Name: Girafarig
Number: 203
Type: Normal/Psychic
Abilities: Regenerator, Early Bird, Sap Sipper
Base Stats: 88 / 80 / 75 / 90 / 75 / 105
Level Up Move Edits: None
Move Tutor Move Edits:Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Bulk Up
Egg Move Edits: None
Example Set Baton Pass to the Max @ Leftovers
252 Def / 164 SpDef / 92 Hp
Regenerator, Calm
- Wish
- Bulk Up
- Calm Mind
- Baton Pass
Explanation of SetThis set is really fun, start buffing physical or special depending on what your opponent is using, wishing where appropriate. Then get the other side buffed and pass it on to someone who will rip everyone apart with +6's all over the place.
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