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Author Topic: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia  (Read 15243 times)

Offline Tickles

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[Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 09, 2012, 02:59:12 PM »
RP is full!

  • Human

The humans that remain have grown immune to the virus, therefore, they have not been mutated. They are skilled workers, fighters, and pretty much anything they put their mind to. They are weaker than any of the mutants due to the lack of powers, but are able to use weapons and armors more effectively. The human lifespan is at 75-80 years.

  • The chosen
The chosen are humans that gained powers from the virus, but have not changed in appearance. Their powers vary from each other, and no two are the same. The chosen have a weakness to lead, however, which causes their powers, and life force, to slowly drain. Standing around lead causes them to feel weak, and touching the metal can prove lethal. Chosen lifespan is 45-50 years

  • Monsters

The monsters were also humans affected by the virus, but were transformed into grotesque beings. They have higher resistances to lead than the chosen, but can still be killed by the lethal metal. Their powers tend to be more physical, and don't vary as much as the chosen. Some monsters are slaves to the chosen, while others hate the chosen and humans alike. Monster lifespan is unknown.

  • Robot

Robots were built during the war to help the humans when they became a minority. They behave the same way as humans, but can't go against any command they are given by their owner. Robots are built out of lead to be protected from Monsters and chosen, and can get uprgades that can improve their skills, especially in combat. Robots are durable, but are weakened by strong electromagnetic fields. Robot lifespan is ageless.

Setting up a profile
-Send me a PM with the following information

Username: The name you use for PU
Character name: Name of your character
Race: The race you will be
Age: How old your character is
Personality: How your character acts
Biography: Your character's bio. Be creative here.
Skill: What your character is good at. Think of this in a job situation.
*Difference-See below
Organization: This can be a job, or you can be part of an organization.
Alignment: Good, evil, neutral, or anything in between
Appearence: What your character looks like. You may use a photo found on the internet, or you may draw something. If neither of those, describe what they look like.

*These are differences between races
For human
Weapon skill: What your character is good at using in combat. You may leave this part out.

For Chosen and Monster
Power: Give a detailed explanation of your power. Do not copy another person's power. If monster, you may have the same power as another monster.

Model type: Ranges from Combat to cleaning. You can be upgraded to a new model, but you will not be able to retain your old model's skills. (Replace with skill in the skeleton)

Other notes- You may request an organization, but it must be approved. You can't be the leader of that organization unless I give you special permission.

Organization Profile

Name: What they are called
Location: Either Utopia, Underland North, South, East, or West
Description; What they, and how they do it.
Goal: What they strive to acheive.
Alignment: Good, Evil, Neutral, or anything in between.

You may request a new weapon. All created weapons must be approved by me, and once it is approved, anyone can use them. If they are profile specific, then state that they are, and I will make edits so it is not OP.

Name: If any
Model type: gun type, sword type. If you know how weapons are named, then do that. For example .357 Magnum revolver.
Availability: All use (usable by everyone), Profile specific (name of character, or organization. These weapons can be stolen.)
Firing rate(For guns)- Single shot, Burst, semi-automatic, automatic.
Clip size (For guns)- How much ammo can it hold at once.
Ammo Type (For Guns)- The type of ammo it uses.
Blade lenght (for bladed weapons)-
Blade style- double edge, katana, serrated, etc.
Appearance: Use a photo, draw it up, or describe it.

Accepted profiles
Bing                         Lugiafan96
shin21                      St. Jimmy
Darkstar64               Mr. Fox

Monster Groups (Do not need permission to control a monster group)
War Horse

Robot Group (Do not need permission to Control)
Battle Drones

Special Characters (Need permission to control)

Exclusive characters (can only be controlled by the RP mod, unless stated otherwise.)
Dr. Weil
Fire hound- Exclusive to Darkstar
Hope- Exclusive to St. Jimmy
Tiberius Ramond
Grandpa Wrench
Leeta- Exclusive to Meowth
Salreth- Exclusive to fox
Issac and Jacob- exclusive to fox

RP is here- http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4098.msg96978/topicseen.html#new

OOCC is here- http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4102.msg96999/topicseen.html#new
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 02:55:18 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2012, 05:18:02 PM »

Organization: Utopian Guard
Location: Utopia, main square by the city hall.
Description: The Utopian guard has been created to protect the citizens of Utopia. They enforce the laws of the city, as well as provide security guards for those of Higher status. Though their original idea was pure, most of the guard is corrupt, and will do almost anything for money and weapons. They dislike anyone from the underlands.
Goal- To keep Utopia for the ones that deserve it.
Alignment- Corrupted Good

Organization: Paladins of the new world
Description: A powerful organization that is lead my the President of Utopia. The president hates the underlands, and everyone in it, and plans on destroying them. She called for the best of the human and chosen minds, and the ruthless of warriors. The Paladins keep a symbol of peace to distract the Utopians, but underneath the flying city, they make sure that poverty and crime run rampant.
Goal: To keep Utopia a paradise for those they deem deserving
Alignment: Evil

Organization: Rebels
Description: A small squad of tough fighters blossomed into a network of good hearted individuals. They are a combination of humans and monsters who believe that Utopia can be a Utopia with everyone, and do everything they can to show the government for what it is. The rebels do not have a lot of resources, and are scattered throughout the underlands, with a few spies in Utopia.
Goal: To claim Utopia for everyone, and bring true peace.
Alignment: Good

Organization: Alpha Robotics
Description: A string of factories in which robots are created. Those that work here are humans and robots.
Goal: To build the perfect robots for everyday society
Alignment: Neutral

Nefzer- Weapons manufacturer.  Known for creating top-line weapons, Nefzer supplies weapons to the Utopian Guards and the Paladins of the New World.  Their biggest business is custom weapons.  Because their weapons are the best, they are rarely found outside of Utopia.  When they are, they sell for high prices, people have been known to kill over these weapons.

Cryoclin- Pharmaceutical Company.  This company creates medicine for Utopia.  As it's a Utopia this company is owned and operated by the government and medicine is given freely to all citizens.    It also houses a dark secret.  Dr. Weil's lab is hidden deep below the building.

These are a few organizations you can join if you like. More to come.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 04:49:45 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2012, 08:05:23 PM »

Username: Bing
Character name: Cyrus
Race: Choses
Age: 23
Personality: Cold/Heartless, determined.
Biography:  Cyrus was born into a world of poverty, he parents were rebels fighting for entrance to the Utopia.  During a sweep of the Underland, his family was killed and he was wounded and fainted.  He awoke in a lab, strapped down to a table.  An old man walked up to him, "You my friend have potential to be a great weapon... Heh heh heh..."  Cyrus screamed as something was injected into his arm.  The pain was unbearable, and Cyrus felt something inside of him shift.  The room temperature dropped, and ice started forming everywhere.  The pain increased and he fainted once again. 
 The next time he woke up.  He was laying comfortable in a bed, in what looked to be a very expensive house.  The ceiling was lined with gold and ancient paintings hung on the walls.  A woman wearing the uniform of a palaidin spoke.  "You're finally awake.  We were so worried.  I can't believe it, my son he's alive." 
 Cyrus spent the next 10 years training and learning to control his power.  Completely indoctrinated, he began to forget about his humble beginnings and his emotions.
 Cyrus is now 23, he is nothing more than a cold killing machine for the Paladins of the  new world.
Goal: Cyrus's goals revolve around the Paladins of the new world, his goals are theirs.  Though he takes pleasure in killing.
Skill: Killing, fighting.
Power: Ice Manipulation. Long range Ice spikes, Close quarters ice blade, and the ability to form a barrier and armor out of ice by freezing the water molecules in the air.
Organization: The Paladins of the new world
Alignment: Evil

« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 08:20:26 PM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2012, 09:02:10 PM »
Character name:Solomon
Personality: Hyper,tries to be friendly until tried to be killed, comes in, tries to be peaceful, tries.

Biography:Solomon when he was affected by the virus, adapted and took advantage, and gave him his metal powers, his parents on the other hands, lets just say he isn't at home because he fears for his life, the reason is, his parents aren't huge fans of chosen's, for various reasons.Solomon is now pretty much going from place to place, trying to learn how to control his powers, and trying to stay out of human contact, in fear that he might hurt them with his powers He also isn't a big big fan of paladins, they tried to kill him, he tried back,  in the end he ran because they used lead, lead hurts a lot.

Currently he has taken residence in a abandoned hospital wing. Lucky enough for him the monsters were in the other wings of the hospital, he then decided to start living in the abandoned hospital wing, the wing still had enough food for about a year for just one person making it prime living place for a bit.

Skill: Not real sure.
Power:metal "bending" in short, the guy can turn most metal into armor/very rarely weapon.
Organization: None yet.
Alignment: Could go either way.
Appearance:Just take out the words full metal alchemist.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 11:43:44 PM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2012, 09:22:09 PM »

Username: shin21

Character name: Axyl

Race: Human

Age: 21

Personality: Kind and smart, but when in combat, she allways seeks blood.

Biography: Born in the underlands, she was raised only by her father that, during her young years trained her to be a blacksmith just as him. Since the materials and pieces needed to be a blacksmith were few, it made their work expensive to others, which meant no money to them, that required her to steal, she would steal money, valuable objects and food.

While growing, she was taught by her father to fight with a Katana, one he made specialy for her, light, long and sharp as a surgery knife, she was taught how to be swift, painless while killing, and undetectable, something that would be a must in the furture for her to survive.

At 15, she was offered a job in Underlands, one from a man named Zeke (he wont appear, i just putted that name to give some sence to the bio), which negociated with her, he would pay her father money to buy food and everything else and she would be an Spy in Utopia, being undercover as a Blacksmith there, and sending reports of actions of the guards or the Paladins, she thought of it then decided to do it, she was transfered, given a authentic identity in Utopia, and given her own shop.

At present time, she is Utopia, working as a Blacksmith in her own store, making weapons and armor for guards, even for other people who have money for it, but she takes assassination jobs from other people, which makes her gain more money to send to her father.

Her swift moviments, lust for blood and lack of notority from guards who never caught her nor see her when she kills someone, makes her wanted by alot of people who pay good money for assassination jobs.

Skill: Blacksmithm, Spy and Assassin

Organization: Rebels

Alignment: Good

Location: Utopia

Appearence: http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/8966/beautifulfantasygirlwar.jpg (it needs to be the link or it will ocupy alot of the space in the post)

Approved, and about the pic. Damn!
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2012, 10:54:47 PM »

Username: Darkstar64

Character name: Nameless, doesn't know what to call himself

Race: Chosen

Age: 13

Personality: Shy, scared of everything and everyone on the outside. On the inside, cocky, somewhat of a braggart.

Born in the under lands by a human mother and a chosen father, my life has always been full of turmoil and despair. My parents were killed soon after I was born, and I was left with another family that was supposed to take care of me.

The family was...okay. The mother was an alcoholic, the father was abusive, and my 'siblings' would always pick on me, call me names, all the things young kids do to make them feel better about themselves. But at least they were feeding me and 'taking care' of me. I learned at the age of 6 that I had electrical powers,  which only made my 'family' hate me more. My siblings would call me 'Barry the Battery', since that was the name the family had given me. I could have given them a 'nice shock', but I wasn't the kind of person who would hurt anyone.

The one thing that seemed the most mysterious about the family was the fact that no one else was able to do the things I could. It wasn't until my 'mom' was really drunk one night when I asked why no one else was like me, and she told me it might have something to do with me being adopted. That night, I collected my things, stole my brother's 'Rare replica cloak' or whatever he called it, and left the house to become...well, an orphan of the streets. I didn't want to stay with people who were abusive AND weren't my real family. I denounced the name 'Barry', and 'went on my merry way'.

The fact of the matter was that the under lands despised the Chosen (I think, correct me if I'm wrong), so everyone seemed to hate me, and some were out to get me, also making it difficult to get food. I tried training my powers, hoping that I'd be able to use them to 'buy' food, but they would only increase to a point. I invented a weapon that increased my powers by stealing materials from various places, but it was a dead give-away that I was a chosen, so I can't use it much. But the life isn't all that bad. I have my own little 'house' (which is actually just a larger version of a kid's fort in an alleyway), and I get by on my own. Life is...interesting.

Skill: Running. Oh, a real job? Electronics and some Metalworking.

Difference: Electrical Powers, can create electrical current in his hands, and fire off compressed orbs of electricity. Can't fire them off at a good rate without his weapon.

Organization: None

Alignment: Neutral, but leans more towards Good (you'll see what I mean later)


Almost always has his hood on though.


Name: The TO BE NAMED LATER (That's literally it's name for now.)

Model type: Special

Availability: Electrical weapon: Profile only | Mace use: All

Firing rate: Burst, Reloads after every shot, takes 1.2 seconds

Ammo Type: Electrical current


Info: Made by me to enhance my electrical powers by 500%. It's the only way to use my powers as an actual weapon, because my powers take to long to recover on their own. It took most of my life to make this, and I'd be devastated if anything happened to it. I guess you could say that my greatest strength is also my greatest weakness.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 02:26:00 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2012, 11:12:25 PM »

Username: Ayara012

Character name: Ayara

Race: Chosen

Age: 14

Personality: Cold. She doesn’t trust easily, and avoids unnecessary contact with others. She has no mercy for monsters. She doesn’t particularly like robots, due to their lead-based build. She is rude and gruff to those that she doesn’t know, but once you earn her trust, she is loyal and (relatively) kind/friendly. She doesn’t do well with showing emotion, and doesn’t like to reveal things about herself. She has a bad temper when angered or if her (few and far between) friends are threatened.

Biography: Ayara has been training with a sword and bow (non lead) since she was able to walk. She has also been training in hand-to-hand to defend herself on the streets.  She has also studied, and is quite intelligent. But because of all this, she lacks social skills. She speaks coldly and is very well-spoken. When she was younger, she trained with her sister and best friend, a fellow chosen. They lived in the Underland, with no parents around to help them. However, when she was 12, Ayara and her sister were attacked by monsters under the control of corrupted chosens. Her sister was fatally wounded with lead, and Ayara was given her scar.

Skill: She is good at fighting, and has good control over her power. She can also climb proficiently.

Power: She has a power of transformation. She can transform herself and other objects at will. Her favorite transformation is to give herself dragon wings.

Organization: None so far.

Alignment: Neutral, but is more inclined to “good”

Appearence: She has long hair, which she normally keeps in a neat braid. She’s tall for her age, and very lithe. She wears light leather armor, and keeps her weapons with her. She has red eyes, and slightly pointed ears. She has a scar over her right eye, which can be intimidating.

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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2012, 11:41:45 PM »

Name: Zigarex
Race: Monster
Personality: Aggressive, wolf pack mentality
Bio: Zigarex's are masters of camouflage. They hunt during the night, and eat the flesh of humans and chosen. They are fast, and silent, however, they can't keep their camouflage on too long, and they emit the smell of rotting flesh when they breath. They're heads are armored, but the rest of the body is soft. They can regenerate limbs if they get a chance to escape.
Power: Camouflage, regeneration
Location: Under lands, north

Name: Alphabot model 80 aka Melony
Race: Robot
Personality: Varies
Bio: Melonies are the top grade robots of society. They were designed to act like servants in a household. Melonies can be upgraded to different skill models, each one with a different protocol. However, once they take on a new protocol, the old one is lost, and they have a new purpose. The guard love to use these robots as they can take care of chosens who gone rogue.
Skill: Anything it is programmed for
Location: All over the country, mostly in Utopia

You will see these things all over the world, suggest others is you want, they may get approved. In other words, help me make NPC's
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2012, 02:24:45 AM »
New group of monsters

Group of monsters

Name: The grenchler
Race: Monster
Personality: Aggressive, Scavenger and killer mentality.
Bio:These are lesser monsters that lack intelligence, but make up for it with their durability, and maneuverability.They eat anything they find,and attack anything they see, and usually kill whatever they attack, unless what they attack is intelligent enough TO RUN.
Power: High Jump and swift swimming.
Location: Scattered across the underlands

Small edits to NPC to make less OP.
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2012, 04:37:27 PM »
New special character (can only be controlled with special permission)

Race: Monster
Age: Uknown
Personality: Gentle Giant
Bio: Archie is one of the few monsters that retained his intelligence. He is accepted by most humans, and is the guard for the rebels. His brute strength is a force to be reckoned with, but he rather be a peaceful man instead of fight. He is said to have lived before the war, but it may just be a myth.

Archie hides his face most of the time, as it has rotted over the years, but when he is about time to kill someone, he always reveals it so they can see a "friendly" face before they die.

Archie can tolerate lead poisoning longer than most of the infected people, which makes it easier for him to fight longer, and escape faster.
Power: Super strength
Organization: rebels
Imagine face has rotted.
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Re: [Proflies] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2012, 12:22:05 AM »
Username: Lugiafan96
Character name: Urusu
Race: Monster
Age: 32
Personality: Bashful. Only talks when necessary.
Biography: A very rare type of monster, that still has a grip on his sanity. He used to be a doctor when he was still human, and had a dream of helping people in need. But of course, the war, the Utopia, and the constant roberies and corrupted world crushed that dream. He also has a dream of going to Utopia, and to become a doctor, despite his corrupted form. For now though he has to survive by stealing, no matter how much he regrets it.
Skill: Is a pretty good medic, and can use his tentacles as a weapon, and to get to places that arent easy for most people.
Alignment: Good.

Approved. Finally have a player who wants to be a monster.
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2012, 01:33:08 AM »
Username: St. Jimmy
Character name: Desmond(Has a distinctively Scottish accent)
Race: Chosen
Age: 24
Personality: Somewhat mad, while still retaining some sanity.  He is clever, witty, and through the trauma experienced in his life, has become desensitized to the sight of gore, the stench of blood, and the guilt of murder.
Biography: Desmond was born and raised in the East under lands, in a district more wealthy than others.  He was a born a Chosen, for his parents both were Chosen, and had passed down the virus to him, though he could never unlock his power as a child.  Life was good for him, until the the day of the raid.  Desmond was only twelve when the Paladins of the New World stormed into the town, plundering and pillaging.  Desmond found a place to hide during the attack, but when he came out he found his parents weren't so lucky.  Grieving and crying over his mother's dead body, a stranger, another survivor of the attack, approached him, and told him to head North until he found Falcon's Peak.  The stranger said Desmond would know Falcon's Peak when he got there. 
When at Falcon's Peak, he met an old man named Bartholomew.  He helped Desmond discover and master his ability, though eight years later, Bartholomew was murdered by the Paladins.  Desmond has since then sworn revenge on the Paladins of the New World, and will not rest until they have been eradicated and dissolved.
Skill: Survival, problem solving, killing
Power: He is the master of Time and Space.  Able to slow and stop time, and travel anywhere and when in space. Time power lasts 3 minutes, but it's all he needs.
Appearance: Without the sword and the kunai.

Weapon(See character picture)
Name: Claws
Model type: Claw, blade
Availability: One of a kind
Blade length (for bladed weapons)-Each claw is two feet in length
Blade style- Double Edged
Appearance: (See character Picture)
Other:  There is a rotating plate in the bracers where the claws attach to them, and if you flick your wrist in a certain way, the claws will rotate around 180 degrees and face the other direction, making it easier to use your hands.  Another flick of your wrist will rotate them around again.
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2012, 04:42:26 AM »
New special characters

Name: Lucia
Race: Human
Age: 30
Personality: Calculating, calm and collected
Biography: Lucia was born in Utopia, and grew accustomed to the high class lifestyle. She always dreamed of joining the paladins as a child, believing that they were her protectors. When she finally joined, her first mission was to the underlands to slay some monsters. However, they ended up killing a small village. From that day on, she swore revenge for those innocent lives, especially the ones she had taken.

The rebel leader got in contact with her, and recruited her as an inside spy, but even she has her limits. Whatever mission she is assigned to, she always informs the rebel leader, who plans accordingly for an evident attack.

Skill: Swordplay
Weapons: Lead sword, Dessert Eagle Handgun

Name: Hope
Race: robot
Age: 0
Personality: Acts like a falcon
Bio: an invention by the mysterious rebel leader, who has not been given a protocol yet. Like most of the rebel leaders robots, this one doesn't have a lead shell, but made of a strange, yet extremely durable metal.
Skill: Far sight, animal instinct
Power: Sonic screech, Razor wings

Name: Not yet given
Species: Fire hound
Race: Monster
Age: 90
Personality: Hidden coward, loving
Bio: This fire Hound roams the underlands alone. he is looking for a master to help fill the hole in his heart.
Power: Fire Breath

« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 10:14:40 PM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2012, 03:28:00 AM »
New Monster Groups

Name: Insecteroths
Race: Monster
Personality: Hive mentality, Highly aggressive, territorial
Power: Acid spit, super sense, sonic vibrations
Description: Insectoroths are carnivorous monsters that live together in massive hives. They never leave too far from their home, but once something steps into their territory, they move fast to the intruder. They use their front appendages to grab a hold of their victim before spitting acid on them. They take no risks, and a person can be swarmed in minutes, but no more than 4 soldiers are sent at any time.

Their abdomens can shake violently, releasing a high frequency sound that can cause machinery to malfunction, as well as cause migraines in biological creatures. The best thing to do is to avoid a nest, which can be marked by looking at the ground for melted victims, and acid burnt soil.

Name: War Horse
Race: Monster
Personality: Solitary creature, intimidating, peaceful
Power: Air bag
Description: War horses are massive monsters that tend to wander alone. They have a peculiar defense mechanism where they take in air and begin to float, trying to intimidate any threat. Even a zigarex will not approach this creature after it sees the inflated sacks. As an addition to this defense, they emit a powerful stench that repels monsters for a while.

The war horse is one of the few tamable monsters. It is very difficult to gain ones trust, and is best to do so while they are foals. When on the right diet, a war horse will not emit its powerful stench when it inflates itself, and their strong bodies make them a must for farmers.

Name: Ground stalker
Race: Monster
Personality: Blind bandit, hive mentality, mildly aggressive
Power: Fast digging
Description: Ground stalkers can be found in the central area of the underlands, in the shadow of Utopia. They live in a massive network of tunnels, and do nothing all day but dig. If someone is caught trying to enter their home, the ground stalker on guard screeches to call for backup, and engages the intruder in a kickboxing like fighting style.

Ground stalkers hate bright light, and will flee from it in an instant. Their hide is prized among traders, so it's best to take something to disorient them, and kill them while they are distracted.


Name: Hypno-eyes
Race: Monster
Personality: Strategist, manipulative
Power: Lesser Mind Control
Description: Rare creatures that are able to control the minds of feral monsters. Not much is known about them, only that if you spot monsters walking together, it means one of these tentacled fiends are nearby. They can make grenchlars even more dangerous, giving them a higher level of thinking. Their weakness is their one eye.

Name: Psychos
Race: Monster
Personality: Psychotic
Power: Rage bringer
Description: A monster that can still speak like a human, but most of it is ramblings. They can even spread their madness to others with their stinger, causing the infected one to go into a rage state for several hours. Though not dangerous on their own, they can cause entire towns to go insane.

Despite their appearance, they move surprisingly fast, are extremely flexible, and can extend their stinger up to 4 feet.
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2012, 03:31:36 AM »
Username: WhatThePumpkin
Character name: Shock
Race: Human
Age: 16
Personality: Shock is a very relaxed kind of person, contrary to his name. He’s kind of lazy, but can be persuaded into doing some things that make people wonder if he has Kraft macaroni for brains. He’s also a bit of a skirt chaser, unsuccessfully flirting with quite a few girls (this usually ends in bruises or cuts).
Biography: Shock was born into a family of pit pockets, assassins, rebels, mechanics,  and just plain whacks in north underland. He was raised by his eldest sister Nikki, who taught him a few tricks in thievery, and made his trademark weapon. She was a human at one time, but during a freak accident, became one of the mindless Zigarex(due to not inheriting the immunity to the virus). He tried to save her; he really did. He even stayed behind with her for a while. But, when she ate his youngest sister and his best friend, he just had to desert her. He doesn’t like thinking about her much. Come to think of it, he doesn't really like to talk about his family at all.
He turned to stealing for a while, but he didn’t like breaking into houses, and decided to move to the central of the underland, where he makes a living doing little odd jobs for the Rebels(such as delivering letters). He wants to sneak into Utopia to see what it’s like, but all the harebrained schemes he comes up with have failed.
Weapon skill: Shock fights with a specialty lead yoyo that he keeps at his side at all times(Nikki made it for him). He is better with long range fighting, and is a failure in hand-to-hand combat.
Organization: None. Sometimes works with the Rebels.
Alignment: Neutral (he shifts from either one from time to time, causing a bit of trouble when someone corrupt and someone good are pestering him. He hasn‘t decided which one he really wants to lean to.)
just forget he has a tail, or cat ears
Weapon Name: ANUBIS
Availability: There seven others like it, with a different weapon, shape, and color. You would need a special request to make one tailored to your likings (and even then, the creator of it is roaming around the underland, feasting on humans, and unlucky chosen).


Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword