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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 324890 times)

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #945 on: May 30, 2012, 05:29:14 AM »
Solomon blinked.Chance of being crushed. Yay. Cmon Leeta, lets go.


When they finnally get there after having gotten a communicator, solomon walks out, Leeta stays in.Come on, its urgent..

Leeta doesn't go on, Solomon walks in, grabs her with metal arm, and drags her into teh rain.RAIN. NOT BAD.

She finally stops trying to rip him to shreds and walks, well, not trying to resist. she was already soaked from the rain, so why resist staying in it? You realize I do hate you, right?

just don't let anything crush me, wrench would probably get mad.

and they continue walking to where they need to go.
(sorry for short post..)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 05:31:00 AM by Meowth »

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #946 on: May 30, 2012, 06:10:32 AM »
I stuffed another roll into my mouth and swallowed it preparing myself to tell Salreth of Archie's mission. "Salreth, Archie give mission."
She looked up from her plate with a look of confusion. "What do you mean Uallgarg?"
I took another bite of my food then started talking again. "Archie want us to meet wild tribe Imps. We need recruit them, make strong allies. Archie want both us to go, better chance success."
"Your the street Imp, you'd have the better chance of convincing them to join us, what am I needed for?"
I ran through my memory of the conversation. "Uallgarg no remember, Archie want both us to go, better chance success."

She was getting frustrated at my memory, it was all over her face. "Uallgarg, stop talking; we will finish eating then gather our stuff up and leave." She got up and left her plate with out finishing all of her food, not one to waste food I finished my plate then ate her leftovers. Then I ran to the exit of the base and waited for Salreth to show up.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #947 on: May 31, 2012, 11:58:57 PM »
(Posting so people can continue if they wish)

Ko was returned to his quarters. He awoke in a sweat.

Axyl, you will not escape me!

Sir, she's gone. You passed out mid-flight, adn she stole one of the disks. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do.

Ko grabbed his head. There was still a headache leftover from the whole thing.

How in the hell did she get past you guys, and how did she know where to find the disks.

Before you passed out, you said something, and she ran off from there. we were more worried about catching you.

Get out of my office! OUT!

The paladin left. Ko felt like he could just throw up. In fact, that is exactly what he did, right into his waste basket. There was a bit of blood in it, and his vision was becoming blurry.

What is going on?

I think I can tell you Ko. You're starting to degenerate. Your body has become unstable.

Dr. Weil appeared from a corner, almost as if he was a ghost.

What are you talking about?

I know you figured it all out. You're a clone, a perfect representation of the DNA I acquired. DNA that seems to be proving useful as time goes on.

Ko coughed, more blood hitting the floor.

Oh, my poor child. You can't die just yet. I need you now more than ever.

Weil pulled out a syringe, filled with a strange liquid. Ko was too weak to do anything about it, and was injected with it. He fell into a deep sleep.

Sleep well my son, for tonight, we pick that amazing mind of yours, and finally destroy every last one of those wastelanders. The underlands shall be cleansed in a mighty sea of destruction.
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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #948 on: June 01, 2012, 01:00:18 AM »
I hiss at Salreth. "Keep head down! Street people no like Imps!" Seaming to not hear me she walks out of the dark ally I had let her to. Seconds later there is a large commotion as the shop keepers see an Imp near their shops. Acting quickly I vanish, grab her shoulder, and drag her to safety. "Stay hidden! Street People no like Imps! Street Imps steal survive!"

She shot a glare in my direction, "I can handle myself Uallgarg! I don't need to hid in the filth like a beaten mutt!"

I glared right back at her, the streets where my home, I knew them better then anyone alive did. "Imp's Napalm Sack very valuable, street people kill Imps get it! Stay Hidden!" I grabbed her shoulders again and started to drag her along the path I decided was safest. A few minutes later we came to the outskirts of the city, the Imps weren't much further now...

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #949 on: June 01, 2012, 03:16:43 AM »
Axyl was flying down to the wastelands, in direction of the base, she turns on her ear comm to send a message to Wrench

"Wrench, i Escaped, i repeat, i escaped and im heading back now, im in pretty bad shape and may need some medical attencion when i get there... i will arrive in a hour...Axyl over and out..."

she turns off the comm and sends the message, she hugs her stomach with one arm

"Dammit... they werent carefull enough when removing my bombs...damn..."

she was holding her stomach as her stomach was getting a tenis ball sized purple mark, she had a internal bleeding that was torn a bit by the ones that removed the bombs from inside her and she tore the rest escaping, the mark was growing realy slowly.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #950 on: June 01, 2012, 03:54:39 AM »
Oh come on, where did they go now?

I'm not sure.

Can't you detect heat or something, you are a robot.

I'm afraid I didn't add that function. I found it useless. Hmm, listen.

They heard the sound of a door opening.

The weapon room. They broke into it again. I though Salreth was teaching them to use their powers.

She was. Isaac and Jacob were always a little mischievous. They are still children after all. Let's go get them.

The two ran to the training hall, and sire enough, the two imps were shooting at some of the broken robots, laughing at each spark they made.

(Italics means in IMP language)
Isaac-On your left.

Jacob-Copy that.

They were both having a blast. Archie let out a little sigh.

I don't see any harm done here. If they're going to play with the guns, I might as well give them some pointers.

How long has it been since you held one, 10 years?

Yeah. I was a little slimmer back then as well.

Well, I'm going to return to the monitors to see how the recruits are doing on their missions. Just be careful with them, remember, they are children.

Wrench left Archie to his babysitting assignment. When he got back to the monitors, he noticed that he got a couple transmissions from Axyl. He listened to them, and responded.

Axyl, do you copy. I can't seem to locate you on the spy flies. I'm glad you got out. I'll have a doctor waiting for you when you return.

He checked on the bases power levels. They were back to normal, so the doctors should have no trouble assisting her.

I'm going to need a couple medical personal over by the entrance in 50 minutes, I repeat, 50 minutes. Have medical supplies ready.

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Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #951 on: June 01, 2012, 04:48:19 AM »
Shock, Ayara, you two are to go and investigate some strange disappearances in East City. The city is known as the Raider capital of the underlands, so you'll need to blend in. That's where you come in Ayara. Shock, you will need to look like a captive. Due to Ayara's limited powers, you will need to gain a clever disguise. Grab one of our broken control collars and put it on. Keep your Yo-yo hidden. This mission will require stealth more than strength. Once you find the source of the disappearances, break out and alert the team posted nearby. They will rush in to clear it up. You may provide aid as well.
I nodded, thinking already about how we should go about this. I also quickly thought about how amusing this could be, but shook the thought away. This was a mission. Not a time to play around.
These missions are of grave importance, and I trust that will complete them to the best of your abilities. I will be keeping a close eye through the spy flies. Grab a communicator from the supply closet, and I can provide info when needed, but be warned, there are some cases where I will not be able to contact you. Dismissed.
I closed my eyes as I began to think, but quickly opened them as I heard Shock beginning to cause a commotion. Again.
He started whipping his head back and forth looking between me and Wrench.
Are you sain' I have to be her SLAVE!? NOT COOL!
He flails his arms, looking mildly panicked.
Okay, then. Ayara, clever disguise time, then, huh? Let's go see what I can rip up.
I look at him.
Right. We need to get a communicator, disguises, and a broken collar for you. Come on.
I turned and started moving quickly towards the "supply closet" or whatever. I didn't check if Shock was following, but called back:
C'mon, get a move on. Time is of the essence.
(Ayara's moving quickly and taking long strides.)
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #952 on: June 01, 2012, 10:47:59 PM »
Issac: "Why is Salreth so interested in this new guy? He's lame.".
Jaccob: "I know, he came into the picture and we just left, I haven't seen her all day!"
A few more shots resulted in more sparks causing them to lose their train of thought for a moment before seeing Archie in standing in the door. They looked at each other and smiled grimly. A second later they were on both sides of him and together they started talking to him.

"Hey Archie! What's up? Have you seen Salreth? What do you think of our shooting skills? How's Wrench?"

(Back to me!)

There wasn't any cover that we could hide behind, it looked like it had all been cleared out by hand. There was a pillar of white smoke rising into the air, the Imp camp perhaps. After a moment of thinking I decided that the best way to do this was to just walk out and let them see us. Salreth hit me when I told her my plan.
"Your telling me I hid in a pile of trash for half an hour while you came up with that?! What's to keep them from killing us the moment they see us?"
I hit her back, "Imps no kill Imps. Law of street Imps, Imps friends. We need them trust us, or mission fail. Let go!"

A second later I had walked clear of the cover I had found for us, as I did I could hear a loud horn being blown in the camp. Well there was no turning back now, I motioned for Salreth to follow me then started walking again.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #953 on: June 02, 2012, 02:25:09 AM »
"Hey Archie! What's up? Have you seen Salreth? What do you think of our shooting skills? How's Wrench?"

Archie took a deep breath to answer their questions.

The ceiling. Salreth is on a mission. You guys are good, but can use a little more training. Wrench is fine, now that his full power is unlocked.

He grabbed one of the robots and stood it up. It didn't really take long to do. Archie took a step out of the way.

Alright, I want to see you shoot. hit all the vital areas on that robot.

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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #954 on: June 02, 2012, 03:08:39 AM »
Alright, I want to see you shoot. hit all the vital areas on that robot.

As soon as he finished speaking both of the Twins had their guns upholstered and unloaded them into the robot. Most of the shots missed their mark by less then a milometer. They reloaded their guns as they waited for Archie to examine their work,

Issac: You think she's with him?
Jacob: Of course she is...
Issac: Think we should go find her?
Jacob: I don't think that's a good idea, she's in the city. We've never been in the city.
Issac: You might be right. Well might as well get some shooting lessons from Archie.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #955 on: June 02, 2012, 03:12:53 AM »
I can never understand what you two are saying when you speak in imp. Hmm.

He takes a good ling look at the robot. The shots were almost on their mark, and given their age, it wasn't half bad. He decided to make some kind of mental score.

(If you're planning to do a prank, go ahead, he may be busy for a bit.)
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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #956 on: June 02, 2012, 03:22:35 AM »
As Archie look at the robot they look at each other, they both had the same thing on their mind; prank time... They quickly run out of the room and begin to look for some thin, but strong string. Jacob finds some and quickly tells Issac. They run back to the room Archie was in and begin to place the string at ideal tripping level for a human of his size. Once they are satisfied that he won't notice then share a quite laugh.

Issac: This is going to be great!
Jaccob: The great Archie face planting on the floor!
Issac: We should record it...
They look at Archie then back to each other; they laugh again and take off looking for a way to record what they think is their best joke yet.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #957 on: June 02, 2012, 04:19:59 AM »
She keeps flying then soon a message reaches her ear comm

Axyl, do you copy. I can't seem to locate you on the spy flies. I'm glad you got out. I'll have a doctor waiting for you when you return.

She hears the message and smiles with relief, but starts to get weaker from her injury, she pushes the button to make a message

"copy... wrench... then i shall be home.... soon... i hope..."

as she talked her voice was getting weaker, she pushes the button to send the message 10 minutes after she got his message, then she leans on the handles of the hover disk , as she was allready seeying the base 15 minutes away, she starts to doze off

"i guess... this is it for me... at least... i got to see... my home again..."

she smiles faintly but closes her eyes, falling incouncious on the handle,her purple mark on her stomach was larger,  as the hover disk continued its way down to the courtyard of the base, the guard would be able to see her coming allready

((by the way, she is incouncious not dead))
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Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #958 on: June 02, 2012, 04:34:13 AM »
The guard alerted the doctors, who ran out to catch Axyl at any moment. When she was in arms reach, they grabbed her, and carefully move her onto a stretcher.

Let's get her to the infirmary.

They rushed her there, and began to locate the area of damage. They started to operate.

(Le Archie)

Not bad. I give it an 8.

He turned around, and noticed they were gone.

Isaac, Jacob, don't start playing your tricks. I don't think Salreth will be happy about that.

He took a step forward, and tripped on the screen, falling on his face. He was a little upset, and decided to teach them a lesson.

Alright, two can play at that game.

He feigned being dead from the fall, his large body already looked like it never breathes.
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #959 on: June 02, 2012, 09:52:46 AM »
"Right. We need to get a communicator, disguises, and a broken collar for you. Come on."
"[color=navy]Alright, alright. Don't get you panties in a knot,[/color]" Shock muttered behind her.
" C'mon, get a move on. Time is of the essence."
Shock groaned, trying to keep up with his comerade for the mission.
" This is ridiculous. Collar, I'm fine with that. The ripped up clothes, or disguise, I'm fine with too. But, I only have one itty...bitty. tiny little problem. You would happen to know what that is right?"
He shoved his hands into his pocket, and started to walk a little bit faster.
" Okay, this is important. I get it. So, disguise, get the info, alert team nearby, and standby or join in on the ensuing fray. Gah. THat sounds like a lot of work....But, I'm up for it..."
The human boy looked around quickly, and chewed his fingernail. When they got to the room, he attempted to kick the door down, but only succeded in stubbing his toe and yelling swears at random, in a sequence that made no sense.
" Phooo..okay..."
He sighed, and pushed the door open, standing on one foot, and holding the other.
" Hey, you go on in. I'll come in once I cool off."
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus