Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Examining other player characters

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Should we include a function so that you can /check someone out when you see them? This would display a small window with info about them.

Types of things displayable:

* Player name and level
* NPC Gym badges earned (and whether or not they were repeated on hard mode
* Clothes and equipment they are wearing
* Optional by player - Pokemon currently in party
* Number of pokemon seen/owned
* Highest level of pokemon owned
* Tournament standings, such as tournament points (if points are awarded for placing), or the top one or few placings achieved
* Home town / affiliation - this is not necessarily set at the start of the game, afterall you can move house or change your nationality
* Items in inventory that are for sale (possibly with the ability to buy automatically)
* Custom short "/check message" written by player
* etc.
Probably a good idea to add the ability to go /anon, which would hide everything except your name and what clothes you are wearing.

If it's doable (which im sure it is), i think they should implement it by all means.

•Player name and level
•NPC Gym badges earned (and whether or not they were repeated on hard mode cool your implementing it! :-D
•Clothes and equipment they are wearing
•Optional by player - Pokemon currently in party
•Number of pokemon seen/owned
•Highest level of pokemon owned
•Tournament standings, such as tournament points (if points are awarded for placing), or the top one or few placings achieved
•Home town / affiliation - this is not necessarily set at the start of the game, afterall you can move house or change your nationality
•Items in inventory that are for sale (possibly with the ability to buy automatically) neat idea!
•Custom short "/check message" written by player[ should be shown when PM him :-) ]

I didn't say we would implement hard mode, I have no idea if we will as it's not up to me. Also, I know a lot of people would want to brag about how many pokemon they have seen or captured :P Aaaand, the check message would be maybe 100-200 characters, which would be way too much for a PM type thing imo. But thanks for the support ^^/

mh. yea it would be cool if you could see that. but its not essential, isnt it? and /check message shouldnt be 200 chars long. who the hecks writing 200 chars of his personal status :-D

or do you mean kinda: personal information about the trainer?


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