Pokémon Universe > Archived
Unlimited Money
In PWO they have it so that you get money from wild pokemon, and sometimes random items, if it wasnt for the insane lagg i would be playing it, lol, but yea money from wild pokemon.
Maybe like a wager option for battles, like if you battle a player character you can set an amount, or choose to set an amount (option not to also der) to bet on the battle, maybe with a minimum and maximum limit. Does that make sense? lol
Well realistically there is a limit I would assume. Depends on how they store the value.
--- Quote from: Dvys on February 18, 2010, 10:01:40 PM ---In MMORPG's you get money from killing monsters.. I assume you will get money if you win from a wild Pokemon. =]
I don't like getting money for doing nothing (Wait a second,, if it was real life..... xD) :)
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But then, we should get some actual money, not something like; ...you earned 3 _____(insert value)... It makes me really depresed to beat 10 Pokemon in order to get enugh money to buy a potion...
--- Quote from: ChaoticXSinZ on February 19, 2010, 01:45:19 AM ---Well realistically there is a limit I would assume. Depends on how they store the value.
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Why would this be realistic? It's not like there's a limit on the money you can have in the real world?
And it doesn't really matter how we store the value because if we use a 64bit integer you can have 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 moneyz.
Money from wild pokemon? I'm not too keen on that, nor the daily 'salary'. Money from NPCs yes, with amulet coin or luck incense to double the prize money whenever the pokemon holding the item appears in battle was fine in the classical pokemon games. I don't know if that's possible in PU, or if there will be useless items here and there like nuggets, star pieces, big pearls and so on which are sold at quite high price.
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