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Author Topic: [Profiles] In the Dark  (Read 6882 times)

Offline Darkstar64

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[Profiles] In the Dark
« on: December 27, 2011, 08:59:44 PM »
This is the profiles page for the Rising Legends RP. PM me your profiles and I will add them to this page.

RP page is here: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3982.0.html



(Copy and Paste your type of character and skeleton when PMing profiles, but remove anything in parentheses.)


Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Short Backstory:
General Grades (Eg: usually A's of C's to D's):
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necessary. Must have a description of appearance instead.):


Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Name of Class:
Good or Evil?:
Short Backstory:
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necessary. Must have a description of appearance instead.):

As a character, you may...

-Choose to go to school or not
-Have relationships (friends or love) with other people
-Visit places (food establishments, attractions,etc.) in the city
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 02:59:06 AM by Darkstar64 »

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Underground
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2011, 01:19:05 AM »


Character Name:James

Character Gender:Male

Character Age:15

Short Backstory:James has always been made fun of and bullied. Well, when he noticed all the kids disappearing he started coming up with theory's and writing them down in his note book with all his ideas in them. A group of bullies took the note book, and before he could get it back, a few days later, they were gone. He is now working with his best friend and trying to figure out where everyone is going, and figure out where the bullies are so he can get his note book back. He also has the tendency to sometimes, if he sees something that is interesting, stop and think about what it is when he should start running or doing something.

General Grades:35% of the time A's, 35% B's 5% C's  25% F's(The F's are usually on math)

Appearance:(I couldn't find a picture, will try to find one later.)James looks like you're average high school nerd, there are some key differences, for one since he was called a nerd for how his glasses looked, he took the lenses out and put them in these glasses(His glasses are the ones you get that darken the more sun is on them, this is what it looks like with full sun on them.)

(Once i find a good picture for him I will edit the sunglasses on him.)

He also strives to not look like the average nerd, you know, pocket protecter and stuff, so he wears a black hoodie most of the time it looks like this:

Wearing this has gotten him accused of multiple things (Because the guy with the black hoodie that covers the face most of the time is the first one accused). He is always proven innocent though. Also you might wonder why he has the special glasses, its because he doesn't like to use the hood in the high school because he knows he would get in trouble somehow.

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Underground
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2012, 02:57:53 AM »

Username: Bing
Character Name: Richard
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 17
Short Backstory: Richard is a reject.  He is hated by most social circles of the school.  He skips class often to smoke cigarettes and weed.  He spends his other time tagging the school with graffiti, playing guitar and drinking cheap beer.  His home life is a mess, his father left and his mother drinks heavily.  He has recently become interested in the disappearances, because hell.  Nothing else happens in this poophole of a school.
General Grades: D+
Appearance: Medium length messy black hair, a leather misfits jacket, white t-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of converse.



Username: shin21
Character Name: Yumi
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 16
Short Backstory: Grown up in a poor house, she has allways done her best for her family sake. Went to cheaper schools, always asked for books above her grade level, studied a lot, and kept a part time job to help pay for expenses in a maid cafe, keeping her part time job a secret to everyone, since she doesn't have friends in school that she can trust.
General Grades: 90% of her grades are B's but Math that are A's
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 03:27:13 AM by Darkstar64 »

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Re: [Profiles] In the Dark
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2012, 10:57:00 PM »
Username: dodo100
Character Name: Miss. Morgan (full name Suzanne Morgan)
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 25
Name of Class: English class
Good or Evil?: Evil
Short Backstory: Miss. Morgan is young and very strict teacher. She prefer male students more then female ones, Neither of students have ever get an "A" from her exams. There are rumors about her that she is dating with male students.

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] In the Dark
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2012, 03:25:46 AM »

Username: Hinagiku
Character Name: Ethan Delacroix
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 26
Name of Class: Math
Good or Evil?: Good
Short Backstory: He graduated at 24 with a Masters' in Mathematics and Secondary Education. He's highly perceptive and intelligent with a photographic memory, but seems oblivious and lazy due to his carefree lifestyle. This is his second year teaching and he's been missing a lot of familiar faces -- he would know, he never forgets a face...  Needless to say it makes him uncomfortable, but he has yet to make a move since he doesn't have enough proof.
As a side note, it's well-known by the student body that he's a good person to talk to if they have a problem, school or otherwise--as good or better than the school's counselors.
He's also the boy's baseball coach.

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] In the Dark
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2012, 12:57:33 AM »

Username:Mr. Fox
Character Name: Mr. Arin (Full name is Leroy Arin)
Character Gender:Male
Character Age: 25
Name of Class: Introduction to Science
Good or Evil?: Undecided
Short Backstory: Having just finished getting his degree From UAA and his teaching license Leroy was allowed to pick the school he wanted to teach in, He picked New Millennium High because the students seemed to lack a sense of hope and want for life long learning. He doesn't have the best out look on life so he comes across as grim at times, but he is a nice guy. This being his first year as a teacher he don't know what to expect from his students or the school.
Appearance :