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Author Topic: [Fan Fiction] The Lord in a PokeCastle  (Read 4754 times)

Offline FireDarkGuy

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[Fan Fiction] The Lord in a PokeCastle
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:50:45 PM »
   Hello, guys, I just started writing for fun, not anything else, please don't troll, it's my first time and I don't know very good english but I tried...


The Royal Pokemon Battle
   In a hard Pokemon battle, Marian and Mariand, two little twins in a royal family were fighting for the first one who will choose its own starter.

    Marian: Pidgey, use Wing Attack!

   Mariand: Pidgey, you can do it! Use Tackle!

   Marian had more chances to win, because its Pidgey was very trained by their parent’s slaves. The little Mariand had a Level 5 Pidgey, the worst Pidgey someone can find, because it is his pet from 6 years old. Let’s just watch their battle:

   Marian: Alright, Pidgey, nice wings! Use Fly!

   Mariand: Pidgey! I can count on you! You can’t avoid its attack, so, you’ve better low its damage. Use Growl!

   Marian: Don’t give up, or you’re not going to be the winner!

   Mariand: Seriously, Pidgey, don’t get hurt! It’s not really important to win! Let’s just try to learn something in this…

   Marian’s Pidgey’s Wing Attack was weak, after Mariand’s Pidgey used Growl, of course, but was it enough?
   Mariand’s Pidgey was still trying to avoid Marian’s Pidgey but he had bigger speed than Mariand’s…He started to count the seconds until the attack will arrive:

   Mariand: Pidgey! Let’s do it…THREE!...
   Mariand’s Pidgey’s heart was beating faster and stronger...

   Mariand: TWO!
   The little Pidgey become scared...

   Mariand: ONE!
   Pidgey has flied up in the sky…

   In that second, Mariand’s Pidgey was going to get hit, but, no, he was alive and he just evolved!
   Marian’s Pidgey has been blow away by Mariand’s Pidgey! Owww, right, wait, it’s PIDGEOTTO from now!
   In that day, Mariand and his Pidgeotto become really close friends, but that was the first and the last battle together…Pidgeotto was going to be released… Do you want to know what’s next? Mariand’s life-story become a lord’s Pokemon Trainer story…

Choosing a starter

   The two twins become rivals and their parents were upset. Mariand had to choose a starter and to beat the first 8 gyms in Kanto, but he wanted only to search for his Pidgeotto. Marian ran in the world by his own and caught a Pokemon with his own hands.

   Mariand has been on his way to find Professor Oak and to choose its own starter. When he entered Professor Oak’s Laboratory, Mariand was upset… No one was in there. He was going to get his bicycle and to go back home, but in that second, Mariand’s Pidgeotto was on the bike, waiting for Mariand.

   Mariand hugged Pidgeotto and told him:

   Mariand: Let’s search for Professor Oak, buddy!

   Pidgeotto and his best friend was going now in Route 2. Mariand fight a lot of Pokemon like this:

   Mariand: Pidgeotto, use fly on that Rattata!
   On Route 2 he found Gary, Professor Oak’s grandson.

   Gary: GRAMPS, let me choose that starter NOW!

   Mysterious guy: Gary, you have to wait. One of the Royal Family’s twin is coming to choose. Have patience!

   Gary: Argh!
   Gary was mad and he stole a Pokemon. Mariand stopped Gary:

   Mariand: Hey, wait! Where do you think you go with that Pokeball? Isn’t that one of the starters?

   Gary: What?! No! I’ll show you!

   Gary and Mariand started a battle.

   Mariand: Pidgeotto, I choose you!

   Gary: Go, Bulbusaur!

   Mariand: Hmph! You’re not a trainer! You’re a robber! Pidgeotto, let’s give him a lesson. Use Fly!

   Gary: You can’t beat me! Bulbusaur, use Razor Leaf!
   Pidgeotto has started bleeding from the leafs.

   Mariand: Don’t worry, Pidgeotto! We can still do it! Go hit him with Fly!
   Bulbusaur was preparing launching the last leaf, but Pidgeotto disturb him and hit him.

   Mariand: Pidgeotto! He’s weak! Use Wing Attack!
   Gary: Wait! My turn! Bulbusaur, use Poison Sting!
   Bulbusaur’s attack was faster and Pidgeotto has been poisoned. Three minutes remained until Pidgeotto will faint from poison.
   He used Wing Attack and Bulbusaur has fainted. After that the Mysterious Guy appeared:

   Mysterious Guy: Pidgeotto! Eat this! It’s a Pecha Berry. It will recover you from poison. Now, Gary, I’m really mad on you. Go in my Lab and wait for me.
   Pidgeotto recovered from poison.

   Mariand: Who are you and why you helped my Pidgeotto?

   Mysterious Guy: Oh, right, sorry! I am forgetful! My name is Professor Oak and that is my new Laboratory. I spend all my life on researching Pokemon and updating Pokemon World’s technology. Also, I want to know who are you, please.

   Mariand: My name is Mariand, one of the Royal Family’s twin. I’ve beat my brother and I am here to take a starter.

   Professor Oak: Oh, oh, oh, I was waiting for you. Wait! You have a Pidgeotto already…

   Mariand: It was a Pidgey in the battle with my brother and he evolved there. My parents released him but when I was in your old Laboratory to search for you, my Pidgeotto appeared on my bike and I wanted to take him.

   Professor Oak: Oh, O.K., now please, choose your starter, or your parents will be mad on me.
   Prof. Oak opened a big machine. In it was three Pokeballs:

1.   Fainted Bulbusaur

2.   Squirtle

3.   Charmander

   Mariand: I have to choose only one, right?...I can’t take them all?

   Prof. Oak: No, these are the rules…

   Mariand: I think I’ll choose…Uh…God! This is hard!...CHARMANDER!

   Prof. Oak: Okay, from now, Charmander is yours.
   Prof. Oak took the Charmander’s Pokeball and give it to Mariand.

   Mariand: Thank you, Prof. Oak! I’ll continue my journey now. See you in another time!

P.S.: I'll continue it, now I'm going in a vacation with the familly, I hope you like it...As I said, please don't troll, it's my first time...Ideas & Suggestions would be nice...Thanks!
#Added photos
P.S.: The photos aren't made by me so don't troll about this ;D

« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 08:06:59 AM by DragonOfSky »

Offline Copperfield

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Re: [Fan Fiction] The Lord in a PokeCastle
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 10:27:24 PM »
Pretty interesting story. Considering English isn't your first language, it's pretty damn good.
I can't wait for the next part.

Offline FireDarkGuy

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Re: [Fan Fiction] The Lord in a PokeCastle
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2012, 07:19:07 AM »
Pretty interesting story. Considering English isn't your first language, it's pretty damn good.
I can't wait for the next part.

Thank you! I know you're experienced with this, because you've write one ;D

Now, goodbye, PU! I'm going in vacation, see you in 1 week ;P
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 07:29:39 AM by DragonOfSky »