Pokémon Universe > Archived

Unlimited Money

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Lol! I happen to get some Full Restores from the 'mom' bank (together with the plushies)???

Mr_Dark, can you lose your money if you carry it with you? Or being robbed?


--- Quote from: Dvys on February 17, 2010, 09:55:28 PM ---Mr_Dark, can you lose your money if you carry it with you? Or being robbed?

--- End quote ---

Nah don't think so.

Getting robbed would be interesting, more real life - like. Or getting robbed in qest (but get the money back once completting it). Maybe you could hold an event 'money-less day' - all users would have their money 0, with no way to earn it... *OK, I'm officialy going to far*
Since this is a discussion about money, I sugesst some sort of salary, wich we would get every day at same hour, just to make shure no one gets broke, or hasn't got money to buy potions, pokeballs,... And items should be very affordable, even chep; I really heate it when Pokemon game becomes 'get a lot of money' game >:(!

In MMORPG's you get money from killing monsters.. I assume you will get money if you win from a wild Pokemon. =]

I don't like getting money for doing nothing (Wait a second,, if it was real life..... xD) :)


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