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Pokemon Zoo
Even as a distraction many people might think its dumb if theirs Pokemon in the zoo that can be found a lot in game. If theirs a zoo it should be for exotic or legendary types, since zoo's hold a lot of extinct animals.
about the types thing, why not just have something like that poke etch app about types
--- Quote from: JHShadon on February 15, 2010, 09:25:37 AM ---about the types thing, why not just have something like that poke etch app about types
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Because that's supossed to go with pokemon info, in the pokedex. The Poke etch shows doesn't show any types.
--- Quote from: Chaoseth on February 15, 2010, 06:44:51 AM ---Even as a distraction many people might think its dumb if theirs Pokemon in the zoo that can be found a lot in game. If theirs a zoo it should be for exotic or legendary types, since zoo's hold a lot of extinct animals.
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I agree that there should be some not so common pokemon, but legendary... ? no. Why would there be a legendary pokemon in the zoo anyways ? They'd break out and kill everyone :3
Anyways you know pokemon like Primeape, Aracanine, Sudowodo, ect
Indeed.. Legendary Pokemon in a zoo? That's just hilarious =]
You don't put Pokemon who keeps the world in balance in a zoo :-X
--- Quote from: Phosphorous on February 15, 2010, 04:04:17 PM ---
Anyways you know pokemon like Primeape, Aracanine, Sudowodo, ect
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Yes, imagine going to a zoo and seeing a tree in a cage.
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