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Author Topic: Why the Anime Sucks  (Read 31947 times)

Offline Tristan

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2012, 09:41:30 AM »
You know, I watched it a few times and I'll admit Brock sounds more...rougher, but it definitely caught me off guard when I first heard it. Can't say I'm a fan but I see your point. It's kind of funny because in the games, Brock never expressed any interest in being a breeder, and Misty never appeared to have any sisters. Their characters, along with "Red's", if Ash is even worthy of that name, were totally changed and mixed around. I know why, it adds depth and personality to them, but still, the game incarnations of Brock and Misty seemed pretty content as gym leaders. And yeah, Oak is just annoying. The same guy who plays him plays James now, and the problem is it's highly noticeable, like on a ridiculous level. I don't know, I don't have much interest in watching it anymore anyway because I'd just watch the subbed version if I did, but even so, it's kind of sad to see what the English versions have become. Especially when the original series was probably one of the only English subbed shows out there that wasn't dreadful.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 09:44:16 AM by Tristan »

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2012, 02:09:46 AM »
I don't understand why dubbed has to be terrible all the time! There are only about 5 good japanese anime voice actors, and you notice them when two characters from separate series have the same voice. It detracts from their overall individualism, the very little they may have.

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2012, 03:47:15 AM »
Yeah, Americans can never catch the same awesome feel and technique to capturing our love for anime as the Japanese do :)
The only animes I watch in dub are Code Geass(because they actually have amazing voice actors!) and Hetalia(the fake accents are hilarious xD)
I like the Japanese dub with english subbed version of Pokemon better because it is so much more original, the names of the pokemon, the attack names...though the thing that made me the most irritated with B/W was that after ALL THIS TIME, Ash is STILL 10 years old, has not gotten ANY better at training pokemon or winning battles, and Pikachu, who should be level 100, gets beaten by a Snivy, level 5...
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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2012, 04:31:05 AM »
Exactly. As far as the anime goes, I honestly don't think it was that bad until after the Advanced Generation. Ash mentoring May made him seem older and more mature, and he seemed better at catching and battling. He even managed to win the Battle Frontier. Then what do they do? Send him home to Pallet where he is easily beaten by Gary who hasn't even been a trainer for at least 4 seasons at that point. After that he just seemed like a nobody, I mean I understand why he wants to only bring only Pikachu and restart in each new region, but come on, he sucks. I've only seen about 2 and a half episodes of Black and White, but he's terrible. He's always being laughed at and taunted because he seems like he doesn't know how to be a trainer...when in reality, he should be a damn master by now. I just don't get it.

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2012, 05:04:00 AM »
Here is your reason. The writers feel that a hero that builds up is likable, and stick with the concept. What they don't know is if it happens multiple times, it's close to retarded. The anime could have had potential in B/W, but we got crap instead.
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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2012, 05:37:22 AM »
Basically, the writers are ostracizing all the people who grew up with the Pokemon anime.... -__- Not cool.

Offline Aquashin

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2012, 05:49:40 AM »
Here is your reason. The writers feel that a hero that builds up is likable, and stick with the concept. What they don't know is if it happens multiple times, it's close to retarded. The anime could have had potential in B/W, but we got crap instead.

what confuses me the most is that Pikachu, who was supposed to be a totally badass strong pokemon is with Ash since the start and defeated Latios in the previous seasson almost all by himself manages to lose against a Snivy thats suppose to be low lvl only because it cant use Electric moves
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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2012, 01:58:19 PM »
I've watched the anime in Portuguese when I was a kid, I've recently watched some clips in English and it's so unbearable. If I wanted to watch the anime now (which I don't because it really is aimed to kids, unlike Digimon for instance, which seasons 1 and 3 I have re-watched just 3 years ago and they have a much better storyline) I'd watch it in japanese. Sounds much more serious business in Japanese.

There are very few animes I'd watch in English. One of them is Cromartie High School. It's great in Japanese, but it actually sounds pretty funny in English too, so much I actually found the dubbed version to be better.
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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2012, 03:15:10 PM »
The different voices don't trouble me too much. The only thing I don't like about the progression of the show is the different animation styles.

Offline Tristan

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2012, 06:54:31 PM »
The different voices don't trouble me too much. The only thing I don't like about the progression of the show is the different animation styles.

Really? I think the animation has improved for the better. If they're doing anything right, it's that. But I don't even watch the Pokemon anime any more, I'm just angry because when you're a little kid watching, you don't expect them to keep it going forever and juice every little penny out of it they can.  I want a damn ending. A proper ending.

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2012, 07:05:37 PM »
The main thing I don't like about dubbed, is they fit the mouth movements, and not what is actually being said. I was watching an episode of dragonball in Eng dub with Eng subs, and dub Goku said, "You have blue hair" when the subs were taking about a battle.....

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2012, 08:32:58 PM »
Tristan I totally agree, I mean in Sinnoh who F£$king cares about a sheloss let it die for F*&k sake get to the gym or better yet league... Thats why I stopped watching it took about 5 episodes to get to a gym... JEEZ  >:(
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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2012, 08:35:54 PM »
I agree Tristan, I would love some closure, at least with Ash. They could replace his character just like they did with almost every other original character since the beginning.

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2012, 03:49:24 AM »
Which is one of the reasons why I'm watching it in Japanese. Voices had changed since the beginning of Battle Frontier season (for the worse). However, the plot has improved and Ash is catching a lot more Pokemon than the other regions. Only sad part is that Team Rocket lost their comic relief.

One more thing about the anime I despise is that Ash's age turn back to 10 every region ~_~ and stupid (come on, how do you not know about type advantages and weaknesses!?). On another note, how the heck does Pikachu lose to Snivy? x"D
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Offline Aquashin

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Re: Why the Anime Sucks
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2012, 04:08:25 AM »
On another note, how the heck does Pikachu lose to Snivy? x"D

my point exactly, if you all remenber correctly, Pikachu defeated a realy powerfull Latios by itself, and couldnt defeat a Snivy only because he couldnt use Electric type moves? give me a break....
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^