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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 324983 times)

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #75 on: January 14, 2012, 08:48:18 PM »
Monster: Um...Hi.

Hi? This wasn't any normal monster. A normal monster would have tried to rip the flesh off my bones already. This must me one of the lucky monsters who kept it's sanity after the virus affected them.

Me: Hi... I don't suppose your not one of...those monsters, are you?

I didn't really know how to describe it. Most of the time, if monsters could talk, they were the lucky ones who kept their sanity. The others didn't and tried to kill us. He didn't seem to be one of those, but that was just his outward appearance. I tried to look serious without looking threatening.

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #76 on: January 14, 2012, 10:35:13 PM »
Well, he wasent screaming in fear and running away, thats a good sighn.

Hi... I dont suppose your one of... those monsters, are you?

If you mean one of those mindless ones that attack for very little reason: No. If you mean one who still has sanity: Yes.

I had a clam but serious expression, I was glad this human/chosen was different, most humans either try to kill me, run away, or hide as soon as they see me.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 10:38:02 PM by Lugiafan96 »
. . .

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #77 on: January 14, 2012, 10:39:47 PM »
@Aqua- Three tails as result. Expect really bad event  :-\
As the clouds appeared above utopia, a wave of Insectoroths looking for a new home happened to land by the smith shop. ONe promptly spat acid on the doorway, melting it away, before screeching to its friends that food is nearby. Guards promptly headed to the site, and a battle ensues. There are two insectoroths inside the shop, and are angry and hungry. The others are busy fighting off the guards.
(Feel free to do whatever you wish for this event aqua, sorry your result was pretty bad.)
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #78 on: January 14, 2012, 11:32:29 PM »
Solomon walks out of the last room with some armor on his arm.Ugh, there was only enough metal for some armor to cover my arm, you must have taken most of the metal when getting metal for my leg..

Yup, so I guess we ransack the next house for metal?

I guess.

Solomon and his new friend walk out the door of the house and see a weird monster(Psycho) running around.I know the answer! its E5!

Maybe we should just stay away..?

The monster starts looking around, and see's them.Well, that answers that..

The Leeta runs over to the monster and attacks it from the front while Solomon tries to figure out how to beat it, the psycho flex's his stinger so it almost hits Leeta, it then extends and hits Leeta.OUCH! That hurt...

Hmm, from what I can tell we should attack from a distance..

No S***!

The Battle is is all a dream!

Leeta after getting the stinger out runs back to a house and comes out with metal, Solomon grabs a piece and turns it into a throwing knife after doing it 3 more times he and Leeta start running around trying to find a good opportunity to throw, Leeta throws them all at once and rushes in again and attacks with a sheet of metal Solomon hadn't transformed into anything. The cow goes moo!

The psycho starts stinging Leeta as she hits it with the metal sheet, Solomon throws one of his two knives into the psycho's back, when it turns to him he throws it in one of it's eye's, it screams and attacks Leeta again. Solomon grabs a piece of metal and turns it into a sharp metal rod, he then throws the rod at the psycho's other eye, the psycho starts running around randomly.Ouch! that hurt like the rainbow!

Solomon grabs Leeta's metal sheet and turns it into a sword and shield, he then gives them to Leeta.Yeah, you chop its head off, I would rather not get stung, and you've been stung.

Leeta grabs the sword and runs up to the psycho and pushes it down with her foot, she then goes up to it and chops it's head off with the sword.

Good job!

Leeta then turns to Solomon, and attacks him.Oh crap!

Solomon ducks and trips Leeta, he then hides behind a rock, Leeta then after getting up looks around for what she was gonna kill.(And thats why you don't wanna get stung by a psycho, you go psycho.)

Leeta starts wrecking a house in search for what she was gonna kill, and Solomon sits and hopes whatever happened she snaps out of it.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #79 on: January 15, 2012, 03:05:12 AM »
@Aqua- Three tails as result. Expect really bad event  :-\
As the clouds appeared above utopia, a wave of Insectoroths looking for a new home happened to land by the smith shop. ONe promptly spat acid on the doorway, melting it away, before screeching to its friends that food is nearby. Guards promptly headed to the site, and a battle ensues. There are two insectoroths inside the shop, and are angry and hungry. The others are busy fighting off the guards.
(Feel free to do whatever you wish for this event aqua, sorry your result was pretty bad.)

Axyl sighs and looks at the bugs

"of all the days to invade Utopia... you have to pick the one i am most busy.... seriously... a Ring isnt that easy to make you know?"

she gets her katana and quickly and gets the two inside her shop just by lunging at them and cutting them in half

"i guess i have to take care of this now...otherwise i cant work..."

she runs outside to hepl the guards

(its ok,^^)
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #80 on: January 15, 2012, 05:53:28 AM »
Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump.  It was the sound of my heart beating.  I'd never really noticed it before.  I could also feel the blood rush through my body, which was a strange sensation.

Flipping over a barricade, I took out the first robot with an ice spike, impaling it through the head.

Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump.  There is was again, my heartbeat.

Spinning and crouching low, I slapped my hands on the ground.  Pillars of Ice appeared underneath the turrets that were firing at me.  With both turrets disabled, only one bot remained.  It was armed with a cloaking unit, designed to be stealthy.

Thump, Clunk-Thump, Clunk-Thump.  It wasn't just my heartbeat I heard.  It was the sound of the bots footsteps.

Turning around, I formed a ball of ice around my fist.  I punched at what should have been air, and connected with the head of the robot.

The lights flashed on and a voice came over the radio.

"Excellent job Cyrus.  That's the first time you've completed the night training course without taking a single hit.  You have seem to recovered well from that lead exposure at the hospital."

"Hmm, It's not like I have a choice.  I let that rebel esca-"

She cut me off.

Honey, you didn't let him escape.  You had to get out of there or you would have died.  It's fine, even the superiors say you did the right thing."

"Maybe...  Cut the lights and run the course again.  This time with live ammunition."

"What, why?  Live ammo?"

"Mother, I must be stronger.  I cannot fail like that again."

The lights went out and I could hear a faint whisper over the the radio.

"Cyrus, please... Don't die, don't leave me."

Turning off my radio I prepared to run the course again.

Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump...

« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 05:55:43 AM by Bing »

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #81 on: January 15, 2012, 07:36:08 PM »
(Sorry, Lugia. :-[)

Monster: If you mean one of those mindless ones that attack for very little reason: No. If you mean one who still has sanity: Yes.

He seemed nice enough. And he wasn't trying to kill me which was a good sign. He definitely wasn't a brainless monster, so...

Me: Okay then....Well, see you later.

I did an awkward wave, and hopped back on my demon...dog...thing...and we continued moving through the city. As long as this monster wasn't going to bring harm to anyone, there wasn't anything else for me to do.

(I hope this was long enough...)

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #82 on: January 15, 2012, 09:07:25 PM »
(It's no problem.)

I wave awkwardly too before he leaves and go back to what I was doing: wandering around the city until I find somehting to do. That was nice though, besides the awkwardness. It's a good change from everything trying to kill you and hide from you. I just noticed soemthing else, the fog lifted, and now it's just cloudy. It's a bit too quiet for comfort, but at least it's peaceful for the moment.
. . .

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #83 on: January 16, 2012, 02:15:05 AM »
@Darkstar and Lugia- result 2 heads, expect good fortune in many ways
Close by the two mutants, a Melony bot collapses and short circuits, practically dying. It's lad shell has rusted through, and is plentiful of parts, but needs to be stripped first. Archie happens to be passing by as well, a man known by the rebels as the gentle giant. He waves to the two and calls out.

Hello out there, good to see monsters and chosen getting along.

He notices the robot, and figures the lead shell will be a problem, so he promptly grabs it and strips it with his immense strength. His tough body allows him to be more resistant to the lead, and in no time, the shell is off, and he tosses it far away. He awaits the two to approach if they wanted, as he had running since his delivery to the base, and decided he would have a nice chat with these two interesting mutants.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #84 on: January 16, 2012, 02:35:46 AM »
A Robot collapses on the ground in front of us. It's rusted lead shell could be felt even from here. Even my new friend (The dog) could feel the effects of the metal, and backed away, growling. A man (right?) passes by, seeing me, my dog, and the other sane monster next to each other.

?: Hello out there, good to see monsters and chosen getting along.

Me: Um...yeah. If he doesn't have any intention of hurting anyone, there's no reason to be rude.

I hunched down a little, somewhat embarrassed about saying that in front of him.

He looks at the robot, grabs it, and strips the lead shell off. There was no way he could do that if he was a normal human. He was a chosen, no doubt, but how was he not affected by the lead shell? He finishes stripping it of the lead, and tosses it aside. He waits by the stripped robot, most likely to talk to us when we come close to it. My dog didn't seem to be thinking the same, as he was still growling. I got off from his back, and walked in front of him.

Me: Stay here, I'll be right back.

I took the axe blade with me to the pile of metal. I looked up at the man who had taken the lead from the robot.

Me: Thanks...

I was a little nervous. He had just made my life a whole lot easier, and he didn't seem to want anything in return. I didn't notice, but my friend had stopped growling. He simply stood there, 6 eyes focused on the man.

(I'll leave it like this so Lugia can post.)

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #85 on: January 18, 2012, 11:07:46 PM »
A turn around and see a robot collapsed near the chosen and demon dog. It was covered with lead so I couldent get close. But then a big man passes by and looks at the chosen, the dog, and me.

?:hello out there, good to see monsters and chosen getting along.

Chosen:Um... yeah. If he dosent have any intention of hurting anyone, there's no reason to be rude.

I simply nod in agreement, it was kinda the same for me, the only time I ever intentionaly hurt anything is if they try to hurt me first. Basic logic. The man looked at the robot and grabbed it, then started ripping the lead off of it. I was amazed, no normal human could do that, and anything else would die on contact. He threw it aside and seemed to wait for us, mabye wanting to talk to us. He didnt seem harmful, and something about him made him seem trustworthy. I made sure not to let my guard completly down though, but I had no intention on attacking without reason.

So, who are you exactly?
. . .

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #86 on: January 19, 2012, 12:18:41 AM »
" Awesome! You won't mind if I have some, will you?"
Shock gave her an even wider grin. But, when her facial expression hardened, he realized what he was asking. Of course, If he had some, her supplies would go down to a little bit more than a day. A little nagging voice in his head started up. Hey, you can't just do that, you idiot. Offer her something!
" I could easily help you get some more! There isn't much here, but I can always take you to a pretty good area. It's farther west."
 Hopefully, she'd consider the offer. If not, he could probably just stea- No. That definitely wasn't smart. And he wanted her to be on his side! He didn't want to be enemies with a chosen, if they weren't a Paladin. Once again, No way, No how. Not in his nature.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #87 on: January 19, 2012, 03:12:07 AM »
Awesome! You won't mind if I have some, will you?
I began to glare at the suggestion. If I shared my food, I'd have less than a days worth left! I bristled, and was about to reply with exactly what I thought, when he continued-
I could easily help you get some more! There isn't much here, but I can always take you to a pretty good area. It's farther west.
If he were telling the truth, he might be useful. But there was no way of knowing he wasn't lying.
I this area is so much better, why aren't you there now, instead of here? And what sort of food does this place provide? Berries or roots? Animals for meat? Hmmmm?
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #88 on: January 19, 2012, 04:03:51 AM »
Meanwhile in Utopia, the guards kept on fighting agaisnt the arachnoids, it was a rather uneven fight since the arachnoids were stronger, but when the paladins arrived  the tables turned, Axyl was in the plaza trying to protect the guards and civilians as she kept killing the aracnhnoids non stop.

"dammit... there so many of them... where are the damm paladins..."

grinds her teeth and lunges herself at  two more, quickly cutting them in half as she lunges to more coming from the back in direction of the civilians, holding them off

"You guard, get the paladin's help, i will hold them off here"

(i will wait for cortex to post as well)
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #89 on: January 19, 2012, 04:24:25 AM »
The insectoroths were doing a number on the guards when I finally arrived at the scene.  I noticed a girl who seemed to be holding her own.  She also seemed to be yelling at the guards.  I raised my voice and yelled over to her.

"You!  With the sword.  Keep the civies safe.  I'll deal with the main force of them."

I stepped in front of the girl and placed my hands on the ground.  There were five insectoroths advancing on us.  Concentrating I sent my power through the ground, forming Ice spikes below each one.  In a matter of seconds all five were impaled and dead.

Turning back to the girl.

"Ok, lets go.  We need to get the civilians out of here."

Hopefully this girl wouldn't let me down.  The last thing I needed was to fail another mission.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 05:03:55 AM by Bing »