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Author Topic: [RP] Throne of time¦ Time of day: afternoon¦ Weather: sunny  (Read 346508 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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        Eons ago the Titans undisputedly ruled the lands, while under their control chaos reigned, and monsters roamed freely terrifying
mortals and wreaking havoc where ever they went. This was all very short lived though, because Kronus, leader of the Titans and lord of time, received a prophecy fom his mother Gaea stating that one of his children would attempt to over throw and imprison him. Taking precautions Kronus swallowed each one of his children immediately after birth.

        However by their sixth child Kronus's wife Rhea,  angered by Kronus's actions replaced baby Zeus with a rock swaddled in clothing, Kronus thinking the rock was Zeus swallowed it. Rhea then snuck baby Zeus to the cave where Amalthea, the divine goat, resided. Amalthea suckled and raised the infnt Zeus till he was strong enough to survive on his own. Zeus returned to Mt. Etna, the home of the Titans, and Kronus, unaware the boy was his son took him on as his personal servant. Kronus received a drink from Zeus unaware tht Zeus had poisoned it, sonn after drinking it Kronus regurgitated Zeus's brothers and sisters, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hera. Kronus then realized who Zeus was, and then and there the everlasting battle between the Gods and Titans began.

      It is now the twenty first century and the war between the Titans and the Gods still rages on, but slowly the Olympian's powers are waning. Zeus now king of the gods and ruler of the skies, has  been captured and forced to trade places with Atlas to hold up the World. The Demigods, children of the gods, wage a desperate surprise attack on Mt. Etna where the Titans reside hoping to catch them off guard and free Zeus. They were Intercepted At the gates of Mt. Etna by an army of men and women with powers that mysteriously resembled those of the Titans. After a long and cruel battle the Demigods were defeated, some fled, most were captured or killed and a few even stooped so low as to join the Titan.  In this time of war and mistrust only one thing is sure, the final battle is approaching.



Godly parent:
Abilities: (such as what ability you yourself have and what ability you inherited from your godly parent)
Items: (such as talismans and enchanted armor or weapons)
Weapons: (Even though were in modern day no modern day weapons such as guns, tanks, excedra....)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
Side:(Titans or Gods)
Short back-story:


Type of monster: (Use a Greek monster or just make one up)
Abilities: (if any)
Weapons: (if any)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
Side:(Titans or Gods)
Short back-story:

Half Titans

Titan parent:
Abilities: (such as what ability you yourself have and what ability you inherited from your Titan parent)
Items: (such as talismans and enchanted armor or weapons)
Weapons: (Even though were in modern day no modern day weapons such as guns, tanks, excedra....)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
Side:(Titans or Gods)
Short back-story:

•No G-modding
•No killing off character without consent
•Post must be a moderate size not just one or two sentences
•There will be a three strike warning system
(Rules will be updated as I think of them)

Profile page here: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4346.0.htm

P.S. If anyone can find a decent map pm it to me if not I can just make it up as we go along.

(The added detail to the plot won't affect people who have already started)
JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 10:10:33 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 01:49:33 AM »
I was sitting in a cold cell  somewhere in the dungeons, not sure what to do. I cant use my water powers without my hammer, and my gravity powers were as useful as a wad of paper at this point. I sat there, thinking of a way out, when i heard one of the cell doors being unlocked. I look over to where it came from, and I see a guard going in one of the cells, talking to someone. There were sounds of a struggle, and a sickening 'SLING' sound, like the one's I heard in the battlefeild whenever someone got cut.

What the....?

One of the demi-gods, Warren, walked out of his cell. I kinds knew him from the battlefeild, apparently one of the children of Athena. he started walking away, carrying a sword and some keys.

H-hey wait a minute!
. . .

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2012, 04:42:51 AM »
H-hey wait a minute!

Spinning around to see where the shout came from warren saw a young man pressed up against the cell bar screaming at him. Jogging over to him he stopped in front of him unlocked the door and said

" I recognize you from the battlefield I saw them surround you and then I collapsed. If I remember right your name is Hojo, you are a son of Poseidon with a few strange abilities like power over gravity. Normally I should despise you because of the feud between are parents but, I'm desperate and I will need assistance to get out of her. Kronus is gone right now and it may be are only chance to escape. If you are coming great if not I will lock you back in here and you can act like you had nothing to do with this. If you come since I assume they confiscated your weapon like they did mine then the first order of business would be to get our weapons back. Now I have on question for you, are you any good with a sword? because I have no skill what so ever."

He then reached out a hand and offered him the sword.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 04:50:45 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2012, 12:26:21 PM »
I was just nodded. They were sneaky bastards, surrounding me without me noticing. As soon as i get my hammer back I'll smash their face in.

Normally I should despise you because of the feud between are parents but, I'm desperate and I will need assistance to get out of her. Kronus is gone right now and it may be are only chance to escape. If you are coming great if not I will lock you back in here and you can act like you had nothing to do with this.

I didn't even know they had a feud, but that has nothing to do with me. And who would WANT to stay here, just to get killed later. If I'm gonna die, I'll die fighting.

Now I have on question for you, are you any good with a sword? Because I have no skill what so ever.

He offered the sword. I happily took it.

I have some skill with a sword, but I dont know how to use my water abilities without my hammer. I'll manage somehow though.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 02:10:14 PM »
I have some skill with a sword, but I dont know how to use my water abilities without my hammer. I'll manage somehow though.

Communicating with his mind instead of his mouth Warren said

I'll talk to you with my mind from now on until i say other wise its easier and we make less noise that way at the moment I can hear your thoughts so if you want to say something think it instead. If I remeber the passages the guard came from daily I can get us to the first sentry they post down here to guard the exit. We should be able to kill him eaily and without a struggle if we surprise him. If worst comes to worst I can assist you in battle with my abilities. Now lets make haste and set out./[font]

and with that said he spun around and set off down the hall to the first sentry post.
(Sorry if I come off as bossy I am trying to Imagine what an Athena kid would act like, and also remember my character is anti-social, also arial font means I'm using telepathy)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 02:14:00 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline dreadknight

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2012, 02:54:17 PM »
You've been standing outside Mount Etna for days, using the nearby foliage as cover whenever one of the guards comes too close. You've been watching them, seeing when they switch shifts, just waiting to make your move.

Alright, shouldn't be long now... you say to yourself. It's half-passed five and time for the current guard to trade places with someone else. This should be easy, just slip by 'em when they're not looking. At least, that's how you planned it to go.

You grin as you watch the old guard begin to go inside. Now's my chance!

Before you get up out of the bush you're hiding in, something catches your eye. A large, vaguely humanoid shadow, coming out of Etna's gates. It walks right past the guard, its form nearly blocking the entire entrance. Your eyes widen when the creature is finally in full view.

Minotaur... you whisper.

A Minotaur, roughly three times your height, wearing nothing but a loincloth and holding a hammer as big as its body. You don't know why, but you have a feeling he's not just going to let you in.

You sigh. You've come this far, and you're determined to save those trapped demigods, not matter what the cost. You ready your sword and begin making your way towards the front gate, and the monster blocking it.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2012, 05:04:50 PM »
I stared down the long corridors of the maze. A corridor I've never seen before in my 2 years living in this hole. And I thought my home was boring, spending half a year here turned me crazy but over time I've gotten more intelligent about my current "situation".  Hermes comes from time to time sending me messages from my father but that haunts me more to see someone who can't help you. The only companians I have are the already dead. This last corridor is my last hope, I walked down further and something catches my eye. A light ahead, could it be... Yes! it is. But wait there's something in the way. A voice boomed:

?-None shall pass.

Damn a cyclops, this is going to be hard. I advanced towards the towering beast.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2012, 10:18:21 PM »
I'll talk to you with my mind from now on until i say other wise its easier and we make less noise that way at the moment I can hear your thoughts so if you want to say something think it instead. If I remeber the passages the guard came from daily I can get us to the first sentry they post down here to guard the exit. We should be able to kill him eaily and without a struggle if we surprise him. If worst comes to worst I can assist you in battle with my abilities. Now lets make haste and set out.

HE set off twards the first post.

Bossy, but smart. But who the hell put him in charge? And- oh right, forgot he can read my mind... Sorry bout that.

We eventualy make it to the first post, with one guard.

Well, this dosent look too difficult...

(Italics are my fluff thoughts.)
. . .

Offline dreadknight

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2012, 11:42:36 PM »
You press yourself against the mountainside, slowly making your way towards the beast. As you get closer, you notice some things. For one, it has a chain around its neck, the other end of the chain extending back through the gates. Its eyes also appear to be bloodshot, like it hasn't slept in days.

Hmm... this could make things easier. You whisper to yourself.

You slowly tiptoe up to it, managing to stay in its blind spot. When you're close enough, you run, jump, and come down on the Minotaur's back with your sword pointed down. It lets out an ungodly roar, and starts swinging its body from side to side, trying to shake you off.

After a few moments of twisting your blade, attempting to get it free of the monster's rubbery skin, you finally succeed as your sword is released with a loud SHLIIIIICK. You go up and over its head, landing on the ground in front of it. The Minotaur continues shake for a good minute and a half, still thinking you're on its back. When it finally notices you, it roars and starts to charge. It comes up a few feet short of you, however, when the chain around its neck is pulled to its full length. The Minotaur falls back, stumbling for a second or two. Apparently, it didn't know the exact length of the chain. You grin, waving at the monster, taunting it to try again.

It scowls and snorts, getting ready to charge. When it charges this time, instead of the chain going taut around its neck, it snaps somewhere along its length, giving the Minotaur free reign.

Your eyes widen. Oh crap... You quickly roll to one side, the beast charging right by you. You jump to your feet and glance over at the bewildered monster. It's looking around, checking underneath itself, wonder where you could of gone. It didn't dawn on it that you could of rolled out of the way. You grin, ready your sword, and start running towards the Minotaur. It glances over its shoulder, apparently hearing your footsteps. Before it can completely turn around, however, you manage to grab onto the broken chain still hanging from its neck. As it turns, you go flying through the air, swinging right around the beast in a circular motion. It keeps turning, trying to see where its prey had gone, which in turn gives you the momentum you need to keep swinging.

After about four minutes or so, you build up enough momentum to swing directly up into the air in an arc, coming down right onto the Minotaur just as it is looking up, with your sword engulfed in enchanted flames. You land right in its mouth, cauterizing its insides. You hear it make a noise that sounds like Ack! as it stumbles and falls back, dead.

You pull your sword out of its throat, willing the flames to go away. You then look at Mount Etna's gates and begin making your way towards them, not knowing what might lay inside.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2012, 04:19:32 AM »
Bossy, but smart. But who the hell put him in charge? And- oh right, forgot he can read my mind... Sorry bout that.

I can afford to be bossy without me you'd still be rotting in a cell so no complaining.

After reaching the sentry post Warren heard Hojo thinking

Well, this dosent look too difficult...

Laughing in his head at how easily Hojo was fooled he responded through the telepathy link

It may not look like much but tho whole hallway heading to the guard is booby trapped. Using are ability we should be able to stop any traps though. Once we get past the booby traps though the guard should be no trouble. What I'm worried about is once you get to the end of this hallway and turn left down the next corridor we should reach the armory where are weapons are being held the problem is the armory is guarded by a Son of kronus and a traitor brother of mine that I have a score to settle with. Now lets get to navigating through this hallway. on my signal use your powers over gravity

Steppping on the first stone in the hallway he heard the 'twang' of an arrow being launched and he screeched through the telepathy link

"Hojo now!"
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 05:31:45 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2012, 01:12:52 PM »
I can afford to be bossy without me you'd still be rotting in a cell so no complaining.

He was laughing at me in his head. Was he mocking me?

It may not look like much but tho whole hallway heading to the guard is booby trapped. Using are ability we should be able to stop any traps though. Once we get past the booby traps though the guard should be no trouble. What I'm worried about is once you get to the end of this hallway and turn left down the next corridor we should reach the armory where are weapons are being held the problem is the armory is guarded by a Son of kronus and a traitor brother of mine that I have a score to settle with. Now lets get to navigating through this hallway. on my signal use your powers over gravity.

Before I could ask how, he steeped on one of the booby traps, and the sound of an arrow being shot can be heard.

Hojo now!

I release a force of gravity that blocks the arrow.

Wow, that actualy worked?
. . .

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2012, 01:44:45 PM »
As you enter Mount Etna, you come into a dimly lit hallway that seems to stretch endlessly ahead. You look to your left and see a large map on the wall, with a big arrow saying YOU ARE HERE pointing at your current location, the front gates. I guess the guards get lost a lot. you say aloud.

After examining the map for a few minutes, you find that the most direct route to the dungeon is through the armory. You make a mental note of which paths to take and start running, making sure to stick to the shadows in case any guards happen to be patrolling the halls.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2012, 06:42:57 PM »
The cyclops notices me and charges at quite a hefty pace, I swirve to the side just in time and the monsters odour made my nose sting. I swung my sword as hard as I possibly could and it made a relatively small cut. The monster wheeled around and went for a second time this time minutely touching me and sending me flying. I fall down hard and get up, my muscles ached and pained. I summoned 2 skeletons to distract them.

me-Va tous!

from what I learned that meant get him. The cyclops gets confused with the two skeletons and crushes one to dust. I take my chance and run past him to freedom. As I exited the labyrinth I found myself in a place I knew about... Mount Etna. Hermes told me about what happened here and I know that this isn't the best place to be. But father can wait. I ran towards the mountain. ( Not the best with mythology.)
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2012, 11:42:10 PM »
 Warren visibly relaxed after he heard the arrow deflected, taking another step he heard several 'twangs' as several arrows flew at him this time instead of having Hojo deflect it he used his abilities to send all the arrows that were shot at him at the guard and he heard a satisfying
'thud' that meant at least one of his arrows met its mark. Standing still for a moment he calculated what his next move would be, figuring if things kept up the way they were He and Hojo would both be out of power before they even reached the armory, he could think of only one alternative, bracing himself he burst ahead running full speed and dodging arrows as he ran  he shouted through the mental link

"Hojo run across behind me there should be no more traps stopping you"

reaching the otherside panting he impatiently waited for Hojo to run across the now safe hallway/

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2012, 01:14:26 AM »
I nodded and ran after him, wondering why he didn't just let me deflect the traps. I was standing next to him, releived that it wasent too difficult.

Even though this place is old, I kinda expected a Titan to have a tighter security system. Oh well, less work for us.

I look around.

So, what's next?
. . .