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Author Topic: STOP SOPA/PIPA  (Read 67742 times)

Offline Tristan

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« Reply #60 on: January 19, 2012, 08:39:20 AM »
The U.S. isn't stupid, it's just the people who run the country.

the US isn't a bad country, its stupid people that make stupid decisions about stupid things.

Offline shermana

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« Reply #61 on: January 19, 2012, 07:30:55 PM »
I dont know if anyone remembers, but back in 2010 pokenet was shut down because Nintendo found that it was copyrighted. Nintendo was able to make the decision of taking control of the website, but wanted it to be completely shut down. I was reading an article about Nintendo's views of MMORPG's and they absolutely do not like the idea of having a pokemon MMO game on the internet. They think its stupid and pointless. Plus i also read that their online service is horrible. Sorry for going off topic again.

Offline Reafer

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« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2012, 08:05:29 PM »
Digimon made an online mmo as soon as that came out I signed up for the pre-beta.
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Offline tipsta

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« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2012, 11:41:02 PM »
And SOPA and isn't even passed yet...
One of the world’s largest file-sharing sites was shut down Thursday, and its founder and several company executives were charged with violating piracy laws, federal prosecutors said.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 11:44:02 PM by tipsta »

Offline shermana

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« Reply #64 on: January 20, 2012, 01:23:35 AM »
If this goes through they are going to eventually shut down facebook, twitter, hulu.com and craigslist

Offline Hinagiku

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« Reply #65 on: January 20, 2012, 02:22:46 AM »
And SOPA and isn't even passed yet...
One of the world’s largest file-sharing sites was shut down Thursday, and its founder and several company executives were charged with violating piracy laws, federal prosecutors said.

...Technically, file-sharing is illegal ANYWAY, so yeah... I mean, Megaupload had some legitimate purposes, but I mostly saw illegal sharing from it... Pretty sure they're allowed to shut that down anyway.

HOWEVER, I don't agree with SOPA and PIPA and the fact that they have too much power and abuse potential. I don't want to see them come into actual law, EVER. Otherwise I'll have to be even more disappointed in my country. Thank goodness Obama's opposing it.

Oh HA HA, a quote I just found:
The big news is that Congress has agreed to shelve the vote on SOPA until it can find more common ground. But the battle over how best to address online piracy has now spun out far and wide. The hacktivist group Anonymous, for example, has found a juicy new target: stodgy old media executives.

The group obtained and then published posts with personal information about Jeffrey L. Bewkes, chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, and Sumner M. Redstone, who oversees Viacom and CBS. Both of these men run companies that support SOPA. As The New York Times reports,  after Anonymous exposed Mr. Bewkes personal email and home phone number, he received a wave of complaints from anti-SOPA advocates.

The people in power seem a little perplexed about the guerilla tactics. “Why can’t they just hire a lobbyist like everyone else?” a Congressional aide for the House Judiciary Committee asked the NY Times.
From: http://www.venturebeat.com/2012/01/16/sopa-opera-anonymous-targets-media-execs-moguls-take-aim-at-google/?obref=obinsite
*facepalm* Pity the unfortunate souls. They can't buy off a congressperson like everyone else, sadface.jpg. Seriously?? Even if it was a thoughtless comment, it was way TOO thoughtless.

BTW, an interesting article that goes into what the bills could do, probably a more realistic view:

Offline Hiteryan

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« Reply #66 on: January 20, 2012, 03:10:24 AM »
I found a video that pretty much sums up my thoughts on SOPA and PIPA. It pretty much explains what they are, and what you can do.

Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhwuXNv8fJM&feature=g-user-lik&context=G23d68ecUCGXQYbcTJ33Yzttn0PRsQw-WPEIE-XSkNats7FYZn6hw

I'll leave this here because this video is self explanatory enough for anyone who's not quite sure about what SOPA is.

And would you guys please stop talking about PU? We all love PU and don't want it to be taken down, at any cost. But this bill has far larger proportions, we're talking about YouTube, facebook, and everything you like, disappearing from the internet. It's because of Hollywood, MPAA and RIAA and all those big ass money eating corporations who still don't understand why people pirate media. They just want to make money, and they of all people should know, and yet they don't, that this will only be worse for them.

Passing this bill can not be a possibility under any circumstance. Obama's in a pretty messed up situation because of the pressure he's getting from Hollywood executives for instance, since they heavily supported his campaign, and now he expressed how he's opposed to this bill. Let's see what's going to happen.

And to all you guys and gals in the US, DO whatever you are enabled to do to help stop this insanity.
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« Reply #67 on: January 20, 2012, 03:15:28 AM »
Agreed, we need to stop the insanity.  The bill makes no sense.  It clearly tramples all over our(americans like myself) right to free speech.  The effect this bill will have could reach across the world...  And it's all cause some rich bastard want's a 16th yacht.

I have already written my congressmen and you should do the same.

Offline shermana

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« Reply #68 on: January 20, 2012, 03:17:58 AM »
There some Anonymous person hacking into some of the government websites and shutting them down. So far this person has already shut down five sites i think in retaliation of Megaupload.com being shut down.

Offline Tristan

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« Reply #69 on: January 20, 2012, 03:47:40 AM »
MegaUpload, while I liked and used it's services, was on grounds for termination. I'm not sure if them being shut down on this day in particular has anything to do with yesterday's protests, but it does feel like a slap in the face. However, I do think it may have just been untimely. It is a shame but hey, what's illegal is illegal and the best we can do is try to stop SOPA from twisting the rights we have to what is legal.

Offline shermana

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« Reply #70 on: January 20, 2012, 04:01:43 AM »
SOPA has been killed. I just heard that Obama is not going to accept it. At least that's what i just heard.

Offline Hinagiku

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« Reply #71 on: January 20, 2012, 04:32:28 AM »
SOPA has been killed. I just heard that Obama is not going to accept it. At least that's what i just heard.
Not killed. Shelved. It still exists, PIPA will go up for vote on the 24th, so I read, and SOPA can come back up for vote any time in the future they like.
Obama is OPENLY not supporting it (a big thing for ANY politician these days), which means Congress might wait until he's out of office and the American people vote in a nutjob that'll allow it. And by the way, if enough congresspeople want to [read: been bought off], they can vote to overturn a presidential veto.

and @Hiteryan, here's an article you might like--well anyone might like to read:  http://www.pcworld.com/article/248425/hollywood_disappointed_with_president_obamas_sopa_stance.html
Because your donation money is meant to buy the president--you aren't actually supposed to donate to who you think has the right policies! You're supposed to choose the policies for them after paying up, dontcha know?

Offline Wrathes

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« Reply #72 on: January 20, 2012, 04:49:52 AM »
More or like, half of the Congress are millioniars, all they think are money money money. They give no crap of what the lower people thinks and assuming "they know it all." That's how they think.
Try searching for dumb millionair congressmen.

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« Reply #73 on: January 20, 2012, 04:56:07 AM »
Megaupload is down.

after blocking the use of the internet and freedom of speech in the internet, whats next? blocking our free will as well? are we to live as slaves in the? future?, because thats what it looks like by this act of stupidity

the founder of the Megaupload site only had one objective, that was to make sharing of files easyer through people, its normal that he cant control the content of the files, thatsthe responsibility of the users, but no, they got to him and got him arrested for making file sharing easyer.

I mean, there are people out there killing other people and selling drugs and etc, and they dont do a thing to stop them, but a site that helps people and doesnt kill anyone they block it? are they f.ing retards? the answer is YES.

i would like to see if a kid of each senator was killed by drug dealers, what would they do? keep going after the internet were no one kills anyone? i would love to see it, because this is blocking our freedom.

Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Deion1

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« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2012, 05:50:15 AM »
That's messed up shin