Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Mule characters (2nd chars)

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--- Quote from: Kuhns on February 13, 2010, 06:53:59 PM ---
--- Quote ---Should people be limited to one account per IP? And if there are two or more people playing on the same IP, they have to apply for a second account on the forums? Or do you like the idea of allowing mules (you lazy bums)?
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--- Quote from: Phosphorous on February 13, 2010, 06:56:53 PM --- you never know when a family shares a computer, and more than one person wants to play the game.

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Putting in a harsh punishment to deter same IP traders wouldnt be a bad idea either.

basicly it is the same. how you play your alt is your thing.

--- Quote --- This was brought up in the PokeNests topic, where it was suggested that mules may be used for farming, and I think this is a genuine concern.

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as i said. no1 would make a mule to farm things... when you dont have professions! if you have, and every character can have 1, then you need 'mules' or 'alts' to be able to have all professions avaible.

and i dont get what you mean saying
--- Quote --- The whole point of limiting storage is to limit it. Why would we want people to be able to double their storage via artificial means
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sure it is? but why having mules if you dont need the extra storage?

You aren't supposed to have more than one or two professions, or unlimited storage. The whole point is that you have to choose. If you want more storage, you will have to buy it at the storage facility, rather than just make a new character for free (which is essentially cheating).

so now i get your point.

supposing: you have bought all storage avaible. like [200] places. what then?
limiting to one profession: ehm. why? you dont want the player to explore the whole content? if you allow only one profession, and one character. that would be weirdo. unless you could relearn the profession. that would mean once you changed, you changed it completely. personly, i think that would really mess up everything.

profession1: potionmaker.
profession2: greenpeace-berry-guy

so with an alt, i could have master-potions AND berries. without. only one thing. ok. if you want the game to be so. ok. let it be. then you have to trade with other players.
problem: inflation of prices. when 800 players are berry.guys and 200 are potionmaker, potions would become extremly high-priced. as well as: why giving an rival my extra strong berries? just to make money? nah...


--- Quote from: Phosphorous on February 13, 2010, 06:56:53 PM ---I think you should be able to crate more than 1 account per IP. you never know when a family shares a computer, and more than one person wants to play the game.

I just think you should only be able to log onto 1 account at a time from the same IP.

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See, I have three computers, and my little brothers are going to want to play with me, so this creates somewhat of a problem. What of people with routers and other computers?


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