Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Examining other player characters

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Like it said before it'll be possible to see other players levels (by clicking on the player).


--- Quote from: Alais on February 14, 2010, 10:26:16 AM ---There will be a very large array of clothes available, and potentially earnable through quests. If I was an actual person walking around in the world, it's kind of silly that I can't see what someone is wearing. Not sure why dark doesn't want us to show off our trophies or pokedex completion, I know I'd love to do that. I really don't like having the site as a major part of the game, it takes away from the immersion. Plus we need some way of trading when you're not face-to-face, whether it's an auction house, a trade-bag, or both. It is very impractical to expect someone whose business is selling something basic and high volume like pokeballs to be online long enough to make enough sales, let alone to go to every customer. I don't wanna play travelling salesman, I want to train my pokemon.

--- End quote ---

Very well said, I agree. I know for a fact by the time PU is fully released to the public I won't be online as much as I would like to (college). Those of us who are very busy need some kind of way to sell items without having to stay online for hours. An auction house is definitely the answer, in my humble opinion. And it's not just useful for us, but everyone as well. As for being able to view other players clothing, it would be nice.  :)

Interested Listener:
 A friend list so we can keep track of certain characters?And maybe a rival list? Also a deeper decoration system?


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