. He met his Oshawott when he was swimming and he won't let him go. He is a determined and focused on his goal, he is however friendly and adventurous. He is still a novice at capturing Pokemon but has potential. He used to live in the Kanto region a long time ago but his parents died and he moved to Unova and is thinking of exploring.


Character Name:Sean
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:10
Short Backstory:A boy that's always tired, and is very carefree. When he was 9, he found his first pokemon, a Slackoth, in his backyard. His parents gave him a pokeball to capture it with, and since it was already asleep, it was an easy capture. However, he didn't like the idea of Slackoth always being cramped up inside a pokeball, so he keeps the Slackoth out of it. They became good freinds, but about a week later, his parents found a package adressed to him from his aunt, and it contained a pokeball with a Pansear in it. They panicked because they totaly forgot to tell her about the Slackoth. When they told her about the Slackoth, she said to not think much about it, and to still give the Pansear to Sean. Now he's 10, and he convinced his parents into letting him have an adventure.
Additional info: Whenever he battles, he gets hyper, and has a certain fire in his eyes. Lives in New Bark Town.
Pokemon Collected: Pansear (Male, lvl 5) Slackoth (Male, lvl 7)


Username: dreadknight

Character Name: Draykos

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 15

Short Backstory: Draykos has what some might call wanderlust. From a young age, he was fascinated by exotic locations and the Pokemon that lived there. Being raised in Unova, he was use to the bustling cities, but he always had the desire to explore. So it came as no surprise when he jumped at the chance to become a trainer. He's been traveling the world for about three years now, catching Pokemon and making friends along the way.

Pokemon Collected (if any): Escavalier, Dewott and Magmortar (more in his PC)

Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary): (Description just in case you can't see the pic) Mid length curly brown hair. Pale red short-sleeve shirt. Worn-out looking black overcoat. Slightly baggy blue jeans. White sneakers with blackish-blue edges.


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