Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Mule characters (2nd chars)

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If people insist on making other accounts for the purposes of farming and/or monopolising the crafting market, we will just make it harder to reach decent crafting levels. My personal favourite is to link max craft level to actual player level, such that you can't cap your craft before you reach character level 40. Happy grinding ^^/

How about you need to hit a certain player level to trade?

That way you can't just get a starter, first pokemon center, trade. Delete. Remake. Repeat.

I doubt you can trade the original starter

No you can't trade your starter Pokémon. However it will be possible to obtain the other starters.

Interested Listener:
The only thing I would worry about with mules is that if the population of the game is increasing will the lag also?


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