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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 324961 times)

Offline Bing

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2012, 07:42:53 AM »
Staggering backwards my stomach ached.  I had managed to get a plate of ice over it in time.  Otherwise, that could have spelled the end of this fight. 

"I give you credit, forcing my hand like this.  But, It's over.

Clapping my hands together a second time.  I put them on the ground.  A barrier of ice formed around me.  Sitting down I began to focus an large amount of energy around myself.

The temperature in the hall began to drop.  I panned to lower the temperature enough to freeze the entire hall and anything in it solid.  I figured it would take about five minuets.  To drop the temperature low enough and have the range be wide enough to catch him.

"Let's see if your rage does you any good now"

(Ok, an OOC moment.  While this attack seems a bit OP, it is in fact not.  Any self respecting person could easily escape the range of it, or if your strong enough.  I'll assume a majority of us are.  The barrier can be broken as he's not concentrating on keeping it up.  Also if completed it will leave Cyrus completely drained.)

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2012, 07:49:12 AM »
We'll see about that!

Solomon takes some of the extra metal off the leg and turns it into a disc, it ricochet's off the barrier and ricochet's until it hits the west wing, we hear a loud roar a few seconds later the grenchler comes through..OH SH**! DUDE! WE ARE SO DEAD NOW! 

The grenchler now really mad comes through and breaks the man's barrier. Solomon then takes all the metal from his suit except the metal on his wounded leg and turns it into a thick blunt disc, he throws it, it hits the monster in the jaw before it can get to the man, it ricochet's off and hits a wall.DUDE! RUN! ASAP!

The grenchler starts running at solomon.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2012, 07:57:54 AM »
"Oh great a monster.  I recognize this one.  A Grenchler if I'm not mistaken."

Rolling and popping up to my feet, I turned to the soon to be dead rebel.

"I don't like this anymore than you do but, I've used up to much power to beat this thing alone.  We'll have to work together.  I'll keep it busy see if you can find something to kill it, while it's not watching you."

I fired off and ice spike at the Grenchler and lead it down the hallway away from the rebel.  Hell, if he finds a way to kill it maybe I'll offer him a position as one of our labs test subjects.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2012, 08:03:26 AM »
(For Meowth and Bing)
As the battle raged, the building becomes unstable. A sudden shake alerts the monster, and it flees before it gets crushed. The entire hospital will crumble soon, and rats and roaches can be seen fleeing as well. There is very little room for error in this situation, and a lead deposit under the hospital will be exposed in a matter of five minutes.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2012, 09:03:40 AM »
what to do....

Then the building shakes.screw this!

Solomon starts running out and trips and the metal, being metal was hard enough to shatter his leg.Well, it's over, all over.

Solomon closes his eyes, he then feels someone grab him off the ground and keep running.Who would pick up some guy, WHEN A HOSPITAL IS COMING CRASHING DOWN ON THERE HEADS?!

Excuse me for saving you.(the npc appears!!)

The person that grabbed Solomon after getting a fair distance sets him down.We should be far enough away..

Solomon looks up, he see's a girl chosen, her power was obvious, she had cat ears, a cat tail, and paw like hands, still able to grab things though. So, why did you save me?

Because you seen like someone that should help the resistance, we just need to get away from that paladin now.

Fine, why did he attack me though?

They probably mistook you for a rebel, though they won't mistake you now.

Okay, can we go to a more "hospitable" place?

Well, there is a town filled with abandoned houses, all the monsters there killed each other too.

lets go.

The girl picks Solomon up and starts going towards the town, a hour or two later they get there.Then the girl Then puts solomon down in The room with the most metal and puts him down. Solomon then turns most of the metal into a small metal bed then gets in.Ugh, why am I so tired.     Don't answer that.

I'm going to stand guard and make sure no monsters attack, also sleep, you need to be well rested for tomorrow.

By the time she says this Solomon is already asleep.

(Time to figure out how to heal his leg...)

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2012, 09:34:05 AM »
With the building crumbling around me, I had no choice but to let the future test subject go.  Checking my map I ran down the hallway.  I entered the first room with a window.  I jumped out of it smashing the glass with a blast of ice first, hitting the ground I rolled away.  I started feeling weak. 

"Dam, there must be some lead underneath the building."

I ran away from the building, as I ran it crashed to the ground behind me.  I felt weaker and weaker, finally I reached a distance where I no longer felt the drain of the lead.

Sitting down against a rock, I flipped open my radio and activated the beacon.

"Mother come in, this is Cyrus.  R, requesting immediate evacuation.  I, I, I've b, been ex..."

"Cyrus, are you ok, come in Cyrus!.........  We've locked on to your position, be there shortly."

« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 09:36:59 AM by Bing »

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2012, 01:10:08 AM »
I awoke the next morning, and immediately stood up and headed for the door, but I stopped halfway. Normally, I'd be heading out to find some food right around now. But today, I had the food that man had given me the other day, along with his...other 'gift'. I looked through the bag of food, and pulled out a peach.

Me: Well, that's just peachy.

I realized I made a bad pun, and smacked myself in the forehead.

I walk out of my house, and out of the alleyway. It was foggy, so I had to be really careful about using my powers today. I leaned against the wall, eating breakfast. A man walked up to me, and put his knife to my neck.

?: How the hell does a kid like you find fresh produce down here?

Me: I-I-I-I don't know!

?: But that's it in your hands, isn't it? Where did you get it?! Where did it come from?!

Me: I-I don't know, s-someone gave it to me!

?: No one in their right mind would give away fresh fruit. Tell me where you got it!

Me: I swear, that's how I got it! He just dropped it and left!

The mans expression went blank, and he dropped his knife.

?: S...say that again?

His voice was quivering now.

Me: He...dropped the food...and left?

?: But then that means...

He quickly let go of me, and backed away

?: I can't be seen with you! I'm getting out of here!

He starts running off.

Me: What? Why?! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

But by the time I get it out, he's already gone. The peach was still good, so I just continued eating it.

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2012, 01:50:54 AM »
Axyl wakes up next day, on time to open the store. she decides to deliver the information that night, so she opens her main door for customers and starts working on her swords and armors again

"i just hope nothing out of place happens today... not in the mood for such"

she sighs looking outside before turning her head to the work again
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline St. Jimmy

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2012, 02:15:03 AM »
  Desmond awoke within the cove hidden inside Falcon's Peak, which was as far Northeast as one could travel, and still remain within the border, and was miles from the nearest civilization.  All that was out there was Desmond and any wandering monsters that have gone feral beyond recognition from their original human selves.  He exited the cove and stood atop the great rock formation which was shaped as a magnificent falcon.  It's origins are unknown, but Desmond didn't really care.  As long as it provided him with shelter, he was happy.
  He peered out into the landscape, which was covered in a low-laying fog of medium thickness.  He scanned the horizon, looking for anything that moved.  In the thick of the fog, about 400 yards from where he stood, he spotted a monster.  It's body was covered in green reptilian scales, it had a long tail, and crawled on all fours.   Even with the distance between him and the beast, Desmond could still pick up it's low tone growl, for there was nothing else to soil the silence.
Mother, sweet mother.  Don't leave me!  Don't go!
  At one moment, Desmond was standing on the head of the stone falcon, and then the next, he was standing before the monster.  They locked eyes for an instant, and then the monster charged after Desmond.  He stood there, calm, with a smile on his face, as if someone was running towards him, bringing him a sack of fresh food.  The monster drew nearer, and nearer, until he and the beast were merely inches away from collision, then he closed his eyes.
  Upon opening them, he saw the beast, completely motionless, and practically suspended in mid air, with the exception of his hind right foot, whose toes were still touching the dust, launching him into the air.  In and around his mouth were large drops of saliva. 
  His mouth must have been watering like crazy from the sight of flesh.
  Desmond walked carelessly around the beast examining and inspecting it.  He then jump on it's back, the monster remained motionless, and whispered into it's ear, "What a beauty you are, yes.  You're bigger, stronger than most of the ones I've seen out here.  But you came too close to my rock, you threaten my very existence, and I'm gunna have to take care of you, just like the others.  And just like the others... you don't get a fighting chance."
  With a simple flick of his wrists, the claws on his gauntlets rotated 180 degrees.  At that moment time resumed, and with his right hand, he plunged the claw deep into the creatures skull.  The creature let out a final blood-curdling shriek of pain, and fell limp on the ground.  Jumping off the monster, he flicked his wrists again, spinning the claws 180 degrees around, making his hands easier to use.  Then he placed his hand on the creature, and they both vanished and reappeared about mile away from where they originally were.  He didn't want to leave the corpse where it was, because the scent would draw in more monsters and other threats.  Shutting his eyes, he teleported back to the top of Falcon's Peak, and looked out into the wasteland.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 02:44:16 AM by St. Jimmy »

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2012, 02:52:55 AM »
I started walking through the city. I still needed to try to repair my weapon... Some day, I'd actually weld that thing instead of holding it together with nuts and bolts.

I started looking around, hoping to find spare parts lying around. That's where I usually found them anyways. I kept walking, when (I have no idea what your teleports look like, so here goes...) a light appeared in the sky. It made the shape of a monster, then darkened and took the form of an actual monster.

Me: Oh, great...

It fell to the ground with a thud, but didn't move. It sat there, motionless. I got a little closer, and I noticed green blood spilling from the top of it's head. I climbed up on the monster, and found a would, three blades, all parallel to each other, had pierced his brain.

I jumped down from the monsters back. This wasn't exactly a 'rare' occurrence. It has happened a couple times before, with similar wounds. It could have only been a chosen, but no one knew who it was. But I hoped to someday meet them, so I could meet another chosen. I continued on my search.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2012, 03:19:35 AM »
I woke up, groggy, and roll out of "bed". I look around, looks like no one tried breaking in. Well, I suppose thats good, but then again monsters dont really have much of a tendancy to attack other monsters, they get too busy hating humans and the chosen to care about each other. I break the baracade and walk outside, coast looks clear. Well... sorta, with all the spare parts scattered throught this scrap heap of a city. I start walking and my stomach makes a weak noise, I'm gonna have to steal something if I want to survive. but that can wait, right now I wanted to relax and take a morning walk.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2012, 03:36:42 AM »
 (Stuff in blue are flashbacks playing in Desmond's head)

  Desmond sat on the cold stone falcon head, just staring into the fog, when his head tilted up, and he saw it.  This is the third time it's appeared, and Desmond felt as if this was the time it was going to come down.  Flying so majestic and effortlessly through the air was a brown-feathered falcon, the same creature which the stone Desmond sat on was imaged after.  He had been told by Bartholomew that falcons went extinct long ago, but the bird before him would argue with that statement.

  "Bartholomew, back, long ago, were people faced with problems like we are today?"
  "Certainly, Desmond.  Where there were people, there was fallibility, and where there was fallibility, there were issues.  People were faced with great challenges, many led up to our current situation.  But the people back then had hope that things would become better."

  Desmond stood to get a better view, but when he saw it began to fly away; he became distressed.  He teleported closer to it, but it seemed as though they had the same distance between them.  He tried again to get closer, but it was still far away, even farther this time.  He began to run towards it in desperation, feeling as if that bird had appeared to Desmond for a reason, and Desmond was dying to know why.

  "Hope, huh?  That's something that the people of the Underland seem to lack.  We have nothing to give us hope, nothing to believe in.  So what gave the people back then hope?"

"For some, it was just the thought of things getting better, but for many others, they put their faith into an all-powerful being known as "God."  They thought that God was the creator of everything.  He was the alpha and the omega, he had no beginning, and he has no end."

  "Come back! Come back!" He shouted at the bird, but it continued to soar off.
"Does this God really exist?"

  "Some say he does, while others say he doesn't.  Many even claimed to have seen God, and spoken to him, while others called them liars.  Though, in the end, no one really knows.  The idea and worship of God was stamped out by the government centuries ago, no one knows of God anymore."

  " Please, come back! Why are you here?! Why do you show yourself?!  Answer me!  ANSWER ME!"

 "Do you believe he exists, Bartholomew?"

"I don't know what to think.  He may exist, and he may not, but you will never really know until the time you die.  But some thought that simply believing in him makes him real."

  His screams of desperation were unable to turn the falcon around, and soon enough, it was gone.  Desmond fell to his knees and buried his face into his hands, sobbing.  This man, alone, confused, and pain-stricken, needed an answer; needed a purpose in the world, and his only hope of an answer just flew off into the horizon.  He returned to the stone with a dismal and gloomy feeling surrounding him.  In his mind, he just needed something to believe in, something to give him hope.

  "The people here could really use something, or someone, to believe in.  Something to give them hope.

  "That they could, Desmond.  That they could."
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 09:30:44 PM by St. Jimmy »

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2012, 03:52:43 AM »
*the sound of laughter, ringing loud and clear-then cut short by the squelching sound as a blade cuts through a person, and a scream-*
I woke with a start. Damn. that dream again. It always comes back once I've been in a place to long. Guess my body decides that if I'm not exhausting myself finding a place to live in, then it should exhaust me by making it impossible to sleep. I glanced around. Well, at least I'd made it to morning this time. Time to move. I moved quickly, climbing down out of the tree I had been sleeping in. I looked around, and quickly packed what few things I had- The makeshift tools I used to make my practice targets, a few books, a few gold coins, my new ring, and of course my weapons. I kept them all in a rucksack, with exception to the weapons.
tsk. Foggy out today. I'm gonna be damp by the time it dissipates...whatever. I need to get moving...I guess I'll head towards central. There's normally some weird nicknacks there that get dumped.
I oriented myself, and set off towards Central section-the place of shadows, cast into darkness by the corruption of the floating city above it...
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 04:58:28 AM by Ayara012 »
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #43 on: January 12, 2012, 04:59:07 AM »
@ Darkstar
A fire hound sees a lonely boy walking towards the nearest town. His tail begins to wag, hoping this one wouldn't run. He charges at the boy and gets right in front of him, rolls on it's back, and begins to pant uncontrollably. The three heads stare at him with curious eyes.

(enjoy this gift now, your very own pet.)

?:Archie, I need you.

Yes sir, what do you wish.

The rebel leader pulls out a white falcon robot, not yet activated.

Sir, what is..

?:Head to the transporter, take this robot with you. You will see a man when you arrive, give this to him in hopes he will find companionship in this.

Sir, if I take the transporter now, I won't be able to go to Axyl..

?:Do not worry, she will be taken care of.

Archie takes the robot. It didn't burn like it should have. The shell must not be made of lead. He walks to the transporter and steps in. He didn't know why the leader wanted him to deliver this bird. There was no note, nothing to show any importance. But the leaders actions were always meant for something. Teh transporter fired up, and Archie was launched through the sky as a beam of light. He landed in front of a cave. He saw a man inside, and approached.

A gift from the rebel leader. He says it's a companion.

He set the robot down and left before the man could react, using his strength to jump far away.

(Your very own robot)

A woman walks into the shop. She was a paladin with red hair.

Hello, I would like to place a special order.

The woman places a note on the counter under her hand, and gives a smile to the blacksmith. If things went well, they can have a meeting in peace.

A grenchlar attacks the walking girl, charging while roaring at the top of it's lungs.

A robot part is lying on the ground in front of the medical monster. The lead components were already gone, and the part itself was a valuable fuel cell.
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Foggy
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2012, 05:08:13 AM »
A woman walks into the shop. She was a paladin with red hair.

Hello, I would like to place a special order.

The woman places a note on the counter under her hand, and gives a smile to the blacksmith. If things went well, they can have a meeting in peace.

Axyl looks at the woman and puts down the hammer after a few hits on a armor she was working on, then goes to the counter to the woman with a smile

"of course, what will it be?"

Axyl smiles and takes the note looking at it
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^