Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
Mule characters (2nd chars)
The Fireball Kid:
It's not an exploit in any kind of form. Unless it unbalances PU, im all for being able to create alts/mules.
Honestly as far as i've seen i dont really see a huge benefit from making a mule char, maybe should make it possible to not cross trade from one of your chars to another, but even if that was possible it surely cant be as productive as just traing/skilling/leveling a single character can it??
You can only login with 1 character at the time.
my wife and i often both try games together and have no interactions between our accounts even so far as not buying each others wares on a general in game marketplace.
So, wouldn't the simplest solution to be to put a block on interactions between characters off the same ip, but allow multiple accounts to access from the same ip at the same time?
this would
A) allow family members playing on the same ip at the same time and students at the same school (with the same ip) to be playing at the same time etc
B) prevent abuse by allowing ppl that have the capability playing 2 characters from 2 computers on the same ip from trading/battling to gain cheap xp~lvls etc between the two (or more) accounts.
*** (for us personnally having only 1 computer connected to the web only one of us would be connected at any one time, so it doesn't matter to us what direction regarding this is taken, but it might matter to those covered in my point A)
--- Quote from: ghandor on February 22, 2010, 07:01:02 PM ---my wife and i often both try games together and have no interactions between our accounts even so far as not buying each others wares on a general in game marketplace.
So, wouldn't the simplest solution to be to put a block on interactions between characters off the same ip, but allow multiple accounts to access from the same ip at the same time?
--- End quote ---
At first i thought this was a great idea, then i realized, people are just going to trade something to their friend, and then have it traded back to their other character, or find some other method to "cheat" the system.
I think it will be impossible to avoid these problems without limiting characters to one per account, but I don't like that choice either.
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