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Author Topic: Pokemon Apokalypse Profiles (Redone)  (Read 4158 times)

Offline Zekiram

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Pokemon Apokalypse Profiles (Redone)
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:10:47 AM »
     After the fall of Team rocket slowly new organization began to form Aqua and Magma, Plasma and many more but each one was eventually defeated and faded into the background. After years of peace attacks begin again and after each one the symbols from fallen organizations are left behind. Authorities put it off as young teenagers causing mischief, but deeply regret it when in one swift and organized strike the regions of Johto, Unova, and Sinnoh are destroyed by a new organization calling themselves Apokalypse leaving few survivors. Immediately Kanto and Hoenn  begin taking actions against Apokalypse. All trainers on their journey are Immediately recalled and anyone under 16 is placed on house arrest with all their pokemon. The lands have all been turned into desolate warzones and recently pokemon who look like they have been crossed with other pokemon have been appearing They have been nicknamed Halfas. Darkness has descended on us all will you choose to aid the regions or destroy them?


Character names:
Pokemon:(if any)
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Short backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions)


Character names:
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Short backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions or wild)

Bounty hunter

Character names:
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Short backstrory:
Pokemon: (if any)
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions)

Apokalypse or Regions leader

Character names:
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Detailed backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions)


Character names:
Gender:(Can be genderless)
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Crossed:(What are the types of pokemon)
Short backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions or wild)

No g-modding
No killing another character without consent
Obviously no controlling other peoples character
No one line post
There is a 3 strike warning system

I will create an oocc an Rp after I get my first member

Post your profile and any questions below and i shall read and answer.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 10:48:47 PM by tepig8592 »

We've all been there.

Offline Zekiram

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Re: Pokemon Apokalypse Profiles (Redone)
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 11:51:44 PM »
Bounty hunter

Character names:Karamlik
Weapons:Twin swords dusk and dawn, dusk's hilt is white at the bottom and slowly morphs to black until it reaches where the blade begins while dawns's hilt is the exact opposite.
Appearance:light blue hair that falls into his Amethyst eyes he is lean and well built he is usually dressed in a black cloak with the hood up a pair of loose camo-jeans and black combat boots.
Short backstory:As a child he was abandoned by his parents. After living on his own for a few weeks he was taken in by renowned poacher
Jay He quickly became her right hand man. He proved himself by acquiring several powerful pokemon only keeping Lucario, Pidgeot, Toxicroak, and Hippowdon for himself.Poacher Jay was killed by an enemy asassin soon after the first climactic battle. Her last orders, spoken with her dying breath were number one, have dusk and dawn. number in this war fight on the side he thought would win and watch his back. He is currently in virvidian forest.
Pokemon:Lucario,Pidgeot,Toxicroak, and Hippowdon

We've all been there.