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Author Topic: Heart and Soul  (Read 4351 times)

Offline TheOmega1

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Heart and Soul
« on: April 02, 2012, 05:33:52 AM »


In the dawn of time after the great pokémon deity Arceus created the universe, Dialga set time in motion, and space was balanced by Palkia, the two leviathans as some call them rose and created the land and seas on the planet Earth. These leviathans, Groudon and Kyogre, clashed in a great struggle. Groudon caused lava to rise from the pit of the newly created earth. Kyogre struck back fiercely with its powers over water and covered Groudon's land. The two battled on for a year until finally the great dragon of the sky Rayquaza flew down and banished the two to separate caverns where they could only be released by a certain pair of orbs. Thus the earth was fully formed. Arceus looked out upon the world and saw how vibrantly Celebi had made the trees and plant-life and how clear and cool the water was that Kyogre had sprung. The sky was bright blue thanks to Rayquaza and Ho-Oh's good keeping. All was at peace. Arceus thought it might be a little too peaceful. After all, there were only a handful of beings on this newly created planet. Sure, he had the lake guardians to keep him company as well as the other guardians that he had created to protect this planet from the fallen ones such as Giratina and Darkrai, but it still wasn't enough. There needed to be more living creatures. Arceus cried out to his brethren and, as it turns out, most of them shared his feelings. And so Ho-Oh, the high guardian of the planet cast out a giant rainbow that encased the world and Arceus bestowed upon Ho-Oh the powers of creation and life. Up from the dirt rose more creatures. These were the first pokémon which would later evolve in several evolutionary branches. Among these first pokémon were Kabuto, Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Togepi, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon, and Dratini- to name a few. These creatures lived in harmony and the food chain began with Aerodactyl at the top. "Who will protect these creatures we have spawned if we are unable to protect them?" asked Lugia. "After all, most of us can only create certain things and not reproduce." There was much commotion at this point. No one could think of an answer.

"I know what we can do." Arceus said. The crowd became silent at the word of the creator.

"Speak, Lord Arceus, spread your wisdom among us." Ho-Oh begged.

"That is what I propose. We must create beings with a conscious and knowledge as we have." A stunned silence followed these words.

"You mean we're supposed to create lesser beings with the same power as we have, Lord Arceus?" Rayquaza asked.

"Not the same power; just more intellect then the pokémon we have created. They shall be created to watch over and protect the species of pokémon on this planet. As Ho-Oh has created the pokémon, I shall create these more powerful beings and I shall call them humans. These humans shall inherit this world and none of you may interfere with their world order unless absolutely necessary. Let us see how well they do and if they survive. I shall create them from the dust of the earth and give them the means necessary to live and breed. They shall not spawn eggs but live young. Any who object to my thoughts and words? Speak now or hold your peace eternally." Arceus looked around and waited to hear if any would speak up when none did he spoke again. "So it is written so shall it be." A sandstorm like no other rose from the open planes of the earth and man was formed along with a woman. The man Arceus named Adam and the woman he named Eve and he placed them on a continent in the west. He divided the continent in half by borders. One half he deemed Kanto and the other he named Johto. He then returned to the heavens to meet with his guardians. "Until these humans populate the planet each of you shall be divided among the earth. To the far South I send Moltres, to the far East I send Zapdos, to the far North I send Articuno, and to the far West I send Lugia. To guard the humans in the land of Kanto and Johto I send you, Ho-Oh. Protect them well and someday I shall return."

"You are leaving us, Lord Arceus?" Ho-Oh asked in disappointment.

"I must, my child, but fear not for I swear that in earth's darkest hour I shall return to protect what is rightfully mine. Now I leave to allow the flow of the universe to continue and to let humans and pokémon live their lives side by side." With these words, Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia vanished into the sky.

Millennia passed and, as Arceus had said, Adam and Eve had reproduced and people dominated the earth. Ho-Oh had taken refuge and rest in a tower the humans had constructed for him out of brass in the city of Ecruteak where he could watch over the continent from the center. Decades later Lugia flew from the West and settled in Ecruteak also where the natives built him a tower of tin. And the world rested peacefully until one dark day.

The earth had fallen under chaos. A dark ruler had risen and discovered a way to capture pokémon in magical stone objects. He was the unnamed king of the underground city of Pokemopolis. Using his dark shadow powers he had captured and enslaved Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno and now he had his greedy eyes set on Lugia and Ho-Oh. This of course was his greatest mistake. He stormed Ecruteak with his army and fought his way to the Tin Tower wherein dwelt Lugia. He unleashed Zapdos and forced it to strike the tower with lightning causing a blaze to spring forth engulfing the tower. Lugia burst from the tower and caused hurricane-level winds to knock the king and his troops into the sea. Lugia then released the three legendary birds from the king's control and sent them to Kanto where they would dwell until the day Arceus is to return. Lugia then ascended and went to a group of islands to the west of Johto where he could rest and recover. Ho-Oh looked over the city of Ecruteak and was filled with sorrow. What had Arceus' people done? Was war what these "humans" had become enraptured in? Ho-Oh thought that the world was coming to a close and that Arceus would be returning soon, but he was wrong. Ho-Oh looked to the Tin Tower and heard the cries of three pokémon. How very sad indeed. He flew above the tower and saw the carcasses of the three deceased pokémon. Feeling pity and sorrow that the three creatures had been smited by humanities evil he restored and renewed them. They became encased in a beautiful rainbow fire and the three leapt from the tower as new creatures. Ho-Oh named them Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. They each fled from the towers to roam the earth protecting it until the day when Arceus would return. And so our story will begin in a small town in Johto where a certain boy will become a man and show pokémon and humans alike that there can be harmony between pokémon and people once more.
~The End Is At Hand~
I am the cold steel of justice. Claws of metal slicing through a world of chaos and greed. Together my pokemon and I will dismember the evil organizations that threaten the balance of this world. I am Omega of the Elemental Elites.

Offline TheOmega1

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Re: Heart and Soul
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 05:36:04 AM »
Episode 1

The Ultimate Decision:

Grass, Fire, or Water?

"What a beautiful day!" Ethan McCann sighed as he got out of bed and stretched. "Oh, crud, I missed a call!" he looked down at his pokégear. "Professor Elm called? One new voicemail." He typed in his password and the voicemail played: "Hello, Ethan, this is Professor Elm. I'm calling because there was an errand I was hoping you could take care of for me. My aide and I are far too busy with preparations for Trainer's Week coming up to go and tend to it ourselves. If you'll come over to my lab I'll make it worth your while. Thank you so very much! Hope to see you soon." Ethan sighed. Oh that Professor, always needing me to do odd jobs for him. "Well, I might as well at least go and see what he wants." Traveling to Professor Elms Laboratory was no difficult task for Ethan as he lived right next door. He walked downstairs to see his mother who was in the kitchen preparing lunch. "Hey Mom!"

"Hi, sweetie. I'm making chicken salad for lunch; sound good?"

"Sounds awesome!" Ethan smiled. His mother always made the best food. "Hey, Mom, after lunch I have to go see the Professor."

"Again? That's what? The third time this week?"

"Yeah, but he said he'd make it 'worth my while'."

"Doesn't he usually pay you for assisting him?"

"Yes, which is why I think this may be something more."

His mother gasped slightly. "You don't think…"

"Well, with Trainer's Week coming up, ya never know." He said with a smile.

"Hmmm, well don't get your hopes up dear. You know how odd Professor Elm can be sometimes."

"Yeah, I know. Thank you for lunch, it was delicious! Need help cleaning up?"

"No thanks, I should be fine. You just run along, dear."

"Okay. Thanks, Mom!" He hugged her and then dashed out of the door.

"Professor, I'm here!"

"Is that you, Ethan?" Professor Elm's voice echoed from somewhere above. Ethan stood in the entrance to the Elm Laboratory Library which had two floors the top of which had a big square hole in the center so that the library was technically one room instead of two.

"Yes, where are you?"

"I'm up here!"



"Up-!" the Professor's words were cut short as he fell off the lader and landed on his back. "-here." He continued weakly.

"Oh no! Professor, are you alright?" Ethan rushed over to him.

Elm sat up and adjusted his glasses. "Yes I think I'll be fine. Thank you for your concern. If you'll follow me, I'll tell you what mission I have in store for you today. I think you'll like it."

They exited the library and went into the main laboratory. Ethan looked around at all the different machines and test tubes. It never failed to amaze him no matter how many times he came here. Professor Elm broke their silence as they walked. "I believe you are familiar with Trainer week, Ethan?"

"Y-yes, sir! That's a very important event in New Bark Town! That's when three new trainer's receive their first pokémon and start their quest to be a pokémon master!"

"Very good! And I believe you're one of those three this year, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir! And I can't wait!"

"Well, you might not have to." Ethan's heart leaped. So I might have been right after all!

"What do you mean, Professor?" They came to a stop in front of a cylindrical machine with a red dome over it. Professor Elm pressed a button and the dome split in half revealing three pokéballs.

"Within these pokéballs are the three starters."

"Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile!"

"Indeed!" Professor Elm couldn't help but smile at Ethan's enthusiasm. "I would like you to both assist me on an errand and do a little experiment for me." Ethan's heart was almost pounding out of his chest at this point. "Firstly, the errand: I need you to go to Route 30 where my old friend lives. This certain friend is so in love with pokémon that almost everyone refers to him simply as Mr. Pokémon. Mr. Pokemon always claims to find these weird specimens and odd information and he's constantly contacting me to check things out. Although, this time it appears he actually has something solid for me to look at. Your mission is to travel through Route 29 on the outskirts of town here, go through Cherrygrove, and then head north through Route 30. Halfway through Route 30 there's a small hut that you can't miss. This hut belongs to Abe the Apricorn Man. Abe is a bit of an oddball but he should be able to direct you to Mr. Pokémon's house. Can you do all that for me, Ethan?"

"Well, I think I can, but isn't that a bit of a distance? I mean, I could get jumped by wild pokémon at any time."

"Indeed, which is why I've decided to send our 'experiment' with you. Today, you, Ethan McCann, shall, prematurely, begin your pokémon training. You will pick one of these three pokémon and travel with them to Route 30."

"Awesome! But how is that an experiment?"

"Well, normally, pokémon stay inside their pokéballs, but not you and your companion. I want you and whichever starter you choose to walk side-by-side as partners like the great Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu did. Normally I'm a man who tests pokémon physicality and a pokemon's behavior in general, but when I saw how powerful that Ash had become with his pokemon's trust and friendship it made me curious. So, Ethan, will you do it? Will you walk beside a pokémon for me as a friend and equal?"

"You know I will! I view pokémon that way anyway, so this'll be great!"

"Alright, looks like there's only one thing left to do then, Ethan. Pick your partner. You have three to choose as you already know. There's Chikorita which is a grass type, Cyndaquil which is a fire type, and Totodile which is a water type. Choose wisely, for this pokémon will be yours to keep."

"Hmmm… Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile… Can I see them, Professor?"

"You sure can. Just press the button in the center of each pokéball and they'll be released."

Ethan did as Elm said and three flashes of light unleashed three small pokémon. Chikorita was cute, it had small beads around its neck and a big leaf on its head and big, cute, red eyes. Cyndaquil was also cute with four spots on its back that spewed fire a couple of seconds after it was released. Totodile was cool looking with fangs and claws that looked menacing.

"Hmmm… it's so tough! They're all so awesome!"

"Yes, they certainly are." Agreed Professor Elm.

"Hmmm… I'm gonna have to make a decision though…" His eyes darted between all three. First to Chikorita, then to Cyndaquil, and then to Totodile, then back to Cyndaquil, and then to Chikorita again. Then his eyes stopped and locked onto one of them. He looked it square in the eyes and shouted "I choose you!" He picked the pokémon up, bid farewell to Professor Elm and then left the Lab. On his way out the Professor shouted after him, "this errand may take a couple of days. Don't forget to tell your mother!"

"Thanks, Professor, I'll tell her!"

"Well, Cyndaquil, our adventure starts today! I can't wait to show you to Mom, she'll be ecstatic!"


"You're so awesome! All you can say is your name, right?"

"Cyn! Cyndaquil!" it squeaked.

"Right, I'm sure I'll get to understand you someday!" he laughed.

They arrived back at Ethan's house and he entered to show his mom his new Cyndaquil and, as he predicted, she exploded with joy.

"Oh honey! It's such a darling! Just look at it! So cute!"

Cyndaquil's black and white face got a tint of red as it blushed and looked down bashfully. "It's okay, Cyn, I think you look cool!"

"Cyndaquil!" it perked up and gave a big smile.

"Well, we should start out before it gets too dark!"

"Right, take care of yourself, dear!"

"Oh, and you take care too, Cyndaquil!"

"We will! Be back in a couple days!"

And so Ethan and his new Cyndaquil set off into the sunset-lit Route 29. What excitement will await them on this journey to Mr. Pokemon's? Only the future will tell!

To Be Continued…
~The End Is At Hand~
I am the cold steel of justice. Claws of metal slicing through a world of chaos and greed. Together my pokemon and I will dismember the evil organizations that threaten the balance of this world. I am Omega of the Elemental Elites.

Offline TheOmega1

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Re: Heart and Soul
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2012, 04:25:52 AM »
Episode 2

Embark from New Bark!

"Well, Cyndaquil, here we go. One more step and we'll officially be out of New Bark and on Route 29!" Ethan said as he took a deep breath at the crossroads of Route 29 and New Bark. "Who knows what we'll face out there. Whatever comes our way, though, we have each other. Right, Cyndaquil?"

"Cyn!" it said bobbing its head.

"And here" he lifted his right foot to take a step out into the unknown "we g-ahhh!"

"Wait!" came a voice down the road from behind that startled Ethan so much that he stumbled and fell on his butt. "Ethan! I forgot to give you something!" He looked back to see Professor Elm running down the path behind him.

He got to his feet to greet the Professor. "What's up, Professor Elm?"

"I should give you my number so you can contact me if anything comes up."

"Oh right. Good idea! Here, I'll register you in my pokégear. Pro-fess-or Elm." Alright, all set!" he smiled. "Wish me luck, Professor!"

"Good luck to both of you, Ethan and Cyndaquil!"


"Thanks, Professor! See ya in a couple days!" with these words Ethan and Cyndaquil took their first steps into the untamed wild.

"It's gettin' pretty late, eh buddy? Wonder if we'll come across any nocturnal wild pokémon like Hoothoot or Spinarak."

"Cyndaquil." It squeaked.

"Aww, you look a little frightened, buddy. It's okay, you're a fire-type. I'm sure you can burn through anything that comes our way."


"Here, why don't you sit on my shoulder for a little while?" Ethan bent down and held out his arm like a ramp so Cyndaquil could climb up. The little Fire Mouse scampered up his arm and perched itself on his shoulder. "There ya go, little buddy." Ethan kept walking down Route 29 with Cyndaquil sitting on his right shoulder. "It's getting a little darker, how about a little light?"

"Cyndaquil!" the four big pores on its back lit up in blaze casting a light around them so they could see.

"Hooooot!" came a sound nearby as a small round bird with huge red eyes flew into the air from a nearby tree.

"It's a Hoothoot, Cyndaquil! I wish the Professor would have given us some pokéballs, then we could catch it. Guess we'll just have to use this one as practice. Ready for your first battle, Cyndaquil?"

"Cyn!" the flame on its back burned brighter.

"Alright! Let's see, what kind of attacks do you know? Well, you're a fire-type, so let's hit it with a flamewheel!"

"Cyn?" it cocked its head to the side at Ethan.

"What? What's wrong, you don't know flamewheel?"

"Cyndaquil…" it shook it's head.

"Oh, that's right, you're at a low level because you're just starting out yourself. Hmmm… How about ember attack?"

"Cyndaquil." It shook it's head again.

"What? That's the most basic fire-type attack there is!"

Cyndaquil dropped its head in shame. "Cyn…"

"Awww, don't get sad, you'll learn it eventually! That's the whole point of battling! You have to gain experience just as much as I do! Let's go! Quick, before it gets away, hit it with your tackle attack!"

Cyndaquil perked up and leaped at the Hoothoot who was now trying to fly away. Cyndaquil missed, landed and bounced back up nailing it in the stomach. Hoothoot landed on the lowest branch of a nearby tree. "Cyndaquil, climb that tree and tackle it again!"

"Cyndaquil!" It dashed forward, then up the tree and ran at the Hoothoot. Hoothoot flew into the air and Cyndaquil leaped after it nailing it with another tackle.

"Yeah! That's it, buddy!"

"Hooo!" Cyndaquil landed and Hoothoot rammed it with a tackle of its own.

"Wow! What power! I definitely wanna catch one! Cyndaquil, tackle it again!"

Cyndaquil dashed and then leaped and nailed Hoothoot in the gut again. Hoothoot retaliated quickly with a peck while it was in mid-air sending Cyndaquil rocketing to the ground. "Oh no! Cyndaquil, are you okay?"

"Cyndaquil! Cyn!" Cyndaquil got up and dashed at Hoothoot giving it another tackle hard in the chest. Hoothoot hit the earth unconscious.



"Our first battle against a wild pokémon was a success! Good job, Cyndaquil! Now let's get some well deserved rest! I'll set up the tent."

Little did Ethan and Cyndaquil know, evil was lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. From the leaves a duo of evildoers was strategizing ready to pounce. "When the boy falls asleep, we nab that rare Cyndaquil and send it to the boss." A sweet yet sinister female voice said in the shade.

"This is gonna be quite a cakewalk, Cassidy." A male voice croaked.

"Indeed it is, Butch. We certainly lucked out with this one."

When will these evildoers strike? Will Ethan and Cyndaquil be ready to fend them off when all Cyndaquil can use is tackle? Find out on the next episode of Pokemon Heart and Soul!

To Be Continued…
~The End Is At Hand~
I am the cold steel of justice. Claws of metal slicing through a world of chaos and greed. Together my pokemon and I will dismember the evil organizations that threaten the balance of this world. I am Omega of the Elemental Elites.