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Author Topic: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge  (Read 34097 times)

Offline Aquashin

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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #75 on: March 16, 2012, 04:45:27 PM »
I also found a small loop-hole in the rules. The pc can heal pokemon by simply moving them in and back out. I'm sure one of you have discovered this rule, so you will not be penalized for abusing the loophole if you have, but for future reference, it does count as healing with nurse joy. To put it planely, using the pc to heal is not allowed.

I know about it and i havent used it, the only time i did use it was to put the dead lilipup on the DEAD box
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Offline Roloc

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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #76 on: March 17, 2012, 12:58:40 AM »
Yeah Bing, those are the regular Nuzlocke rules you placed, except for the nickname one. But you can play by those rules, if you want to go the pansy route. Or you can try the ones I added/tweaked to see how well you can fair.

Actually I find that being able to use the pokecenter but not buy items more of a challenge cause as per Bings rules, you cant go back to heal at a pokemon center once you have started on a new route. So if you run out of the found items that you CAN use then you are just screwed cause you have no items and cant buy any.

I liked your run it was just boring in place of the fun of a nuzlocke run. The not being able to evolve pokes is what made it boring. Having to stay with those same 3 unevolved pokes forever is boring. But as for the rest of it I liked it. The using the items and not pokecenters made the game pretty easy. I beat the 4th gym and got bored of the run....about 2hours and 20mins of recorded video.

I'll be starting over with Bings rules and recording it and posting it.
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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #77 on: March 17, 2012, 01:41:25 AM »
Yeah Bing, those are the regular Nuzlocke rules you placed, except for the nickname one. But you can play by those rules, if you want to go the pansy route. Or you can try the ones I added/tweaked to see how well you can fair.

Actually I find that being able to use the pokecenter but not buy items more of a challenge cause as per Bings rules, you cant go back to heal at a pokemon center once you have started on a new route. So if you run out of the found items that you CAN use then you are just screwed cause you have no items and cant buy any.

I liked your run it was just boring in place of the fun of a nuzlocke run. The not being able to evolve pokes is what made it boring. Having to stay with those same 3 unevolved pokes forever is boring. But as for the rest of it I liked it. The using the items and not pokecenters made the game pretty easy. I beat the 4th gym and got bored of the run....about 2hours and 20mins of recorded video.

I'll be starting over with Bings rules and recording it and posting it.

Instead of bombing this one.  I think I'll just make my own challenge thread.

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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #78 on: March 17, 2012, 02:19:23 AM »
No, go ahead and thread bomb. Doesn't matter to me. Everyone else, enjoy it.
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Offline Aquashin

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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #79 on: March 17, 2012, 04:11:24 AM »
im doing Cortex one, since its more challenging, the one of ONLY being able to heal at Pokemon Centers when PP is out are more of a challenge, since u have to make the moves count, i dont see why Bing rules are more challenging...
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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #80 on: March 17, 2012, 04:24:39 AM »
im doing Cortex one, since its more challenging, the one of ONLY being able to heal at Pokemon Centers when PP is out are more of a challenge, since u have to make the moves count, i dont see why Bing rules are more challenging...

Because this:

Actually I find that being able to use the pokecenter but not buy items more of a challenge cause as per Bings rules, you cant go back to heal at a pokemon center once you have started on a new route. So if you run out of the found items that you CAN use then you are just screwed cause you have no items and cant buy any.

Being able to use items is what made it easy to me. You have to think about it like this. Your in a cave...3F...pokes are low on health...one is poisoned....guess what you cant use items cept for the ones you found in the world cause you cant buy them from the mart. and you cant go back to town to heal cause the rules say you cant go back and heal at a pokecenter if your on a new route. The poisoned poke dies and you just used your last potion....can you make it the rest of the way to the next town?

Thats what makes it hard.
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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #81 on: March 17, 2012, 04:35:17 AM »
oh, and is it better to heal one time when your in a city when in cortex rules u have to make use of every bit of your PP until you heal? you should think because you realy have to make your pp count, and pp its more important than items, since Elixir and other PP items are rare
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Shadowfred

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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #82 on: March 17, 2012, 04:44:50 AM »
oh, and is it better to heal one time when your in a city when in cortex rules u have to make use of every bit of your PP until you heal? you should think because you realy have to make your pp count, and pp its more important than items, since Elixir and other PP items are rare

Yeah, because you have to use up ALL of your pp before you can heal, the means every growl, every splash. You can't buy ethers/elixirs, so you won't have many of them to keep your PP up. So sure, you have to make it count, but once you can't deal damage, you're boned. The other cool thing about Bing's is that you can never have more than six pokemon. Three at a time is pretty cool, but you can just store a bunch of them in your boxes, and since you will have likely already encountered your first pokemon in a route when you have 6 pokemon, you won't be able to get a replacement from it.

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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #83 on: March 17, 2012, 04:46:20 AM »
oh, and is it better to heal one time when your in a city when in cortex rules u have to make use of every bit of your PP until you heal? you should think because you realy have to make your pp count, and pp its more important than items, since Elixir and other PP items are rare
Again...you cant go back and heal at pokecenters if your on a new route...if you start it and your pokemon need healing...you cant go back to heal them and if your out of items that you found in the game world your screwed cause you cant buy items. your pokes just die.

lmao you only find it hard cause you don't see the flaw in the rules.

Simply go back to low lvl Pokemon spam your attacks that don't do damage to get rid of all the PP you have left.
Ta da now you can heal at poke center.
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Offline Tickles

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Re: Cortex J's Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2012, 04:50:15 AM »
And with those arguments, this challenge is now cancelled, to prevent a gigantic flame war. Those that still want to play by these rules, go ahead. Those that wish to do Bing's, go ahead. It doesn't really matter. Have fun and what not.
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