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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 324974 times)

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Windy
« Reply #870 on: April 21, 2012, 07:40:33 AM »
After Cerberus stopped and sat in the corner of the room, I stayed by him, watching the scene unfold before me. After Archie left, I walked up to the group that had formed around him before he left.

Don't worry, he knows what to do. He's just having a rough day so far.

I walked past them outside. I scoped out the area, looking for the highest place to perch for a while. I found a good spot and after a while, found my way to the top. I sat down, letting my legs hang off the side of the cliff.

I wonder where those coordinates led him?

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Windy
« Reply #871 on: April 21, 2012, 02:00:14 PM »
Axyl sighs and looks back at the rebels behind her she looked at their exausted faces thinking

"seriously.. what the hell is his problem... now i have to take over for him..."

she looks arround seeying most of the rebels on the yard and puts her katana away on her lower back and looks at them

"Everyone, since Archie Left and Wrench is still out of comission... i will temporarely take over. Medical Team please assist any wounded that need help thats the first priority, Guard Team please help the other teams anyway you can, and this is for every mutant in here, please be thoughtfull of your powers and see how you can mostly help, may it be helping the medical team or electronics team or even the clean up team, i want everyone working for our base sake... we may be rebels but we have our honor, so lets get to work now, i want a report of the damages and everything else that happened from this attack"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Windy
« Reply #872 on: April 21, 2012, 08:41:57 PM »
Everyone, since Archie Left and Wrench is still out of comission... i will temporarely take over. Medical Team please assist any wounded that need help thats the first priority, Guard Team please help the other teams anyway you can, and this is for every mutant in here, please be thoughtfull of your powers and see how you can mostly help, may it be helping the medical team or electronics team or even the clean up team, i want everyone working for our base sake... we may be rebels but we have our honor, so lets get to work now, i want a report of the damages and everything else that happened from this attack.

I nodded, and walked around looking for any injured.

Hey... mind helping us out?

I turn and see a human rebel, pointing at a group mixed with monsters and humans/chosen. Most of them were injured.


I walk to them, take out my med kit, and start working. What Archie did made me lose alot of respect for him.
. . .

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Windy
« Reply #873 on: April 22, 2012, 02:13:42 AM »
Shock groaned. Now Archie and Grandpa Wrench were out.. So Axyl was the only one left. Not that he really minded. It ws just that now, it was all buisness.
" C'mon, Ayara. The monsters are taken care of, so I guess we should start helping... Clean up, maybe?"
He massaged his shoulder, and rolled his neck. Today really HAD been a day full of work. He was going to be SOOO sore the next morning. But, that was good. It meant that he was being useful for things, other than messages.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #874 on: April 22, 2012, 07:18:45 AM »
Thunder clouds roll in, and a downpour begins. Utopia's barrier activates like always, shielding it from the drops. Archie awakes in his shack to the sounds of water.

Morning already? I guess I was up later than I thought.

He was ready to lie back down when he remember the map.

That's right, I still need to find that lab. About time things started to get answered.

He stepped outside and went to the transporter. With a loud pop, he was on his way to the lab. When he arrived all that remained was some ruins of the old building.

There's nothing here. Unless..

Al begins to move the rubble around, hoping to find something underneath it.

(Ko time)
Ko wakes up to sounds of the rain. Atr some point in the night, he fell asleep. A paladin was watching guard over him.

When the hell did you get here?

About an hour ago sir. You seemed to passed out, so I stood guard. I also have a message for you.

Ko opens the letter and reads.

Let my father know that I'm fine, just handling some business that can lead to Cyrus. Now, leave me, I need to prepare.

Yes sir.

The paladin leaves Ko. Ko sits cross legged, concentrating on the match for the day.

Don't be late Axyl, or I will find you, and show you true pain.

(In Utopia)

Weil is busy with a small experiment, while Olympia is still floating inside her pod. He injects something into a rat, which seems to take immediate effect.

Not good, not good at all. I wanted wings to sprout on you my little friend, not an extra tail.

He euthanizes the rat and grabs another. Olympia moves a bit in her pod.

Relax my dear, only two more days, and you will have all the time in the world to play.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #875 on: April 22, 2012, 09:38:37 AM »
(I feel like the lyrics finally match what's happening in the RP...mostly... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE&ob=av2n)

I had forced myself to stay on the roof over the night. Since I left my light off, no monsters bothered me that night. I awoke just as the rain had started. I sat up on the cliff, looking around at the landscape, only changed by the occasional streaks of water on the rocks. As the rain picked up, I could see the forcefield activating, protecting the city and it's denizens from the downpour. I sat there and watched the rain slide off the dome of the shield. I began thinking about where the slip of paper might be, but nothing came to mind. I didn't feel like going back into the base, so I put my hood on and watched the rain fall off the shield.

Meanwhile, Cerberus was standing by the open door of the base, both because he wanted to go outside, but the rain caused some discomfort, and because he felt like he should guard the entrance.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #876 on: April 22, 2012, 04:16:10 PM »
Shock rubbed his eyes.
When the heck did I fall asleep?
He sat up in his bed, with a confused expression on his face. He was pretty sure the last thing he knew, he was walking around the corridors, looking for any monsters either still wandering, or cleaning up the remains of the dead ones. He sighed, and rubbed his face. " Lets see....I wonder if we've got the food alchemizer back..."
He stood up, and dusted his pants off. THere were charred bits of somethings, but he didn't want to think about what. He headed out of his room, and noiced how quiet it was now.
" Is everyone asleep?"
He walked around the inside of the base, but He rarely saw anyone, besides the occasional rebel who had stayed up through the night to finish clean up before bed.
Huh... No food? He peered around the gathering room, which was almost deadly quiet. No one in here, either. And, of course, the door was wide open. Well, it wouldn't hurt to slip out a bit...
Shock wiggled out toe base, and began to walk outside.
" Hey, boy." He said softly to Cerebus, who was sitting close enough to the base to keep himself dry. So, Nemo was in the area...
 He remembered this field... The one they fought in the day before. His face was still sore from that. So were his arms. He paced around a bit, finally settling down next to one pipe. If something happened, he would probably get notified. But now, he was just gonna relax out in the rain.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 09:00:03 PM by WhatThePumpkin »
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #877 on: April 22, 2012, 04:45:55 PM »
Axyl had only slept for an hour, she was allready in the training room reading reports about the attack from last night, she started making schedules and orders in paper, but something else was on her mind, Ko, she was supposed to meet him that day, and probably one of them would be left dead on the ground, it scared her but she had to face this by herself.

Problem would be the base, no one would be left to keep charge, Wrench out of commission, Archie left for god knows where and her had to leave as well, it was a big problem but, she had to go, she goes to the room where the rebels eat and when to stand on a table, as she started waiting for everyone to come eat in the morning.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #878 on: April 23, 2012, 05:02:19 AM »
Shock fell with a rather loud THUD on thr floor of the Cafeteris/Gathering Room, groaning.
He had finally lost it, being outside alone for so long, and by now he epected SOMEONE to be awake. And, thank goodness someone was.
" Axyl! Boy am I glad to see you! I was afraid something had happened and-"
He paused, and looked at her. " Why are you up on a table?"
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #879 on: April 23, 2012, 05:35:55 AM »
The group of 3 finally walk into the main room.Aw, we ended up back into here..

Uh..we were TRYING to get here.

We were?


why did I not know this?

Because A.) your a idiot, and B.) You havent had sleep in awhile, hence you are going to be reeeeaaaaallyyy stupid until we get rest.

The girl That we still don't know the name of facepalms as Leeta and Solomon argue, a few minutes later...they then look around with the flashlight, and see that the stealth teacher is standing on a table....Ok lets stay here, I wanna know whats goin' on now.


« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 05:40:31 AM by Meowth »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #880 on: April 23, 2012, 06:53:59 AM »
Archie lifted enough rubble to reveal an entrance of some sort. With a little effort, he tore the door off of it and went inside. The entire lab was underground.

Strange, this place looks like it's still active, but who lives here.

Out of nowhere, a blast of some sort hits Archie in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious.

(I know it's short, but I want to see where Aqua is going with the event.)
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Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #881 on: April 26, 2012, 03:54:00 AM »
I stretched. I'd been awake since dawn-But most people aren't. So I'd just stayed in my room, sitting on my bed. I got up and went through my bag, quickly pulling out the worn old brush I used for my hair. I undid my braid, attempted to brush it out, and redid it. Of course, there was hair sticking out all over, since it was raining, which makes my hair frizzy.
I tossed my brush back in my bag, hooked on my weapons, and left my room, careful to shut my door behind me.
May as well head to the main hall...
I quickly walked the length of the hall to the entrance hall, and saw
A.) A few of the rebels I recognized.
B.) Shock laying on his stomach on the floor.
C.) Axyl standing on a table.
Well then...Guess I'll just wait to hear what's going on...
I walked over to the wall and leaned against it, content to wait and listen.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #882 on: April 26, 2012, 04:36:33 AM »
Axyl looking arround the room seeying most of the rebels in the room she snaps her fingers quite loudly as most of the rebels (npc ones) got her attencion, she walks over the table with her hands behind her back

"My Fellow Rebels...as you know we go through difficult times...Wrench is out of commission, Archie is gone.. the base is without power... and soon i must leave as well..."

suddently when she finishes her sentence alot of rebels started whispering with each others as she snaps her fingers again loudly

"Pleasse listen until the end..."

Suddently therebels stoped talking at all, the room was silence

"Very few of you know about this, so i will talk like no one knew... we have a threat coming from Utopia, his name is Ko... for what we know he is a DNA copy of me, with exception that he is male, we figured it out that when i confronted him yesterday, his fighting style is just like mine in every way, and the memories should be the same as well... means he should know about this base..."

couple of rebels gasp a bit scared for their lifes, if the man knew, he could warn Utopia about the base

"Today, i must leave... to stop this menace... the truth is... i may not come back if things go wrong... so i only wanted to say a few words before i go..."

she stayed silent a bit to be sure everyone was paying attencion.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #883 on: April 28, 2012, 06:31:49 PM »
In his quarters, Wrench awakes from the sudden shut down.

System on. Running memory. Finished. Running primary personality code. Finished. Running system optimization. Finished. Initiating program 0003 alpha.

Wrench finished powering on, and his human portion took over once again.

Archie, my cane please....Archie?

Wrench couldn't look around to notice that his office was in shambles, but he knew something was wrong.

I remember now, the EMP. Must have fried the entire base. My cane is destroyed, so there is no way to kick it back on. Hmm.

Wrench decided to just lay there until someone entered the room hopefully Archie, since he was strong enough to carry him in the first place.

Since I came back on so soon, it is only a matter of time for the base to resume as well.

A large voice could be heard over the speakers.

System on. Rerouting power to main generator....Generator fully operational.

The base came back to life, detecting that it's master was back in commission once again. A nice failsafe for wrench as he was controlled the base himself.

Very good base, now, help me up. Send in a fighter drone, and change the programming so it will carry me.

The voice was now in wrenches office, so no one else could hear.

Unable to call drone. There is insufficient power available, and full operation will not be for another few hours.

Wrench was a bit disappointed.

Is there enough power for manual operation over the monitors and intercom?

There is enough power, but requires additional input form source.

That would be my cane... Switch to voice command.

The computer beeped indicating that the base was voice ready.

Power on monitors, switch on intercom...

The computer did as it was told.

Axyl, please come to my quarters when you are finished, I need to have a word with you.

(Aqua and everyone else, this all happens after the speech, so just a heads up.)
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Morning| Weather: Rain
« Reply #884 on: April 30, 2012, 06:12:40 PM »
Shock scratched his head, and turned to the doorway, waving. " So, the sleepy Chosen's finally up. Nice hair."
He then turned back to Axyl. With every word, he started to worry. A blood copy of Axyl? So, that guy in that dream with the pillow...
He shuddered. If he knew where the base was, they'd be doomed. Completely doomed. He was about to talk, but Axyl snapping at them meant that she wasn't finished. So, he remained silent, on the floor, until Axyl finished her speech.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus