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Author Topic: Kingdom Hearts Missing Years (Ideia first, not story yet)  (Read 3964 times)

Offline Aquashin

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Kingdom Hearts Missing Years (Ideia first, not story yet)
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:50:37 AM »
Hey guys, this may be off topic, but does anyone here likes the Kingdom Hearts game series?

Me and a friend, we are two of those people that "Live" Kingdom Hearts, we know basicly most everything there is to know about it, and since we had our creativity to be used, we decided to make a RP between just me and my friend, that will tell the story of the missing years in Kingdom Hearts.

To Explain what i mean by Missing Years, its the time in the Series Timeline that was never told, some stuff was kept untold to us in the games, thats why we are doing it, to make it a possible story and allow it to fit the timeline.

I will do a sort of small scale Timeline here, notice that i will only use Kingdom Hearts name when its needed, others will have the second name only, as well as the game system that had it:

Birth By Sleep (PSP)
(Missing Years)
Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
Chain of Memories (GBA) / Re: Chain of Memories (PS2) *
358/2 Days (DS) *
Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) / Final Mix + (PS2)
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (DS)
Blank Points **
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS) ***


In Red - Its the part that we are going to RP.

* - Both these two happen during the same time.

** - By Blank Points i mean the happenings in the end of Birth By Sleep and Birth By Sleep Final Mix, i wont point out the ending so that there wont be any spoilers.

*** - Not yet Releassed.

Anyway, coming back to my original point, since we are both RPers we thought that when we have enough material to go, we would post it here on the site for everyone to read, comment or criticize, and make it Weekly posts on the Fan Fiction & Writing Section, my question is:

What you think of the ideia we had?

Keeping in mind that:

• We know that some of you never heard of Kingdom Hearts or never had the chance or interest to play;

• That we are not being payed to do this to encourage any of you to buy or download the game, its fan made and for fans and friends only (Yes, i consider anyone in this site my friend, too bad that the friend im doing this with doesn't like Pokemon like i and everyone here does^^), our only interest is to share our knowledge with everyone.

• That in the rp we will point out some spoilers from the games, but not so many to explain all the other games, only few.

• We started 3 days ago RPing and we are not all day RPing, we can only do it for 3 to 6 hours a day since its the time we are online at the same time, so i wont be posting this that soon.

My Apologies if i made this too long or too hard to understand...

Thank you for your time, i will be expecting your comments on this in this thread or via PM, will answer any questions.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Aquashin

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Missing Years (Ideia first, not story yet)
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 08:19:03 PM »
If anyone at all has any questions about this, pleasse post them here, i will answer them
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^