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Author Topic: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia  (Read 15239 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2012, 04:37:38 PM »
Username: RocksEvo
Character name: Grandohn
Race: Human
Age: 15
Personality: Grandohn fears relationships. He is the silent type, and he does not usually start a conversation. The young man fears rejection so he avoids starting relationships. This has lead him to have a deep distrust in people. He has a deep voice and pauses after every sentence. He is probably the most average human alive, as he is never the 'best' nor the 'worst'. He is always somewhere in the middle at everything that he does. The young, average, and silent man is a deep thinker. He is often thinking. He's a deep thinker, and is always seen staring off into space when he does not have a task to do.
Bio: Grandohn was always the silent kid and kept his distance from people. He does not really have a sob  story so he's nothing special. He always kept things to himself and always kept himself safe from monsters.
He has a somewhat-loving family that he has stopped visiting ever since he turned fourteen. He left his household for no real reason, and he dislikes it when people try to sympathize with him because he left his home.
Skill: He has one special skill, running away and keeping his distance.
Organization: None.
Alignment: Neutral-Evil.
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2012, 07:34:50 PM »
Two new special characters
For the Utiopia Rp.  Thought I'd introduce two NPC's that I've used.


Born into a wealthy family, she spent her childhood dreaming of having a family.  But, due to a defect at birth she was unable to bear children.  Upon discovering this, she rededicated her life to becoming a paladin solider.  She quickly rose through the ranks and was a popular leader.  Ten years ago she was approached by Dr. Weil, with a proposition.  She, would become the mother of a new developing weapon.  Cyrus.  This rekindled her old ambition of raising a family.  She now does everything in her power to keep Cyrus alive, as he is her whole world.  She would even consider defying the Paladins if it meant keeping him safe.

Personality: Kind, and caring towards people she loves.
Race: Human
Age: 37
Skill: Management/Leadership.
Organization: Paladins of the new world.
Alignment: Neutral
Weapon: Katana.
Control of Character given to Bing

Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil is a crazy old man.  Who only enjoys research.  Everything he does is for this enjoyment.  His favorite research involves experimentation on living test subjects.  In doing so he has created various strains of the Virus.  Bent on controlling it and making it stronger, he toils on in secret.  Only high ranking government officials and paladins know of his existence.

Personality: Crazy/Insane
Race: Human
Age: 61
Skill: Research and Human/Monster/Chosen/Virus, Experimentation.
Organization: Utopia Government, usually works with the Paladins of the new world.
Alignment: Evil
Weapon: Tame Monsters controlled by various strains of the Virus, which he created.
Control of this character open, but needs permission.

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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2012, 08:57:38 PM »
Username: Lubbies
Character name: Azza
Race: robot
Age: 3 years
Personality: Fun, joking, playing.
Biography: Azza is a robot that is designed to look like a human boy. he does not have a lead shell and he is used for scouting. He believes that he is a robot so no one can get information out of him. He works for the paladins but is blind to their motives. All Azza wants to do is live a peaceful life but fate determined him not to.
Skill: Strength, speed and jumping are slightly increased he is a good metalworker because he can fit pieces together in his programming.
Model: combat/scouting
Organisation: paladins
Alignment: neutral.
Appearance: looks like an average boy but if cut or scraped his metal shell is revealed.
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2012, 11:31:58 PM »
Username: Mr. Fox
Character name: Uallgarg
Race: Monster
Age: Unknown
Personality: Withdrawn and reclusive. Prefers not to get into conflicts with Humans or the Chosen, but will defend himself if attacked.
Biography: When the virus him Uallgarg's home town there was mass panic, at some point during the panic he took a large blow to this head, resulting in the loss of most his memory. When he woke up he was in a strange place and didn't know anything but his name. When a monster approached him he panicked and tried to escape. He was quickly caught and told that he too was a monster and had nothing to fear. After he calmed down he was allowed to leave the clinic. He saw a world of suffering and pain, in his first day three people tried to kill him. He killed each one of his attackers, that night he cried, he didn't know why they were trying to kill him, but why didn't he feel any remorse at killing them? Now he just hides until he can decided who is friendly and who is enemy.
Skill:He has the ability to maintain temporary invisibility, and can shoot Napalm at will. He can't attack while invisible.
Organization: None.
Alignment: Neutral

If there are any questions feel free to ask.
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2012, 05:48:44 AM »
New monster groups made by Bing
Glurm: Glurm live underground.  They strike prey from below shooting up at speeds of 25-30 MPH.  They have no eyes and find their way around using sensors on top of their mouths.  They tend to live in groups of two - four.  They are the size of a school bus and are the cause of many disappearances, since they drag their prey underground. 
As vicious carnivores, they strike at anything they sense moving across the desert.  If you come across one, It's highly suggested you run, because there is always at least one more nearby.
Their skin is rock hard, the only weak spot is the soft tissue of their mouths.

Zoa:  Zoa live in the sky, they float around going where the wind takes them.  They have adapted solar power for energy.  Getting energy from the sun.  Their bodies produce the needed nourishment to survive.  They float in large colonies with numbers in the hundreds, and their tendrils contain a potent toxin that causes temporary paralysis.

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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2012, 04:46:32 AM »
Exclusive Characters

Name: Tiberius Ramond
Age: 42
Race: Human?
Personalty: Cold, OCD
Bio: Tiberius was appointed the new leader of Utopia by mysterious means, but the people are happy with what he has done. In the years he reigned, crime rates have decreased, medical aid has become free, and security as at it's finest. The mastermind behind all the Paladins, he has full control over where they go, what they do, and why they do it. The only advisers he trusts are those with high ranks, and Dr. Weil. Even with his age, he still looks as though he is 20 years old, but an attractive face usually means people willl be more comfortable around you.

Tiberius has a tendency to do things in twos, as he is diagnosed with OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder. When he gets stressed out, it becomes really noticeable when he repeats the last word he says twice. He can keep it under control when he is in other situations, but does automatic actions in twos.
Skill: Crowd Pleaser, influential leader
Weapon: 9mm handgun he calls Maria
Organization: Everything in Utopia
Alignment: Chaotic Good (His actions are bad towards the underlands, but good towards the people in Utopia.)

Name: Grandpa Wrench
Age: 103
Race: Robot
Personality: The caring leader of the Rebels
Bio: Grandpa Wrench may seem like a rusty bucket of bolts to most, but in reality he is a man that lived long before the war ended. Grandpa was a scientist/engineer for the Alpha Robotics' Rival, New World Tech, until they were out sold be the Massive Company. He was forced to retire, and since he still had a flair for fixing machines, opened his own repair shop. As the years went on, he discovered a way to download his memories into a robot, and decided to live for eternity as one, creating a shell he called Wrench, in the likeness of an elderly man. After placing his memories into the machine, he died peacefully, and the new him lived on.

Having kept his skill for creating and fixing robots, he was the mastermind behind the design of the floating city, but only he knows the true use for it. After the city flew, and the underlands were born, he kept hi repair shop where it is, and it eventually transformed into the    main HQ for the rebels, hidden under a landfill of rubble.
Skill: Robot design, repair, and psychiatry
Ability: Able to link to many robots and see what they see. His main use his is spy flies, which look like flies.
Organization: Rebels
Alignment: Pure Good

New Monster Group
Imps: Humans call this breed of monsters Imps, but they don't have a true name.  An extremely antisocial type of monsters, they live in the darker corners of the city, hiding in the shadows of others. They are extremely passive, until attacked; then they will attack without mercy. Their size ranges from the smaller ones at a little over three feet tall; all the way up to man sized ones. 

They are more intelligent than most monsters, possessing the ability to “bend” the light they give off, granting them almost perfect invisibility. But this comes at the price of not being able to retaliate in any form. The best way to find an Imp that is hiding is to look for sudden movements and the outline of their body. Their body is also equipped with a strange sack filled with Napalm; this sack is prized by many because of its ability to store any material, even molten lead. The sack is refilled using things the Imp eats. They possess a higher than normal resistance to Lead then most monsters, but if it comes in contact with their skin they develop a nasty rash that slowly eats away at their skin.

They have also been known to use weapons, albeit rare.

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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2012, 06:54:37 AM »
New Exclusive character
Race:Half monster. This will be explained in the bio.
bio:Leeta's mom was one of the sane monsters, and ended up marrying a chosen, so you know, a half monster has to be made.Well, her dad got killed by a paladin that he accidentally injured.(Not going into details on his power or what type of monster her mom was.)And then when her mom heard about this it drove her into insanity and she killed herself.Now Leeta when SHE heard about it she decided that she was gonna join the rebel's, but she couldn't find any info on how to join, so she just acts like she is a rebel and goes on.

"power":Leeta has cat ears, cat tail, and cat pawish hands, now you would think this couldn't give her any help right? wrong, since she is part cat she gets added speed, strength and jumping power, but she can't swim at all and is afraid of anything that looks like a dog.

organization:She wants to be a rebel but can't figure out how to join, so she just acts like she is a rebel, but if she get s a chance to actually join them, she will.


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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2012, 10:27:37 PM »
New exclusive characters

Race: Monster (Imp)
Age: 30
Personality: Strict, over bearing
Bio: Salreth was found by the rebels after she and her family were attacked, leaving her the sole survivor. wrench seen potential in her, and ordered that she be brought back to recover, and join the rebels. She currently takes care of the two twin imps, Jacob and Issac, both adopted by the rebels, and acts like a mother figure for them.

Salreth may have the motherly type of attitude, but she is a skilled hand to hand fighter, and an intellect higher than most imps. With bothe of these skills, she was able to pass level 10 of the battle test, a feat only completed by her and two others.

Power: Imp Powers
Alignment: Good
Organization: Rebels
Appearance: Female looking imp

Issac and Jacob
Race: Imps
Age: 11
Personality: Clever, troublemakers
Bio: Issac and Jacob were found by the rebels as abandoned babies. They brought them to Salreth who took the responsibility of raising them. These two love to play jokes on everyone in the rebel base, and their curious minds tend to lead them to a good scolding from Salreth. despite this, they have a real knack for using weapons, their favorite being guns.

Issac and Jacob always work as a team, and though young, show promise in combat skills. If only they can get their minds to focus long enough, they would be able to complete their training.
Alignment: Good
Organization: Rebels
Appearance: Young, identical imps

New robot groups

Battle drone
Protocol: Combat training and performance
Skill: Weapon masters, martial arts masters, tactical masters
Battle drones are an invention of Grandpa wrench to help train the rebels on a daily basis. They utilize fatigue style weapons, which are meant to knock out a target rather than kill them. They are programmed to fight, and act as tutors when available.

Battle drones are only activated during training sessions, and the difficulty starts from level 1 to level 10. At level 1, they are generally easy to take down, but at level 10, they gain the knowledge of histories greatest combatants and war leaders. Their limited power supply make it impossible to use them outside of the training hall.

Protocol: Security
Skill:Heavy Hitter (on account of their huge fists)
Bio: Golems were built to act as guards of the now abandoned labs of the underlands. Their massive size allows them to crush anything that comes by, as well as scare off any intruder dumb enough to walk on their territory. Though the labs are pretty much gone, the golems still protect them at all costs.

As a secondary weapon, they can launch their fists will a simple propulsion system in case the target is airborne. They do not attack unless someone has entered their zone, and cease attacking once they leave. They are indestructible.

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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2012, 03:56:53 AM »
Username: Cortex J.
Name: Ko
Race: Modified Human
Personality- Extremely aggressive, calculating, cold blooded.
Bio- Ko is the second clone from Axyl's DNA the Weil used to make a perfect vessel. Ko believes what the memories Weil placed in him show him, and therefore, hates the rebels. He has all the same skills as Axyl, but puts more aggression within them, making his attacks swift and powerful. Through the cloning process, his skills have also been slightly improved, making him able to take more hits, deal more damage, and move a little faster than his "Twin."
Skill- Swordplay, stealth
Weapon- Buster sword: A leftover from a failed experiment, it is lined with lead, and a few other metals, making it a Chosen/Monster slaying godsend.


Yes it is Sethiroth, just take away the sword, and give him the badass blade of ownage.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 04:00:48 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Poisoned Utopia
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2012, 02:53:17 AM »
It's high time burr stops watching from the sidelines and takes the leap of faith.   Time to attempt... to join an rp.   Let's just hope I did everything right.  @3@

Username: GoldenBurr
Character name: "Urs",  it's what he calls himself.
Race: Monster
Age: Unknown
Personality: Wild and free-spirited.  He usually acts with only his own survival in mind, and therefore doesn't like working with any form of organization.  He isn't exactly a loner, just that he hates becoming depended upon.  His emotions waver from extremes to lows easily, which makes him hard to work with.  And his thoughts can change in an instant, with no warning. Though like any other creature he does have affection... but he doesn't allow himself to show it.
Biography: Urs has no clue about his past, nor does he really care.  As long as he could remember this turmoil had racked the world and he was a twisted freak of nature.  That was all he needed in order to move on, which is exactly what he does.  Urs has no roots that hold him back and seemingly no goal in mind.  The beast roams about and does as he pleases, whether helping some random pedestrian or mugging a traveler.  Considering how he looks more like a wild animal, most don't stop to consider his sentience, so he thankfully doesn't get repercussions for "crimes".  His mutation had put his own survival and freedom at the top of the priority list.
Skill: Strangely enough, Urs can paint.  He uses blood as his medium, and then expertly uses his claws to draw out the image he sees in his mind.  Painting is one of the only things that he can accomplish that lets him know he isn't completely an animal, that he still is human... in part.  Of course, the only artwork of his seen by others are the scars he has marked himself with.
Power: Of course any hulking mass of muscle and fur has to be extremely durable and strong, yet Urs is also quite agile for being built like a tank.  Even more terrifying is the fact that he doesn't even feel pain.  Of course he can feel when something is wrong with his body, but he doesn't get hurt.  A handy ability when his attacker might be handling that "silver bullet" that would stop a normal monster/chosen in it's tracks from pain.  [yet another thing that helps most believe urs to just be a twisted animal]
Organization: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

from here on out, no other PC profiles will be accepted, RP will be full. All other profiles placed here will be of NPC's.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword