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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 325010 times)

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Noon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #135 on: January 25, 2012, 01:32:21 AM »
I walked around livly, like it wasnet raining. I dont know why, but whenever it rains, I feel slightly more enrgetic. Mabye it was just me, oh well. I then froze, I couldve sworn I heard something. I make a quick 360 scan of the area. I notice a pack of zigarex, five of them to be exact. That's odd, I've never seen so many in a pack before, and the fact that they seem to be targeting me, even though I'm a monster like them. Two lung at me but I quickly take out my knife and cut one, then I wrap my tentacle on the other and throw it at the group. It quickly recovers and lungs at me again. I dodge swiftly and try to grab it with my tentacle, but it bites it and dosent let go! The hell?! I thought these guys were stupid! I real it in and cut the zigarex to get it off and start running. I was faster than them, I knew I was. But it seemed like they werent going to make this easy and chase after me (Not counting the two injured ones.). I use my other tentacle to grab hold of the roof of a building and jump up and use my tentacle to real myself onto the building. I look down, these zigarex where ramming the door to the building trying to get in. It was barracaded though, so it should hold for a while, I hope. I sit there, exhausted. Could they really be getting smarter? Are they gonna start talking too? This was a bit too much to take in, there must be something controling them. I look down again and I see them growl at the door and leave to the direction they came. I sit down and sigh, if I had to take this kinda crap everyday then so help me... I've never seen this happen before, mabye i can ask around for some answers, but right now I need to rest, and right now I'm injured.
. . .

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Noon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #136 on: January 26, 2012, 12:12:38 AM »
He could see her flinching at the light the old flares produced. So, she wasn't used to them either.
Huh..? Out of the corner of his eye, Shock could see Ayara looking almost suspiciously at his lead weapon. She seemed pretty curious about it, and it's ability. Well, if THAT has her attention, she'll FREAK if I show her it's other mode! Shock thought to himself as his weapon made contact with his target.
" Nice shot!'
Shock heard the sound of an arrow flying through the air. Immediately, a Groundstalker fell to the ground, with a dying moan and spasms. She was deadly with the arrows, meaning that she must of have been practicing for a long time. But then again, his weapon was lethal, The groundstalker he hit died almost instantly. He had forgotten about the danger lead posed to monsters and chosen. Like HER and the other Chosen. He would need to remember that when he messed with the yo-yo. He aimed at his next target, making sure that he wasn't in the way of Ayara's next arrow, which she had already drawn. He didn't want one of them stuck in his head. He also didn't want to be to close to her. He prepared his yo-yo for another attack. Ground attacks at this point were also effective, although they usually weren't. The disoriented Groundstalkers would remain blinded, for quite some time. So, not only could they not burrow, but they couldn't see, or feel your direction. They would guess it when it was already too late.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Noon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #137 on: January 26, 2012, 12:48:15 AM »
I watched as the boy quickly took out a groundstalker with his stupid yoyo, as my arrows hit their mark. There were 2 groundstalkers left at this point.
I'll take right. You take left.
I drew again, took aim, and released. The groundstalker fell, dead. I watched as the other fell to the boys yoyo.
Well, we dispatched rather quickly. Good.
I scanned the area around us, in case there were any more monsters nearby. Nothing in sight, or hearing. I slid my bow back over my shoulder, so that it once again rested next to my quiver. Then I watched the boy carefully, as he still had his yoyo out, and waited. He didn't seem one to sit quiet and still for very long.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Noon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #138 on: January 26, 2012, 01:19:11 AM »
Shock rolled his yo-yo playfully on the ground, preforming another trick, then retracting the spikes, and shoving it into his pocket. " Why thank you!"
His attention was drawn to the Groundstalkers with arrows in their heads. " Hey, do you think that they're edible?" He approached one cautiously, and sniffed it. Didn't smell too inedible. He didn't want to seem weird in front of the Chosen, but he was still tempted to try it. dragged it into his house. " You can come in, if you want. Or, you could go look for food yourself. The place is around a mile away, but it should be easy for you to reach," He said. He ran back out to rescue the dying flare, and tossed it onto a small "fire-pit", that contained some kindling. He was definitely going to try and eat it. Way too hungry to be really sensible...
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 01:47:37 AM by WhatThePumpkin »
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Noon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #139 on: January 26, 2012, 01:30:38 AM »
I watched as he dragged the corpse of a Groundstalker into the house. He also tossed a dying flare into a nearby pit with some kindling.
You'r planning to...eat it?
I continued to watch, and followed him inside.

As stupid as that seems, I have to admit a certain level of curiosity myself...

I leaned myself against the wall. May as well stick around. All though, I think I shall let the boy try it first. After all, the saying is "curiosity killed the cat" not "curiosity killed the dragon"...
(referencing his Neko-ness and my wings.)
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Noon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #140 on: January 26, 2012, 01:47:18 AM »
" Well, you gotta make do sometimes!"
Shock smiled, noticing that she had followed him in. She seems a bit curious, huh? So, apparently, he was doing something new. Well two things new in one day! That must be an all-time record. He dragged tho corpse over the flames that were roaring up. " You think that it's stupid? You should see what I do every other day when I'm bored." He chuckled, then started to clean. " Sorry for the mess. I don't get many visitors. At all." He sat next to the cooking creature, putting it up on supports to keep it from burning. He wanted to impress her, showing that even someone in such a terrible place as this could be a gourmet. Even though he wasn't the best of cooks. Or, someone with the best of taste. Now that he thought about it, she didn't seem like the impressible type. Ugh...
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Noon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #141 on: January 26, 2012, 02:34:13 AM »
You should see what I do every other day when I'm bored.
You...you take time off to do things? You get "bored"...?
(She's saying this in a sort of quiet, bewildered way. Keep in mind, she spends all her time training and studying. I don't think she's willingly taken a day off to relax since her sis got killed off. She really doesn't even know HOW.)
You do something other than that which is necessary to survive...?
He spent time doing something other than training, or scavenging...? There was something other than that to do in this lonely place...?
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #142 on: January 26, 2012, 05:32:20 AM »
Tiberius makes his way to the lab for the second time that day. He needed to discuss something with Dr. Weil earlier, but is rage was too much for him to stay coherent. He spent the last few hours recollecting himself, and it was time to see how his latest weapon shall work.

Dr. Weil, excuse my earlier behavior, a lot to do, so little time. I wanted to discuss something with you. Do you have a minute my good man?

Dr. Weil places down a couple beakers he was mixing. He turns with the happiest grin on his face. Tiberius could tell he had something, and it usually meant a new specimen to test on.

Before we discuss anything, I have a little surprise to show you. You see, I have figured out a way to bind all the ablilities of the monsters we have collected, but it needed a binding agent to remain stable long enough to take effect. However, this binding agent didn;t exist, until recently. He pulls up a monitor to show something for his latest discovery. After giving Cyrus a new strain the last time, I decided to take a look at his DNA. It turns out that the collective dosages of the Virus has altered his DNA in a way that allows new strains to bind easily, so I isolated that gene and added it to this virus strain. He pulls up the viruses and the many abilities inside, which seemed distant from each other.These are the abilities of the various monsters we collected, they don;t really want to line up the way I want to, and one always becomes more dominant. Now watch what happens after the bonging agent is added. The genes inside the virus strain begin to pull together, and line up perfectly. Instant stability, with the effects of every monster being available in one person. Of course, I took the liberty of getting rid of the undesirable abilities, like the war horse stench..

Dr. Weil, you are trying my patience here, get to the point already...already.

Dr. Weil presses a button, and a girl is revealed. She is attractive looking, and familiar.

The boy is told by Axyl to search around while she cleans up. The boy runs up and injects here with a fluid that causes her to knock out. In a few minutes, a couple Paladins rush in and take a sample of her DNA, then leave her unconscious body in the shop. The boy disappears, having the Zigarex genes within him, another one of Weils experiments.

It seems out little spy got us a nice specimen here. The DNA we obtained from the Insectoroth attack is that of a girl named Axyl. It turns out, this is the girl that broke into the Palace on a few occasions. What we have here is a clone, an exact copy, with the exception of an erased memory, and replaced with one I designed myself.

The Dr. smiles proudly at his accomplishment.

I already gave her the strain, and it seems to be taking well. She will be ready in 3 minutes. Now, what did you want to talk about.

Nothing Doctor, you seem to have answered it. I think I may cancel project frost, his last failure still has me a bit pissed off. I'll set him up with a team.

He pulls out a radio and calls up the High Paladin.

Place Agent Cyrus on a patrol team for the underlands. I want him to remain on ground stalker patrol from here on out.

He clicks off the radio, and turns to the doctor. The two laugh for a while before Tiberius leaves.

.............In the Underlands............

Letters are sent out to the many chosen, humans and monsters from the rebels. They have caught the sights of the leader.

(On the letter)

You are hereby invited to join the rebels in our cause to obtain Utopia for all intelligent beings. Head to the Collapsed pass in the Far east of the underlands, and look for the orange symbol engraved on the wall. A man will greet you, present this letter, and you will be allowed entrance.

Axyl, come in Axyl. I fear you have been deceived. I need you back at the base as soon as possible. I have important things to discuss with you, and some potential new recruits

Grandpa Wrench disconnects from Axyl's communicator, leaving the message for her later. He seen everything happen through his spy fly in her shop. Archie walks in, and takes a seat in front of the leader.

Sir, may I ask why you had me deliver a hawk to that man?

It was not a hawk Archie, it was a falcon, a majestic creature from the sky. And that man is saddened, I seen it all. He needed a companion of some sort. Now, I need you to do something very important for me, head down stairs and prepare the party.

Party? Sir, I'm not sure that's a good idea right..

Nonsense, it's always a good time when we have new recruits coming in. Oh, and when you meet a human, please give him this.

He pulls out a Yo-yo. Archie takes it with a blank look, but does as he is asked and heads to help with the party. He knows it all makes sense later on, as does everything the leader does.

(I fear the time of war is upon us. I just hope I can save us all in time.)
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #143 on: January 26, 2012, 06:15:11 AM »
Axyl was putting up the door correctly when she felt something sting her side, she looked down and saw the small boy and quickly lost her counciousness.

After a bit she starts waking up still dazed a bit and gets up slowly, seeying her contact communicator flashing with a message, she wobbles to it slowly and takes it on the hand listening to the message in it

Axyl, come in Axyl. I fear you have been deceived. I need you back at the base as soon as possible. I have important things to discuss with you, and some potential new recruits

she gasps a bit, she didnt knew what had happened but if she needed to go back to find out, she would, she starts quickly getting the necessary things for her trip back out of Utopia so she gets a small pouch and her Katana on her lower back horizontaly, comes out of the shop and closes it down, after a second she dashes realy fast to the exit of Utopia where she came in the first time

"why did this had to happen....first a ring, then bugs, then a kid putting me to sleep... what a day..."

(in Italic its her thinking)
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Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #144 on: January 26, 2012, 01:41:25 PM »
As I was resting I noticed a figure behind me. I stand up a bit confused, how come I didn't notice him? Without a word he holds out a letter to me, I take it, and I catch a glimpse of the mans face. He nods and jumps off the building. I look down where he jumped, but he's gone. Curious, I use my claw as a letter opener and look inside.

Letter:You are hereby invited to join the rebels in our cause to obtain Utopia for all intelligent beings. Head to the Collapsed pass in the Far east of the underlands, and look for the orange symbol engraved on the wall. A man will greet you, present this letter, and you will be allowed entrance.

Rebels? I've heard about them, they fight to get rights to enter Utopia, they must be looking for new recruits. Wait, if I go... would that mean...

It's as if this is my invitation to Utopia... but the East is a bit far from here... no matter, I gotta make some distance twards there before dark.

I start jumping building twards the east side of the Underlands.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #145 on: January 26, 2012, 07:25:26 PM »
Once again I was looking at the sky wondering about being free. This life isnt for me but I guess I have no say in it.

Boss- " We have a job "

Me- " What is it? "

I roll my eyes, another job. But I have been a bit bored lately.

Boss- " We need you to locate a man whos been recruiting rebels. "

Me- " Do I have any leads? "

Boss- " He's in underland."

My eyes widen, thats it thats all I have. Ill never find him even if I look for days.

Me- " sir this is crazy, one man in the entire underland. "

Boss- " make a plan. "

I walk out thinking.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #146 on: January 26, 2012, 07:32:58 PM »
Dr. Weil was busy with his new toy when he realized he had a failed project roaming Utopia.

Why I ever thought of making a robot is beyond me, I must have been out of my mind that day. Where is that shut down switch?

He finally found it and hit the button. The robotic boy that received new orders immediately self destructed, causing a bit of damage to the buildings nearby, but no other deaths.

(You're out lubbies. Post was OP, and you had your one warning.)
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #147 on: January 26, 2012, 08:14:15 PM »
As I returned to the paladin HQ, Mother was waiting outside.  She rushed over to me.

"Cyrus, follow me quickly."


She grabbed my hand before I had time to speak.  Running though the streets we raced towards our house.  When we arrived she pushed me inside and locked the door.

"Mother, What's gong on?"

"Cyrus, be quiet.  There is something you need to hear.  Tiberius has decided to have you canceled."

"What do you mean canceled?  I'm a paladin, not one of the governments experiments."

"Cyrus, you are a government experiment.  You were injected with the virus after you survived an attack on a rebel base.  Cyrus, I'm not your real mother.  You were the child of two rebels.  The squad brought you back, just so you could become a new paladin weapon."

"No, no nononono...  This doesn't make sense."

Walking over to our table.  I smashed my fist through it.

"They erased your memories when they operated on you.  They wanted to create the perfect solider, emotionless, strong and loyal.  I was give the task to look over you.  But that's trivial now.  Just know this, I love you and I always have."

Boom, Boom!

A knock was heard at the door.

"Cyrus, upstairs now."

We ran upstairs, as we ran a loud bang was heard.  The paladins had busted the door in.  Now upstairs.

"Cyrus, lets go, jump out the window.  We'll escape via roof tops."

Throwing a ball of ice through the window, it smashed.  I then jumped out onto the roof of the house next door.  Mother quickly followed.

"Ok, Cyrus.  Follow me.  We need to get you out of Utopia."

As we jumped down from the roof.  I looked back.  I could see the Paladins staring at me through the broken window.  I knew them, I had grown up and trained with them.  And now they wanted to kill me.

We ran south towards the gate to the underland.  The paladins hard on our heels.  Turning around for a second, I threw a spiked ball of ice onto the ground.  When the Paladins ran by, I exploded it.  Shooting spikes into them.  It managed to distract them for a bit but, I knew they'd be back on our tail soon.

After ten minutes of running we reached the gate.  Bashing through the door to the guard tower.  I dispatched both guards with an ice spike to their necks.

We reached the exit door.  I could hear the Paladins rushing into the gate.

Mother turned to me.

"Cyrus, take this parachute and jump."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"No, my pace is here.  I'll hold them off.  Now go!"

Mother pushed me through the door, I was falling.  Looking back I could hear the soft screams of death.

Pulling the shoot, I swore revenge.  That bastard, I owed no loyalty to him anymore.

"Don't worry Utopia,  I'll be back.  You can bet your ass on that.  And when I return nobody will be safe.  Not even the ignorant."

I hit the ground running.  I dashed off into the wasteland, with a mission of destruction as my only thought.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 08:18:04 PM by Bing »

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #148 on: January 26, 2012, 08:23:17 PM »
A Chosen was walking around with a new letter in his hand. He had been invited to the rebel base.

Wow, I didn't think my power was that useful. Who new sticky goop can actually come in handy. Well, better get going then.

As he began his walk, he screamed loud into the sky.

Rebel Base here I come. I will not let you down.

The shout is in earshot of Cyrus.
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Drizzling
« Reply #149 on: January 26, 2012, 09:06:44 PM »
I needed to find something to eat quickly; I had used up my Napalm reserves in that last attacks, now I had no way of defending myself. As I jumped from roof to roof, hiding under any shelter I could find to avoid getting wet, I found a bakery that was closing for the day. I got as close as I could to a loaf of sweet bread. But as I reached for it I heard a ear splitting scream, I was spotted. I jumped out of the way just in time to dodge three bullets aimed for my head. I ran into the street and started to run for my life, I could hear them grabbing metal weapons and giving chase to me. With out my Napalm I would be dead before morning. I saw my salvation, a dark ally where I could just hide until they gave up. As I turned into the ally a foot caught my tail...