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Author Topic: Just A Game (another short story by Misery)  (Read 3687 times)

Offline Miserybiz

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Just A Game (another short story by Misery)
« on: March 30, 2012, 01:15:44 AM »
Yeah yeah got bored so imma write another.

The arrows sailed straight and two, both of them embedding deep into the side of the creature. It roared in a mixture of anger and pain. Tuni turned heel and ran, vaulting over logs and ducking branches as she went. Her crossbow held tight in hand. She could hear the beast charging through the brush behind her. Smashing trees down like toothpicks, its blood lust and desire to kill can't possibly be described in words. This was no average creature, it was a true spawn of hell. No question about it.... and it was gaining on her, that was also a fact. She spun to the left, dodging around a tree marked with a yellow ribbon. She was almost there, she ran hard, out of the woods and into a sort of valley. Steep rocky walls surrounded her on three sides. She turned to face the dark forest as the beast broke through the tree line. It closed the distance to her quickly but she just smirked. About ten feet in front of her the ground gave way under the beast and it plummeted into a rather deep hole filled with oil. Carefully Tuni closed the distance to the edge of the hole and peered down. The creature thrashed about in the sticky oil, trying to claw its way out but the soft dirt walls provided no traction. "Got you beastie." Tuni chimed, as if it had all just been a game. She lit a match against the rocky wall and tossed it in. The entire pit caught alight and she could hear the howls of pain for quite some time as she made her way back to town. She smiled when the village wall game into view. Her adoring public awaited, not to mention a sizable reward for ridding this town of its bane... but hey. She was just doing her job.

The mouse pointer moved slowly across the screen and hovered over the post button. I clicked it and leaned back, putting my hands behind my head in a pose of pure satisfaction. All my RP posts were done for the night, nothing more to do online today. I pushed my chair back and stood up stretching. I shot a quick glance at the cat shaped LED clock on my desk. About 11:00 at night. Leaning forward I placed my hands on the keyboard, went into the Cbox and typed a quick message to my internet buddies. Said that I had to go to bed because I had a busy day tomorrow. That was a lie but, I dont know... I guess I just want them to think i'm as cool and as social as I am on the internet. In reality though that isn't the case. I'm have a totally different persona on the internet but then again... don't we all? My roommates were out partying... probably. Who knows with those two. The point is, I was alone. I stepped out to the balcony and laid down on a futon. It was to hot inside, in the Florida summers so I slept outside. Still, even with the breeze I was covered with a sickly sweat as I fell into a deep sleep.

I had been sleeping for a few hours, four or five perhaps before I felt the breeze pick up. Strong enough to wake me up, still, i was in that odd place between dreams and reality. It felt so good though, so nice against my skin. I opened my eyes. Now... I don't know how to explain this, but I was falling. Not dream falling, but really falling. Oh god! Had i sleep walked off the edge of the balcony? No... I would have hit the ground by now. I was falling through clouds. Was I going to die? I guess I have the rest of my life to figure that out. Oh man... oh man... oh- something tugged on my back and my decent suddenly slowed to a reasonable pace. I looked up, a parachute? Why did i have a parachute, and also. What the hell... I looked up at it dumbfounded for the longest time. That was a bad idea, I should have tried to steer because before to long I ended up crashing through the thick canopy of a tropical forest. My chute got caught and I hung there for a few minutes. What... just... what. That is all I could think. Nothing made any sense. Was I just going to hang here until I died?

That questioned was answered a few moments later when the air in front of me shimmered. A shadowy figure game into focus, it looked vaguely human but I couldn't make out any details on its body or face. Its head tilted sideways as if it was just as surprised as I was for a moment. "Hello Miss Tuni, welcome to our games." It said almost enthusiastically. I was too dumbfounded to respond so it continued without any input on my behalf. "I have read of your exploits in your planets information database. I am quite impressed by your tales of adventure. You are truly a great warrior, this is why you have been selected to represent Planet Earth in the games." The figure shimmed a bit. "best of luck" with that it faded away. What the hell. My name isnt Tuni, I had never been on an adventure in my life... I sleep on a freaking futon. And what is a Information Database. Did it mean the Internet? Suddenly the parachute holding me up snapped and I fell down into a lake below. I was close to the edge so it didn't take me long to drag my soggy ass out onto the bank. I coughed a bit of water out and looked up, a small pile of items was in front of me, with a note attached to the front. It read, "Here are your supplies Miss Tuni. Fight well." I looked around. No one was to be seen. I looked at the note again. Miss Tuni. Confused, and some what angry I threw my arms up into the air in frustration. "My name is Mary you ass hole!" I yelled. Giving the pile of stuff a kick. Bad idea, it hurt my bare feet something fierce. I was still in my Pajamas... shoes would be nice. I opened the bag of things in front of me. Inside were clothes. I got undressed and changed into them, honestly beyond caring if any one was watching at this point. After I had changed into the clothes I noticed a box under the  bag. Opening it I found a crossbow, built kind of like a double barreled shotgun, two places for the bolts... I knew this crossbow. I had come up with it for a RP. Wait... the name Tuni, these clothes, this weapon. Surely they couldn't think that I was actually... My head jerked to the side as something howled in the distance.

Oh... crap.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 01:55:05 AM by Miserybiz »
MY TEAM! Gotta love 'em.