Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

actual game

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hi i dont want to complain but with the update list i see your manly focusing on the chat

Yes.. and your point is?

my point is other than chat and topics there is nothing and it seems like thats how it is going to be for a really long time

Communication is a vital part of any work force, and game.  I'd hate to play the game and not be able to say "ty" to the person who just saved me from a wild Gyrados attack.  Or for that matter I would hate to be unable to tell my rival "great battle" after a climatic struggle from both our teams.  The ability to communicate is far under-appreciated, but a necessity in anything that will have people interacting with each other.  Having a precise chat system is a high priority in my eyes, otherwise we'd be like the men at the Tower of Babel.

I hope I am not out of line in saying all this, I apologize ahead of time if that is the case.

Not only that, but there have been other things in the development feed that you have missed reading, like the pokemon data, crash fixes, and other things to ensure the game will run smoothly.


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