Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Territorial Mining

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--- Quote from: BlazingApollo on January 25, 2012, 08:07:41 AM ---Woah, so we're going to confront the miners by using shiny Torkoal and shiny Shuckle? Cool  :)
But, there's no other wild pokemon in there? Like Zubats or anything that lives in the mountain...
just saying

--- End quote ---

You'll see why in part three.

Hmm... let me guess...
The miners are capturing all the other wild pokemon in the mountain as well?

This is awesome, Nice work Bing, and lookin' forward to part three.

Miss Wednesday:
Vivian sounds pretty awesome.... I wonder why C: lql cool quests btw Bing!

Sorry, couldn't help adding option 3 here:

--- Quote ---Player Choice: Option 1-"I'm fine."
Option 2- That was close, I almost got caught up in that.  But, I'm ok."
Option 3 - "Who are you!? Quit taunting the pokemon around here!"
--- End quote ---

And no, you will have dozens of Woobats now :P

Overall, nice quest so far, quite simple (not meaning easy) I may say and... well, let's see the third part :)


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