Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[IRC RP] Rival Destinies! [Profiles]

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Name Your characters First Name:
Surname Your Characters Last name:
Title(?) Does your trainer have a title, or a Nick-name people call you? State here.:
Appearance: Specify your characters Appearance, Please use an image or a sprite:
Personality: Who are you? Insane? Boring? Egotistic? Show here!
Backstory Who is your character? where does he come from?:
Collected Pokemon What Pokemon have you already obtained?:
Extra Notes Anything to add?:

--- Code: ---Name:
Pokemon Collected(?):
Extra Notes(?):
--- End code ---

Members (Alphabetical):


Name: June
Surname: Macbride
Personality: June is Cocky, Naive, and always up for a challenge. But she can also be very sensative and caring. Helping her friends and following them Wherever they go.
Backstory: June has lived in Jublife City for 10 Years, her whole life she saw trainers come and go, She saw people rise from beginners to Powerful Trainers. all her life she dreamed of being like them. Now is her time. At 10 Years old, she must travel to Sandgem town to get her starter Pokemon, using a post-card sent from Professor Rowen.

Now, she eagerly awaits her upcoming Birthday to leave home and start her Journey!
Pokemon Collected(?): None.
Extra Notes(?): Nada.

Name: Pachirisu

Personality: Hyperactive, Klutz and dedicated.

Backstory: Due to the special color that she was born with, Pachirisu ussualy goes arround causing trouble, everytime with people laughing more than angry at her due to her being a Klutz, but when someone is hostile torwards her, she can perfectly show that she doesn't give up until she defeated the opponent or lay down completly exausted. She ussualy goes arround Sandgem Town

Extra Notes: she is a bit smaller than normal Pachirisu's since she wasnt born for long yet.



--- Quote from: Aquashin on April 12, 2012, 07:42:22 PM ---Name: Pachirisu

Personality: Hyperactive, Klutz and dedicated.

Backstory: Due to the special color that she was born with, Pachirisu ussualy goes arround causing trouble, everytime with people laughing more than angry at her due to her being a Klutz, but when someone is hostile torwards her, she can perfectly show that she doesn't give up until she defeated the opponent or lay down completly exausted. She ussualy goes arround Sandgem Town

Extra Notes: she is a bit smaller than normal Pachirisu's since she wasnt born for long yet.


--- End quote ---




Personality:Timid, smart, hesitant to battle.

Backstory:Clifton was always the nerd in his town, he knew a ton about pokemon, but, he was against battling, why you ask?

well one time he decided to go into teh forest, he walked out and saw someone mistreating there pokemon, the trainer commanding them to stand down as the other pokemon just attacked them for no reason.
Clifton heard this come form the trainers mouth.
"Go away you worthless pokemon! all you know is growl! you can't even fight!"
Clifton finally remembered what the two pokemon names were, the one who wasn't fighting was a ralts, and the other was very powerful gengar.
The ralts sensed Clifton and rushed into the bushes and hid behind him, the trainer having seen where the ralts went yelled something.
Clifton walked out of the bushes, with a phone, calling the police.
Here is what he said
"Hello, officer jenny? I would like to report a pokemon abuse, a trainer with a gengar is mistreating his ralts."
The man then tackled Clifton, the gengar started chasing ralts, Clifton got up and grabbed the ralts and ran away from there, the man chased him for a good 10 minutes, then a officer jenny was got there the trainer tried to run but the officer jennie's growlithe stopped him and the gengar. the officer jenny walked up to Clifton, and said as follows.
"Are you the one who called?"
Clifton:"Yes, I came out for a walk in the forest and saw through the bushes a man mistreating his pokemon, I called as soon as I could.
Officer jenny looked at the ralts in his hands.
Officer jenny:is this the ralts he was mistreating?
Clifton:Yes, he kept having his gengar throw shadow balls as she tried to dodge, its amazing she hasn't fai-
They look down and the ralts has fainted.
Jenny:Well, I'll go take him to the [prison building here], and ralts to the pokemon center, we'll keep you posted on how she is doing.
Clifton:Thank you.

Now Clifton has been wondering, what happened to the ralts? all he knows is that the ralts had gone missing..
He hopes he can see the ralts again.He also plans on if he can get a pokemon soon to go on his adventure soon, he wants to see if battling is like what he saw, you know, the pokemon getting hurt almost within an' inch of death, or if its good fun instead.


Extra Notes(?):the ralts went missing exactly 5 days from teh start of the Rp. Another note If It needs to be changed I can/will change the profile.


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