Entertainment > Other Games

Your Game Collections

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Lovin the spyro games! Use to play them all the time when I was a kid, glad to see someone still appreciates old games!! :D


And more importantly, Pokémon!

Pokemaster MAC:
Not sure I could list them all, seeing as...uhhh...*coughcoughseveralhundred*

Anyways, WHY haven't i seen Castlevania on anyone's list? The scroll ones and RPGs are just... awesome! you make this man cry on the inside

CASTLEANIA!!! ;_; THat series is the best. I haven't played it enough, but it's really cool.

Pokemaster MAC:
Exactly! O:

But seriously, from getting my first game at age 5 (G.I. Joe for NES) i've gotten LOADS of games... i mainly have RPGs like FF 1 to 13-2, Breath of Fire 1,2,3,4 and DQ. Mana series games, Pokemon games (all RPG ones, save Mystery Dungeons), Tales series games(US releases save Eternia 1+2), Castlevania series games... etc. i could go on for a trolly long time


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