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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 324870 times)

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #975 on: June 04, 2012, 05:21:19 AM »
((YAY im awsome^^))

I have told you who I am, now to tell you about this. This is the reason we have to stay put. If they attack the base and discover this power source, they might be able to trigger a reaction that will destroy everything.

Axyl listened to everyword, memorizing it, then she looked at him after thinking a while

"You should have been honest with me and everyone longer ago...secrets like these may destroy the confidence that you took years to build, but... you don't lose mine...

she stands up slowly and a bit shakey

"You might not so but to me you are a second father... because you took care of me all these years...which im foverer greatefull..., but now... i only have one request..."

she gives a step to him and then another slowly

"hug me.... like you would to your own daughter... and my trust in you will never break..."
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #976 on: June 04, 2012, 05:31:11 AM »
Wrench did so, and decided it was also time to equip her for a final battle. He let go and went over to an old trunk.

I trust you enough to handle this weapon. A sword I forged using the energy from the crystal. It is probably the strongest weapon ever constructed, and in the wrong hands can be used for evil.

He grabs it out of the trunk:

It has no name, since I figured the owner should have that right.

He hands Axyl the sword. The energy could be felt from it.
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #977 on: June 04, 2012, 06:06:10 AM »
I trust you enough to handle this weapon. A sword I forged using the energy from the crystal. It is probably the strongest weapon ever constructed, and in the wrong hands can be used for evil.

She sees him getting something from a chest

It has no name, since I figured the owner should have that right.

Axyl took the blade, she looked at it and nooded, only one name could reach her head at the moment

"Arch Shard, i will take good care of it...thank you Wrench"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #978 on: June 04, 2012, 06:17:07 AM »
You're welcome Axyl.

With one last signal, the platform raised again back to Wrench's quarters.

Go get some rest, and let that wound heal. I will begin security preparations.

(Ko time)

Ko awoke, strapped to some kind of table. He had many sensors and wires in him.

Where the hell am..

You're where you were born. I had to stabilize you, but I didn't have enough to keep you alive for long. So, how about we start the process of extracting those memories. It should be about time that you brain finally absorbed them

Dr. Weil flipped a switch, and the process began. Ko felt like a thousand matches had been lit inside of his head, as memories of Axyl's past flashed before him. He finally had the location of the base.

I see it! Please, stop!

The process stopped, and weil listened intently.

Show me on this map.

A strap was released, and Ko pointed to the bases location.

Good work my boy.

Will you fix me?

Dr. Weil took out a syringe. He set in on a table on the other side of the room.

You see that. It's the last piece of your being. You get your hands on that, and you will live. Instead, I'm going to have you fight for it. You will have two days to get it, or you will become mush.

And who will be my opponent?

That table you're on.

Weil left the room, as Ko struggled to loosen the straps, but he was in too much of a weakened state.

Axyl....I'm sorry.

A tear went down his face as he gave up his last shred of anger and hope.
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #979 on: June 04, 2012, 07:02:28 AM »
Go get some rest, and let that wound heal. I will begin security preparations.

She nods to him as she wobbles a bit to the door

"Thanks again Wrench.... for everything..."

she gives him a smile then turns to the door as she puts the blade in the katana shealth and walks wobbling, as she holds on to the wall, but currently only one thing was on her mind, Ko might be the enemy, but being a copy of her, she felt as it was closer than an enemy, so she could not stop worrying after seeying him in that state.

"I wonder where and how he is... he may be a copy but he doesnt deserve the treatment he gets from them...."
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Rain
« Reply #980 on: June 04, 2012, 09:40:19 AM »
(sorry for being gone so long... )
Archie wasn't moving, at all. Jacob and Issac stopped laughing and looked at each other, had they just killed Archie? In their panic they didn't think it might be a counter joke so they rushed up to check to see if he was still alive...

Twenty feet from the gate to the colony a large group of Imps met us. It was obvious it was a fighter unit. The biggest one walked up to me and started to talk.

"What you want Imp? You not smart coming out here."
"I Uallgarg, that Salreth," I pointed to Salreth who now had her hands on her swords. "we come for peace, make alliance."
He looked at us, sizing us up. "We have no need fight war. Safe here, go." They all started to turn around and walk away, thoughts raced through my head, then it hit me...

"Uallgarg make Imp Challenge..." They stopped in their tracks, turned towards me, their faces were stone cold.
"You not dare!"
"Uallgarg dare, you decide where, Uallgarg decide win/lose conditions."
He scratched his head, then grunted, it was on...

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #981 on: June 04, 2012, 11:48:45 AM »
1-Understood. He turns the communicator off. Alright, I'm going to take down the sheilds, once i do, open fire.

He takes out a pistol and aims carefully at it's weak point, then starts firing. At the first few shots, it seemed to have no effect, but then the sheild went haywire and disinegrated.(I think i spelt that wrong. >.<) Then the other rebel started firing with his rifle. After a few shots, they were all killed. While this was all happening, I was pulling the bullet out of the ingured rebel's shoulder after using pain releiver on him. Then I cleaned the wound and started bandaging.

there, now try not to be reckless next time. I managed to get the bullet out, but you wont be using that arm for a while.

2-Well, as long as I have my other arm, I'll be alright.

They started re-arranging equipment, and after we were prepared, we started driving twards the monster city.

I turned the communicator. The Utopians are taken care of, there was a survivor, but we couldent save him. However, we havent found any other corpses besides the drivers.

(If there's something wrong with my post, I'll fix it)
. . .

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #982 on: June 04, 2012, 04:20:45 PM »
Archie grabbed the two pranksters and stood up.

So, what have we learned about pulling pranks?

(Le Weil and Tibrius)

Sir, I have good news. Ko was able to locate the base for us. Some final things are still being dealt with for Olympia to avoid the same state Ko is currently in.

Excellent, tomorrow, we strike at the rebels source, destroy the base, and then proceed to destroy all of the underlands.

The tow started to laugh at their plot.

You're not worried about Ko at all?

He has fulfilled his purpose, and I have no use for soldiers that can't fight.

Very well then.

Weil pulled out a silenced pistol and shot Tiberius in the head. His zigahybrids came out of nowhere to dispose of the body.

Oh you poor naive fool. I have bigger plans for the underlands. A whole mess of chosen and monsters to experiment on. I am all for destroying the rebels, but I need the rest of that DNA to be alive.
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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #983 on: June 04, 2012, 09:23:44 PM »
Archie grabbed both of them by their scruffs, then asked them if they had learned anything. At first they just hissed at him, but soon they were overcome by laughter; making it clear they had gained nothing from Archie's demonstration.

"You've got to be poopting me! You Challenged them to a duel to the death, and you volunteered me for this!" Every vein in her neck and face was bulging from her body like snakes trying to escape, it was clear she was angry; but for our sake I hoped she could keep her cool in this situation.
"Imp Challenge best way earn trust. Defeat champion, prove strength, finish mission." She shook her head, she knew the rebels needed all the allies they could find, but she was still pissed at me.

She walked to the middle of the arena and waited. A few moments later an Imp of about the same stature emerged from the other side of the arena. They walked towards the center of the battle field; and as was custom shook hands. As soon as they released each other's hand, they both had their weapons drawn.  The Champion was fast and deadly with his duel daggers, using his abities to avoid Salreth's Swords. Thirty seconds into the duel Salreth went on the counter attack, she let her napalm  run along the length of her blades then struck at him; to dodge it he had to retreat, giving her the space to use her signature move.

She summoned all of her napalm into a large ball in front of her as she had done with me; then began to fire it at him. He managed to dodge the first few ones, but it was clear he was struggling to keep up the pace at witch they were being fired at him; then he got hit in the leg. He fell to the ground and grasped his leg to make sure it was still there, it was; but now Salreth used her Napalm to surround him. She entered the fire ring and raised her swords to deliver the killing blow, but as she brought her blades down she sheathed them and recalled all of her napalm. "I don't kill allies." She held her hand out to the fallen Imp and helped him back on his feet. Hopefully this act of mercy would go well with the community, all we needed to do now was talk to their chief.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #984 on: June 05, 2012, 12:34:50 AM »
Archie lets them go.

I guess you guys are still too young to understand. Come on, we should get you guys something to eat, and then off to bed.

He waits for the twins to lead him to the mess hall, so he doesn't lose sight of them.
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #985 on: June 05, 2012, 05:03:22 AM »
Axyl kept walking slowly to her quarters then suddently stops, something inside her pulses hard, like a piece of her was about to die, she places her hand on her chest and breaths hard, sweating as well

"wha...whats this feeling... this isnt part of the wound...."

she falls on her knees and leans to the wall still breathing hard

"No.... this is....Ko....i felt him...but how....he is weak..."

she stays breathing hard agaisnt the wall, kneeled down on the floor, not moving at all
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #986 on: June 05, 2012, 05:10:49 AM »
Ko say there, waiting to die. He was betrayed, and now his body is failing.

Two days....two days is all I have. Created just to get intel. I wasn't their weapon.

Something started to grow in him, a sense of fear, a sudden realization of how life matters.

Is this what those people felt? Is this what they had to go through? I really am a monster. I deserve this.

(Back at base)
Another patrolling guard walks by and sees Axyl on the ground.

I need a medic, NOW!

The medics come with another stretcher and rush Axyl back to the infirmary to see if she is ok.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 05:18:46 PM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #987 on: June 05, 2012, 06:36:07 PM »
Axyl was taken to the infirmary, as she was still breathing hard, and sweattng alot, she had a fever from being exausted but what she was feeling was real

"Ko... is in ...danger...."

she kept her hand on her chest over her heart ashs keeps breathing hard

"I have...to...save him...fast..."
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #988 on: June 05, 2012, 07:25:31 PM »
Issac and Jacob ran ahead of Archie, stopping to look back from time to time to make sure he was still there. Once they reached the mess hall they began to eat like they hadn't been fed in months.

"What do we get out of this proposed alliance?" The leader was an extremely aged Imp, he looked maybe as old as a hundred years old; which is ancient for an Imp.
"Utopia destroy underworld; join forces and save underworld. Stand alone we parish, join together we might win."
He scratched his chin then began to speak again. "Give me some time to mull it over, I need to confer with the rest of the colony elders. Please make yourselves comfortable in the mean time." He clapped his hand and two guards came in and escorted us out; I counted this as a win, at least he was thinking about it.

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« Reply #989 on: June 05, 2012, 08:04:01 PM »
Archie joined the twins in the mess hall.

Ko? who is Ko?

The meds were busy checking her vital signs.

Heart rate is off the charts, and her temperature is rising. We need to cool her off, and fast.

They were all struggling to get ice packs on her, but the monitor kept flashing.

Come on Axyl, snap out of it.
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