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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 325120 times)

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #240 on: February 18, 2012, 06:18:04 AM »
I saw the change in the land below us. We had arrived at the canyon. I flared my wings and lowered, setting the boy's feet on the ground. I moved to the right to land myself and-
my wings disappeared. I fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of me. I pulled myself on to my hands and knees, and paused to catch my breath.
Owwwww...That hurt...
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #241 on: February 18, 2012, 06:55:27 AM »
Heck if I know where it is.. wait, didn't the letter have instructions on it?

Solomon and Leeta read the letter.Were looking for a collapsed pass.

No crap Leeta, it did have a orange symbol though, so that may help a little...

Solomon starts looking around.Well, I guess we should start looking.

Again, no crap, Come here and help!

Leeta and Solomon start looking.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #242 on: February 18, 2012, 07:35:48 AM »
" Blargh."
That was Shock's only reply to the Chosen in pain, as he had also sunk to the ground, and was hunched over.  " Sweet, soft ground, I'll almost NEVER leave you again!" Then, he slipped the letter out of the waistband of his pants, and sat upright. " Alright, let's get these letters in... " At first, he considered just walking away. But then again, she did FLY him all the way over here...
He got up, and offered her a hand up. " C'mon. At least we're there."
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #243 on: February 18, 2012, 07:42:12 AM »
The dog's head's perk up. He walks over to the cat-girl holding the letter. He stares at the letter for a few seconds and then sniffs it. All three heads start sniffing the air around it, until they bark simultaneously, and he runs off to the south-east, not waiting for anyone to catch up. Somehow, I manage to stay on his back the entire time while he's running.

(Let me know if something's off.)

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #244 on: February 18, 2012, 05:05:59 PM »
Axyl looks at the kids then looks back at the dog that started running she looks back at the kids

"hey, i think the dog just found it, come on"

she starts running after the dog and sighs

"even a dog can get better sence of direction than me... im starting to feel not normal, ever since that thing with the kid..."

she thinks to herself as she ran
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #245 on: February 18, 2012, 05:31:01 PM »
"Blarg"...really...? Ah, screw it, I don't have the energy to get pissed at him...
I noticed him turn to me after he finished praising the ground.
I...told you...I wouldn't...drop you...
He closed the few feet between where I had set him down and where I had fallen.
Great...Is he gonna make some stupid comment about my flying...?
C'mon. At least we're there
He was offering me his hand.
Is he trying to help me up...?

I blinked in surprise, then-holding my bruised side with my left hand-I reached over and allowed him to pull me up by the right hand.
Yet another surprising act, Shock. I was half expecting you to just walk away.

I looked away from him.
I...appreciate the assistance. (she's a tad embarrassed, kkkkkk?)
I quickly slid the letter out of my pocket, glancing around.
Let's start looking...We need to find...
I glanced at the letter-
The collapsed pass with an orange symbol engraved on the wall. There'll be a man we have to present our letters to. (If you want, Shock can get snippy. But keep in mind that Ayara's really tired, and so not as sharp as she normally would be.)
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #246 on: February 18, 2012, 06:35:57 PM »
Shock miled. " No problem. I mean, you DID fall..."
He chuckled at her embarassment. Although he did want to just leave her there, she was extremely tired, and he had promised to take care of her. Although, he couldn't just let a chance to make a comment pass by. " I'll come up with something to say about your flying later. I'm also a little tired, so if we find the Rebel Base, we can go relax."
He let her rest on his shoulder, so that she didn't have to carry herself all the way. He was pretty sure he could find the base. She seemed a little disoriented anyway.
" Pthbt. Let's just hope there'll be ' smooth sailing' as some people say it."
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #247 on: February 18, 2012, 06:43:53 PM »
The fire hound keeps running until it stops in front of a wall. The was has a large orange insignia on it, marking the rebel's base. After a few seconds of looking at the insignia, he looks up towards a cliff above the emblem. He senses a human's presence on it, and stares at it silently.

(Sorry my posts are so short, but without being able to speak, or even investigate things for myself, I can't really do much.)

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #248 on: February 18, 2012, 07:05:02 PM »
(Disoriented. Good word for it.)
I glanced at him as he made the comment about my flying. But I didn't reply.
He's letting me lean on him, so I suppose it would be rude to reply to that...Screw that, I'm just to tired to think of a good come back.
Relaxing...Sounds nice. And hopefully it will be relatively easy.

I glanced around again. As tired as I was, it was not in my nature to rely on someone else.
We should...get moving...
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #249 on: February 18, 2012, 07:15:30 PM »
Axyl keeps following  the dog until he stops at the gate of the rebel base, she looks up to it

"i guess this is the place..."

she looks back at the kids from before then back at the rebel base, looking up to it as she yells up

Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #250 on: February 18, 2012, 07:23:10 PM »
Must we?


Solomon grabs Leeta's arm and starts chasing the fire hound until they get to the rebel base place area thing.I wonder why the dog is staring up there...?

Cause its Evil..

Oh shut up..But seriously, why is it staring up there?

Solomon starts looking around for the guy there supposed to give the letter too.


I guess she knows.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 07:26:53 PM by Meowth »

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #251 on: February 18, 2012, 11:28:21 PM »
Shock nodded. " Yup. Nice... "
They set off on foot again, Shock walking at a slower pace than earlier, even after they had started to get tired. He was assuming that she couldn't walk very well, by the way she hadn't given in to leaning on him. They were really close, from what he could tell. His ears flicked at the faint sound of someone yelling. " Hear that? I bet we're close."
They trudged onward, and, before long,(although it seemed to take forever), they had managed to get to the depths of the Ruins, and, came face to face with the wall. Well, almost face to face with the wall.
" O-Oh....My..."
Standing infront of the door, was what looked like a wierd group of people. Two chosen, no doubt. A larger, three headed monster was also sitting there, staring intently at the building. There was also a woman, with soft silver hair, who Shock's attention was focused on.
" Hey. Any of you here to let some of us in?" He held up his letter.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #252 on: February 18, 2012, 11:53:31 PM »
suddently the gate make a bang and start to open slowly, as a suddent voice is heard

Rebel " come in Axyl and everyone else, wellcome to the Rebel Base"

Axyl nods and goes inside and looks back at the others

"come on guys, they must be allready expecting us"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #253 on: February 19, 2012, 01:01:14 AM »
I followed after the boy, leaning on him less as we walked.
I looked up as we arrived, and tensed when I saw other people before us. Wary, I leaned back slightly, away from the boy.
The gate before us began to open. I watched it carefully. The female with the silver hair spoke to the others in her group, and led the way inside. I gripped my letter tightly, watching. Once they were a ways in, I took a step forward. For some reason, I was hesitant to go in.
Hey...Shock...will there be a lot of people inside...?
The thought of having to deal with a lot of people made me nervous. I generally tried to avoid talking with people, unless absolutely necessary. The only reason I'd talked to Cat-boy this morning was because he had been being an idiot.
I don't want to go in first...
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Clear
« Reply #254 on: February 19, 2012, 02:32:54 AM »
"Hey...Shock...will there be a lot of people inside...? "
" Durr," Shock said. " I mean, this IS a rebel base."
The boy regretted saying that, almost as soon as he did. He had seen her shift away when she took note of the others. " Well, It won't really matter. I mean, they won't bother you, unless if you bother them first." He smiled, a friendly tone in his voice. " You're tired, so, unless if they're dumber than some people I know-" He made a gesture towards himself, "- They'll sense that, and leave you alone."
He gently lead her to the gate, where he gave the Rebel -a guard, he assumed- a quick inspection of his and Ayara's letter.
" If you want, you can just sit out here. I, on the other hand, smell some really good food."
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus