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Author Topic: [RP] Rescue/Exploration Teams: An Endless Desert Night  (Read 4209 times)

Offline InkyBrush

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[RP] Rescue/Exploration Teams: An Endless Desert Night
« on: March 10, 2012, 09:24:02 PM »
There's been a rumor... a rumor that the king and queen are sucking everything from the land. Legend tells that this desolate desert used to be a lush forest of various plants and Pokemon. However, as more Pokemon flocked to the paradise, there was competition. Eventually, the strongest Pokemon emerged as the boss of all the others, declared themselves Lord, and had their family turned into royalty. For awhile, Pokemon thought that they got their fair share of the resources this abundant land had to offer, while the nobility unfairly took more than five times the resources they needed. They governed the land with an iron fist, making high taxes and giving very little to the Population, other than the treasures of the land that "rightfully belongs to the King."

The royalty got so full of themselves, they ended up taking almost everything from the townsfolk. The villagers were too scared to do anything, because the nobility of the now half-desert, half-forest would publicly murder or humiliate anyone who participated in a rebellion. They would make speeches to the frightened Pokemon, threatening that they would lose "their protection and free water and food" if they acted against the King and Queen.

You see, over the years, the greedy nobles conquered other lands, turning them to deserts. Now, the city around their castle was the only place other than a random oasis that had any real greenery or an abundant water source. Except even that place wasn't at all like it used to be... So now, the original townsfolk were trapped in an invisible cage, the imagination of the fearful group telling them in vivid dreams that they were far better off than any other place in the world.

Of course that wasn't true. There were still forests, oceans, lakes, and mountains. The royalty just made sure they didn't know that.

Now, after a millennium, the land was reduced to a sunless desert. The black clouds of death and misfortune cover the Earth. There are very few water sources, and the only living plants were those seriously pampered inside of a wealthy household. Now, many work for the nobility, earning respect and a higher pay than almost any other jobs. A few of the requirements were stupid, the person applying for the job needing to be "physically beautiful". They would need to list their strong points and many other aspects about themselves, such as the kind of family they came from. Then, they would be interviewed by the noble they would be serving, or if they were just going to be servants to all, a butler or a maid would show them the ropes.
If you were rejected, a servant was sent to your home to tell you.

(I got off track for a second there. D: )
The nobles, being as selfish as they were, let only the very powerful families survive. The useless people were sent away, either to a place outside where other unwanted people were forced, or just exiled from the city to fend for themselves against the fearsome terrain and any vicious Pokemon they happened to come across.

Since they still needed subordinates, they were forced to form teams. The teams were given certain assignments. Exploration teams, which had already been established, worked for the nobles, sent out to scan the land for any treasures or resources. Rescue teams were given harder assignments, consisting of missions like dealing with a supposed, small uprising outside of the city, or escorting a royal member. They would be sent out to retrieve lost persons, or may be partnered with an exploration team to find an antidote for a dying noble.

Unbeknownst to the nobles and their vassals, however, teams of rogues or "useless" Pokemon have been banding together. They're training, putting their lives on the line to survive long enough to become stronger so that they can persuade some of the towns people to join them, and overthrow the cruel order. Much like the castle, their is a leader guiding these teams, and they have both Rescue and Exploration Teams, just like the royals. Their one goal - get strong enough to destroy those fat rulers without being obliterated first.

Then a incredibly huge sandstorm hits, and the royalty and both the rebellion take a blow where it hurts. Many of their factions were seriously wounded,(Like what happened to Adelais's family.) and they're mostly focusing on trying to repair and find everyone.

(That's it, I suppose. x.x Maybe it'll go further when the roleplay gets started?)

1. Max of Two Characters. If you have two and one dies off, you have to get my permission before submitting another character application.

2. Follow the roleplaying rules. If there's a fight, take it up in PMs or something, not here. Out of character posts can be made to settle maybe a small dispute, but don't go ranting on about one person not being fair.

3. PLEEASE, do NOT write very short posts. Please try to get at least a paragraph(AT LEAST five sentences) in a single post. If the roleplay starts going nowhere and it's hard to put in details, I'll add something to the current plot.

4. Don't timeskip unless there's a mutual agreement for it among everyone, or if you were offline for a long time and you need to catch up.

5. Please do not randomly change your character. This includes evolution. It is most definitely allowed, but don't just randomly go OH!! TYCOON THE PIDGEY IS EVOLVING!!! At least give some indication, and it'll take much longer for your character to evolve if you're not involved in some way with the nobility, who has better training methods because of their money and abundant resources. Password = the Pokemon you think is the best and why. This also includes suddenly making your character a spy for the other side. You have to establish that with me, first of all, and don't change your characters attitude or personality without a good reason.

.:Character Application:.

Pokemon: (No legendary Pokemon and no fakemon.)

Age: (Human years, preferably. Let's pretend they grow at the same rate humans do. P: )

Gender: (M/F)

Home: (Where they were born, or where they reside. Not the castle unless I give you permission.)

Rescue or Exploration Team: (Team Name)

Team Position: (Leader/Co-Leader/Grunt?)

Place of Work: (Nobles or Rebellion?)

Appearance: (Can be slightly different than the original appearance, but only SLIGHTLY.)

Personality: (Self explanatory.)

Background/History: (What their life was like leading up to this point. This is not a section where you should skimp.)

Rescue Team History: (If you've gotten more than one character, and your characters are a team, and they've known each other for awhile, you need to fill this out.)

Password: (Read the rules to find out what to put here.)

.:Accepted Characters:.
Team Banana

Latin for Noble

Pokemon: Totodile

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Home: Royal Castle

Rescue & Exploration Team: Team Banana(You have to ask first if you want to be both.)

Team Position: Leader

Place of Work: None. Adelais doesn't know his way back to the castle, and neither does ChaCha, so they're just a Lone Wolf sort of team, deciding for themselves what they go after and who they rescue.

Appearance: Adelais, strangely, is a darker blue than most Totodiles. The spikes he has are also a slightly darker red than usual. He has a crescent moon scar on his left eye, which he'll tell you is not a birthmark. Some of his fangs jut out of the sides of his mouth when it's closed. His eyes are a cold and mysterious violet color. He's most definitely not your usual Totodile.

Personality: Adelais is very... demanding, I guess you could say. Not only that, but he usually doesn't listen to others. He can occasionally be very cold, but usually only when he's mad or is negotiating. He most definitely fits the leader role in the team. He prefers not to show any weakness, and knows how to hold himself in an argument. Simply stated, he's hard to win against with anything. Most of the time, you won't see him smiling in a pure way. And by pure, I mean when he's very happy or excited. Being a Totodile, he can't bottle up those emotions all of the time. Adelais is extremely finicky, and he really doesn't like being dirty all that much. He also knows how to be a gentleman and to be polite, as well as become rude and obnoxios.

Background/History: As his name states, Adelais comes from a family of nobility. One of the current River King's many sons, he was treated like the most important royalty. They lived near probably the biggest river around, and many Pokémon were afraid to come near, because Adelais' family was also known to show hostility to trespassers. This river was treated as holy, because it never dries out. The main King, residing in the fabled city of lore where it all began, was having trouble dealing with all the Pokemon in the river, who sided with Adelais' father. So, the King let Adelais' father be the King of the river while he was away, and the family would soon grow and prosper.
The underwater castle was just as important, if not more so, than the actual castle.

Until of course, an unimaginably powerful sandstorm swept everything away. You see, it had been a custom to get a crescent moon scar on your eye if you were a part of the royal family. Right if you were female, left if you were male. It was a sort of ritual to them, bringing the child into the state of being worthy to rule and to be recognized as high-power nobility. During the ritual, which was underground, the sandstorm hit. Many had noticed the disaster coming from the unsettling waters, but it was much too powerful for any preparation. It had swept their entire family and the Pokémon to a different area of the river, and they probably ended up nomadic from that day forth.

When Adelais had come out from underground the next morning, the only things he could see was the sand, the distant canyon, and the river. In search of his family, he went to the desolate, dead canyon, where he found and met ChaCha the Chimchar.

Rescue Team History: They haven't been a rescue team for all that long. Many would say they've only just started, but Adelais 'has been too busy to help' just about anyone out. Only when ChaCha really begs will he comply. Not only that, but the name of their team is extremely humiliating for him, which could be another reason.

When they decided they would form a rescue team together, Adelais promised ChaCha that she could make the team name, and he would agree with it. He says it's the dumbest thing he's ever done. Not only that, but the fact that ChaCha had suddenly started craving them at that moment made it even worse.


Pokemon: Chimchar

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Home: None

Rescue Team: Team Banana

Rescue Team Position: Second-In-Command

Place of Work: None. Adelais doesn't know his way back to the castle, and neither does ChaCha, so they're just a Lone Wolf sort of team, deciding for themselves what they go after and who they rescue.

Appearance: ChaCha looks just like any normal Chimchar in appearance, but she always has a magenta bow in her hair that her mother gave her. She's somewhat shorter than most Chimchars though, and her fur is much softer and taken care of. Of all things, she really prefers to be clean. Her mother loved being clean as well, which means she got it from her mom.

Personality: ChaCha is very energetic, like most Chimchars. She loves climbing trees and loves all kinds of fruit. And you'll never guess what her favorite fruit is... Kiwis! ChaCha absolutely loves Kiwis, but can never find any, so she has to eat other fruit. She doesn't mind though, because she loves them all.

ChaCha, to Adelais, can be extremely annoying and loud. To him, she's constantly bouncing off of the walls and yelling about Kiwis, or just squealing. Many times, she has received the comment 'un-lady like' from him. She doesn't care, though. She's always happy-go-lucky, except when bad memories are brought up, or when someone else is mad or sad. Especially if it's Adelais, on the extremely rare occasion.

Background: ChaCha and her mother were very happy together, and on the occasion her father came to visit, they were one big happy family. ChaCha was an only child, and was the world and more to her mother. ChaCha absolutely loved her mother, and also loved imitating everything she did when she was little. She even tried to do chores her mother was doing when she was five. ChaCha always made sure to listen to her mother and to do what she said to make her happy, because of how much she loved her.

Eventually, however, ChaCha's mother decided to go to the Ancient Canyon and bring ChaCha along to meet her father and some of his business partners. Unfortunately for them, they came the day before the devastating sandstorm, and were planning to stay for around a week. ChaCha's mother had sent her off to gather berries inside of the canyon with her father. Unfortunately, he was pulled back because of an urgent matter concerning the ritual of the Prince. Something about the ritual of him turning from a normal boy to a man or something. ChaCha wasn't listening, because she didn't really care all that much. She needed to go find berries for her mother and that was that.

When the sandstorm hit, ChaCha was far away gathering food, and when she came back, she saw the storm. Out of desperation, she had dashed into the storm to find her parents. As she did so, she was blasted with sand and wind and was flung into the air and then onto the ground, skidding across it because of the force of the wind. And then, believe it or not, the storm ended. ChaCha was barely awake, and all she could see was sand. The town was no longer there.

When she awoke, she was outside of the Canyon where she had gone to find food. It was nighttime, and a fire was burning. A Totodile with his left eye bloody, was leaning against a tree. Thinking that the storm was a dream, she leaped up and tried to help him, but he kept pushing her away. Eventually he explained to her that he was perfectly fine and that it needed to be that way, for the moment. ChaCha didn't really understand, but she eventually left him alone. During that time however, they did exchange names.

After a long while of silence, ChaCha finally decided to tell him about her dream. His right eye was close, and since he couldn't open his left eye just yet, she couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not. She told him the entire thing anyway, and when she was done, there was a period of silence, until he spoke. He said that it wasn't a dream, and that the storm did happen. He said that he was underground at the time, getting the scar, and when he came back up everything was gone. His entire family and the town.

ChaCha couldn't believe it, but again, he convinced her that it was true. Her crying had been extremely loud, but Adelais decided to embrace her and try to comfort her anyway. Eventually, she fell asleep against him, and later he fell asleep as well. Of course, that's how they became friends.

Later, they told each other how they wanted to find their families to see if they were alive. ChaCha knew that her mother probably wasn't alive, but her father might be. And honestly, Adelais didn't care if he found his family or not, but there was one person that was working for his family that he did care for and always played with him and acted as a mother figure for him when he was a child, up until the sandstorm.

So eventually, they started a Rescue Team called Team Banana, both to rescue other Pokémon from things like that, and to find their family.

JerryEDIT: Approved. Also, just mentioning that centering everything kinda makes it harder to read. Otherwise, should be good to go. :)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 11:31:08 AM by Jerry »

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