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Author Topic: [Profiles] Return of Plasma  (Read 8856 times)

Offline Aquashin

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[Profiles] Return of Plasma
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:12:44 AM »
Characther Sheets


Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Short Backstory:
Pokemon Collected (if any):
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):

Team Plasma Leader

Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Pokemon Collected:
Short Backstory:
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):

Team Plasma Member

Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Pokemon Collected:
Short Backstory:
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):

Good Organization Member

Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Pokemon collected:
Short Backstory:
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):


Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Short Backstory:
Location (pick a route, cave, lake, with a trainer, anywhere you'd find a pokemon):
Appearance (Not required, unless you're pokemon somehow looks different):

Legendary Pokemon

Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Short Backstory:
Being Chased? (Yes or no):
Location (Same as pokemon, except for trainer. You may also roam.):
Appearance (Required for Legendary pokemon):

Note: Not all Legendary Pokemon are allowed. If you're thinking anything around the size of Giratina, you're thinking too big.

Note 2: Legendary pokemon will have around the same strength as normal pokemon, and can also be caught. They cannot however, start out as caught when the story begins.

Note 3: Team Plasma Leader is one of the HARDEST characters to play as, as you will be controlling not only yourself, but your members as well. There can only be one Leader, i will chosse the best characther fit for the job.

Note 4: There wont be more than 4 people as Pokemon/Legendary Pokemon, i want a rp where i can talk to others, and not have 10 people as pokemon staring at me without me understanding.

Note 5: I took these Characther Sheets from Darkstar's Rising Legends and edited it a bit, if there is a problem, only he can complain.

Note 6: It's the first rp im making here, so if anything is wrong or could be changed to be better, pleasse PM me, will be happy to hear you all.

Note 7: Good Organizations there can only be one that will be decided in OOC, if there are alot of them it will be confusing for everyone.

As a character...
These are the things you can do as each of the different players.

As a Trainer you may...
-Catch pokemon
-Work to become the champion
-Take part in contests (will name places depending on region)
-Travel with other people.

As an Team Plasma Member/Leader you may...
-Catch/Steal pokemon
-Work undercover (as a trainer or Good organization member)
-I Insist that members and leader are active on events.

As a Good Organization Member/Owner you may...
-Catch pokemon
-Try to recover stolen pokemon
-Thwart the actions of Team Plasma
-Work undercover (as a trainer or Team Plasma member)

As a Pokemon/Legenday Pokemon you may...
-Explore the region on your own
-Make friends with other pokemon
-Become caught by trainers
-Try to avoid Team Plasma

As ANY of these characters you may...
-Have battles
-Talk with other people (with pokemon, it's ONLY other pokemon, but you can give indications, excluding pokemon with psychic powers)

Any questions, PM me or reply here, will be happy to answer

Profiles Accepted:

Mr. Fox
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 04:31:44 AM by Aquashin »
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2012, 09:35:50 AM »
I'm only assuming I'm supposed to post here, so let me know if I'm not supposed post here.


Username: Darkstar64
Character Name: Steven
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 14
Short Backstory: Since his family has been moving so much in the past few years, he's chosen not to start his travels yet. He's now moving to (INSERT REGION), but doesn't expect to stay there long either. He doesn't know yet, but his parents finally plan on moving to their new house and actually staying there for a while. He doesn't even know he's going to start his pokemon journey soon. He's quiet and shy, but very caring to those he knows, as well as how to stand up for what he thinks is right.
Pokemon Collected (if any): None
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necessary):

...without the keyblade...and the heartless...and the sea-salt pop.

Offline Zekiram

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2012, 03:42:40 AM »
team plasma members

username: Tepig8592
Character name: Will
Gender: male
age: 18

Short back story: Hates every one is a very cold person who only cares about power. He was not always like this he has a mysterious past that few people know he only lives to carry out order and destroy any one in his way.He was picked up by team plasma as a kid that all every one knows. He is now convinced Pokemon should not have any life but to serve there trainer and put there life on the line at any moment they are worthless throw away's in his eyes.He is currently in team plasma hide out awaiting orders.He is very smart and rarely loses a battle thanks to his tactics. He is really wanting to be ranked up and will crush anyone stopping him

pokemon collected: unfezant and pignite

appearance: round glasses orange hair usually dressed in a silver jacket with a p on it and black pants he is about 5'10 and and not very muscular his skin is very pale his most strange thing is one eye is blue and one eye is brown for reasons unknown he has a huge scar from his chest to his right hand he wear gray sneakers with white laces.

We've all been there.

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2012, 08:47:46 PM »

Username: Hinagiku
Character Name: Daisy
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 17
Short Backstory: At 6, Daisy found an injured Eevee and took care of her, naming her Faye. By her tenth birthday when she recieved her Cyndaquil Fiori, Faye was an Espeon, and so they all set out on an adventure from their home in Ecruteak City. Daisy raises her Pokemon in hopes that she can save enough prize money to buy land for a large Daycare Center. She cares deeply for both her Pokemon and the Pokemon of others, but this doesn't stop her from battling, rather by raising strong Pokemon she feels they they won't get as hurt in battles. Her Pokemon are rarely in their pokeballs.
Pokemon Collected (if any): Espeon--Faye, Dragonite--Zephyr, Lapras--Lazuli, Ampharos--Zia, Pikachu--Kachi, Riolu--Donovan, and more (at home)
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 06:45:07 AM by Hinagiku »

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2012, 11:07:59 PM »
Good Organization Member

Username: shin21
Character Name: Alex (Real name: Alexandra)
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 16
Pokemon collected: None
Short Backstory: Being raised by her detective parents, she grew up to become part of a organization to fight evil since she was young, she was trained along the years to be a good officer, which at 16, she was granted the Officer's badge, and was appointed with a undercover assingment to the (To be named) Region, with suspects of the return of Team Plasma.
To be Undercover, she has to be disguised as a boy trainer starting his journey, though her habits of walking and tone of talking may resemble one of a boy, her face is girlish if seen with her short hair, she uses a hat because of that. Her torso is wraped in bandages to press her breasts so when wearing clothes, they cant be seen.
Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary):
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Desbear

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 05:41:44 AM »
Character Name:celebi
Character Gender:male
Character Age:(i dunno, he acts around 6-7 though)
Short Backstory:Celebi was caught by team plasma and they tried to get him back to there base. But he escaped before they got him back to the base, he is now trying to find a safe-ish place to stay, even if he has to go with a trainer.
Location (Same as pokemon, except for trainer. You may also roam.):roaming kinda, i am following a trainer.
Appearance (Required for Legendary pokemon):

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 08:31:41 PM »
Username:Mr. Fox
Character Name: Otto
Character Gender: Male
Character Age:28
Pokemon Collected: Durant
Short Backstory: Otto has been a Team Plasma member his entire adult life, he is one of the few who want nothing more then what is best for Pokemon. One day while he was traveling to give a lecture about the cruelty that Pokemon endure every day across the world the road he was walking on gave way causing him to fall into a large sink hole. After seven days in the sink hole living off only a small puddle of waste water he had found a Durant appeared in front of his face. Having not eaten in days all he could think was how to make this Pokemon his next meal. The Durant saw that he was in dire need of food quickly left, several hours later it came back with food. The Durant continued doing this until Otto was found by some passing Pokemon Trainers. After that experience Otto began to question the ideals of Team Plasma, even though he is still a member of the team, he travels the world with the Durant that saved his life trying to discover the true connection between humans and Pokemon.

Additional Info: He speaks with a slight German accent.

Offline lubbies

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2012, 08:47:15 PM »
Username: lubbies
Character name: Azurius
Gender: male
Age: 15
Pokemon collected: Oshawott

Short backstory: Azurius was amazed by team Plasma and their motives he hopes one day that he will be a member. Right now he is being tested to see if he can. Him and Oshawott want to be just like them. He met his Oshawott when he was swimming and he won't let him go. He is a determined and focused on his goal, he is however friendly and adventurous. He is still a novice at capturing Pokemon but has potential. He used to live in the Kanto region a long time ago but his parents died and he moved to Unova and is thinking of exploring.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 05:48:50 PM by lubbies »
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2012, 04:10:43 PM »

Character Name:Sean
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:10
Short Backstory:A boy that's always tired, and is very carefree. When he was 9, he found his first pokemon, a Slackoth, in his backyard. His parents gave him a pokeball to capture it with, and since it was already asleep, it was an easy capture. However, he didn't like the idea of Slackoth always being cramped up inside a pokeball, so he keeps the Slackoth out of it. They became good freinds, but about a week later, his parents found a package adressed to him from his aunt, and it contained a pokeball with a Pansear in it. They panicked because they totaly forgot to tell her about the Slackoth. When they told her about the Slackoth, she said to not think much about it, and to still give the Pansear to Sean. Now he's 10, and he convinced his parents into letting him have an adventure.
Additional info: Whenever he battles, he gets hyper, and has a certain fire in his eyes. Lives in New Bark Town.
Pokemon Collected: Pansear (Male, lvl 5) Slackoth (Male, lvl 7)
. . .

Offline dreadknight

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2012, 10:10:36 PM »

Username: dreadknight

Character Name: Draykos

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 15

Short Backstory: Draykos has what some might call wanderlust. From a young age, he was fascinated by exotic locations and the Pokemon that lived there. Being raised in Unova, he was use to the bustling cities, but he always had the desire to explore. So it came as no surprise when he jumped at the chance to become a trainer. He's been traveling the world for about three years now, catching Pokemon and making friends along the way.

Pokemon Collected (if any): Escavalier, Dewott and Magmortar (more in his PC)

Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary): (Description just in case you can't see the pic) Mid length curly brown hair. Pale red short-sleeve shirt. Worn-out looking black overcoat. Slightly baggy blue jeans. White sneakers with blackish-blue edges.

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2012, 12:47:20 AM »

Character Name:Eevee
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:2 years
Short Backstory: When he was born a few months after.....the family was attacked by several ekans. Being lost from the rest afterwards one of the ekans finds him and attacks him and badly injures in tearing part of his ear and putting a bad cut on his head. Was saved by a random trainer and his Jolteon. The kind trainer decided to stitch up his wound and quickly after being scared Eevee quickly ran off from him...now 2 Years later he still remembers that one day and with high hopes. Wanting to become the strongest Jolteon anyone has ever seen...But first must find a trainer that is strong enough to train him right and hopefully allow him to turn into a Jolteon with the Thunderstone, but at the same time prefer to be a Jolteon, But wouldn't mind one of the other ones either as long as the trainer can make him strong.
Location: Route 36
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 04:03:08 PM by nightshade06 »