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Author Topic: [RP] Throne of time¦ Time of day: afternoon¦ Weather: sunny  (Read 347076 times)

Offline kayleero

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #375 on: April 28, 2012, 03:38:38 AM »
Who ever doesn't want to go to the underworld doesn't have to but rest assured that with me, Jake and Warren who have all been to the underworld multiple times and returned safely, no harm will come to you.

I didn't feel a whole lot safer, but I did want to trust them and prove to them that I could help. So I nodded and thought I'll go with you. and tried to smile.
Oh, wait, before we do anything else.... I looked around for my camera but couldn't find it, so I pulled out my wand and cast a spell to bring it to me and held it up. Everyone, get together and say cheese! You too, Mr. GrumpyPants Jake. I had been seriously neglecting my picture taking duties what with all the battles and etc.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #376 on: April 28, 2012, 03:46:50 AM »
Warren wrapped his arm around Silene's waist pulling her close to him while they both smiled and everyone else got in position. Warren then communicated

You get one picture of me Aerwynna. one.

Silene looked over at him and communicated

Aw you don't want to take pictures with me Warren.

She then smiled when Warrens eyes widened in alarm thinking she was serious he was quick to respond

No I love taking pictures with its just that i'm afraid Jake would ruin the picture

She laughed at Warrens response, punched him in the arm, and said

I was just kidding you dolt.

Warren visibly relaxed but still added

I was serious about Jake ruining the picture.

Silene smiled and said

Some things never change, you've both benn trying to prove you were better than each other since you were teenagers give it up already.

Warren looked at her indignantly and responded

I'm not trying to prove anything I no I'm better than Jake

Silene scoffed and said sarcastically


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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #377 on: April 28, 2012, 03:54:57 AM »
Bio scratched his head in confusion. Everything that he didn't understand (or wasn't old enough to) was happening at the same time, and he was pretty sure something was going to pop in his head if someone didn't explain.
Well, at least they aren't going to eat each other.
He hobbled up a bit, thankful that Silene had at least explained that. He was a bit worried about Jake, Silene, and Hojo. But, that's sibling rivalry. And, that's something most of us deal with, he thought to himself, as he inched his way around th hydra.
You know, if this thing wasn't so big and scary, it would make a cool playground...
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #378 on: April 28, 2012, 04:02:52 AM »
Warren saw Bio walking around the hydra and then hear him think

You know, if this thing wasn't so big and scary, it would make a cool playground

Warren being the mischevious man he was decided to scare Bio and using his abilities, Made the hydras head raise and mentally shout in a croaky voice

You all thought I was dead now I shall eat this boy as punishment

He made th head lunge at Bio and turned it last second, narrowly missing Bio's head. Silene realizing what he was doing summoned two skeletons and having them hold Warren back communicated

Warren here is showing why most people think it was a mishap he was a child of Athena ignore him please.

Warren squawked in indignity and communicated

I was not a mishap, if anything you were a mishap your to nice to be a child of Hades, he probably claimed you out of pity.

Warren quickly realized his mistake because being a child of Hades was a delicate subject with her, he went to take it back when he felt a palm collide with his face and then heard Silene shout mentally

There nothing wrong with being nice maybe you should try it sometime. And never question my right to be a child of Hades you of all people should know what I had to go through to prove it.

Warren quickly apologized and was forgiven by Silene, there arguements never lasted long. Warren then got back in position with Silene waiting for the picture to be taken.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 04:10:38 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #379 on: April 28, 2012, 04:07:42 AM »
I was laughing a bit in the background, there were so many refrences everywhere. I regained seriousness. Again.

Everyone, get together and say cheese! You too, Mr. GrumpyPants Jake.

I walk around.

I guess before we ditch the place we can take a picture, and afterwards we really need to get out of here.

Warren decided to do something completly out of character and manipulated one of the heads to scare Bio. Then his 'girlfreind' held him down.

Warren here is showing why most people think it was a mishap he was a child of Athena ignore him please.

I shrugged in a lazy manner.

You two make the perfect couple.
. . .

Offline kayleero

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #380 on: April 28, 2012, 04:10:13 AM »
You know, if this thing wasn't so big and scary, it would make a cool playground
Bio, I don't think that's such a good ide--- I started to go towards him but the hydra LIFTED ITS FREAKING HEAD and said You all thought I was dead now I shall eat this boy as punishment
It lunged at Bio and so I pulled out my sword and started slashing at it before it turned and dropped at the last second. Silene summoned some skeletons up, which never fails to creep me out, but when I saw that instead of going after the hydra they were holding Warren back I figured it out- that Warren was making the hydra move.
Ha ha ha, you think you're hilarious, don't you? Well, I don't think you'd look good as a donkey, how about.... a mouse? I pulled out my wand to make him think I was gonna turn him into something, but I wasn't really because we all saw where that got me last time.
Oh yeah Silene now might be a good time to tell you that I turned Jake into a donkey.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #381 on: April 28, 2012, 04:18:20 AM »
Silene died laughing when she heard Aerwynna tell her that she turned Jake into a donkey and was quick to respond

So Jake finally showed his true colors and became the Jackass he really is.

Warren again was on the ground rolling and she decided to top her comment with

Shame he got turned back most people would agree he looked better that way

Warren was now gasping for breath and Silene was struggling to retain a serious face and eventually died laughing too.  Warren finally stood up and communicated

At the rate where going this picture won't be taken before I turn twenty nine.

Silene stared at him and said

Your not allowed to turn twenty nine because that means i'll turn twenty eight soon after and I can't become old. But seriously we have to hurry and get to the underworld soon or the Titans will finish what they were doing and i'm sure if that happens this war won't last much longer.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 04:19:51 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline kayleero

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #382 on: April 28, 2012, 04:36:18 AM »
Everyone was laughing really hard at that point and then Warren said At the rate where going this picture won't be taken before I turn twenty nine.
So I got my camera and took a picture of everyone, Warren and Silene laughing, Bio looking like what is going on, Jake looking all angry off to the side, and everyone else.... doing whatever they were doing, I wasn't paying attention. Haha.
Your not allowed to turn twenty nine because that means i'll turn twenty eight soon after and I can't become old. But seriously we have to hurry and get to the underworld soon or the Titans will finish what they were doing and i'm sure if that happens this war won't last much longer.
Ok I'm ready when you guys are. I used my wand to shrink my camera down so it would fit in my pocket and I wouldn't leave it somewhere again.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #383 on: April 28, 2012, 04:44:34 AM »
I- I don't think that was funny...
Bio groaned. The moment the hydra's head rose and spoke, he fell back and fainted. He quickly revived though, to see Warren being held back by two skeletons. He figured out that it was all a joke, rather quickly, although  he felt like he was about to cry.
Jack isn't so bad...
But, then his head perked up. UNDERWORLD!?
He clutched onto Aerwynna's arm, shivering. Please tell me it isn't like this place and the crazy illusions. Or that Hydra...
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #384 on: April 28, 2012, 04:51:22 AM »
I leaned against a wall and watched while Warren and everyone talked.
Bio got up and walked over to the Hydra head. When it started to move, I darted forward, practically knocking Bio out of the way to get between him and the hydra. I could hear Aerwynna behind me, slashing. I stayed between Bio and the Hydra until the head fell, and then I turned to Warren.
Not funny, Warren. At all. I gave him a baleful look. I don't find dangerous jokes funny. Ever. Been in too many situations that are similar.
I looked up when Aerwynna took a picture of us.
Ok I'm ready when you guys are.
I lowered my hand from where it had risen to reach for my kusarigama, and stalked back over towards the wall, leaning against it, crossing my arms, and closing my eyes.
I've never been to Hades, but dark, damp, dangerous, hell-like? Seen it already. I don't think there'll be anything I can't survive down there. I'm with you.
Please tell me it isn't like this place and the crazy illusions. Or that Hydra...
I winced at the thought of the illusions.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #385 on: April 28, 2012, 04:53:14 AM »
Warren saw the picture was taken and decided to let them in on Silene's ability. He looked over at Bio and communicated

No its not like this place the only threats there are touchable and me, Silene and Jake are experienced as Silene said so don't worry. Also i'm sure you think that we'll be walkng to the underworld or something but, I guess since i'm pretty sure your all trustworthy, that i'll let you know Silene has the ability to travel through shadows so she will transport us all there, link hands and we'll leave for the underworld.

Silene looked at Warren and communicated

Okay so the underworld will be dark and it will take everyone but me and Jake a minute to adjust

Warren got ready to leave, but at the last second remembered Quinn running back to the corridor were the illusions began he saw Quinn out cold. picking him up on his back he grunted from the pressure, but ran back to the rest. Grabbing a hold Silene's hand he communicated

Ayara when we get there you need to check out Quinn. Now lets go.

He squeezed Silene's hand and closed his eyes when he felt the world begin to disort around him. He landed with a  'thud' and knew he must be in the under world standing up he layed Quinn down on the ground and took off his overcoat laying it over
Quinn like a blanket. He looked over, dusting off his pants, and saw Silene shaking from lack of power. Walking to her quickly he leaned her head on his shoulder supporting her, and then glanced around looking for the others.

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Offline kayleero

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #386 on: April 28, 2012, 04:59:20 AM »
At the mention of the underworld Bio grabbed onto my arm - nearly cutting off the circulation, I might add; that kid is strong - and he was actually shivering, and thought Please tell me it isn't like this place and the crazy illusions. Or that Hydra...
I didn't want to clue him in that it might be even worse, so I leaned down and communicated
It's ok Bio. Even if there's some scary things down there, we'll protect each other. I smiled at him to try to calm him down a little bit. Hey, we ll made it through this in one piece, didn't we? Even with the illusions and the hydra.
No its not like this place the only threats there are touchable and me, Silene and Jake are experienced as Silene said so don't worry. Also i'm sure you think that we'll be walkng to the underworld or something but, I guess since i'm pretty sure your all trustworthy, that i'll let you know Silene has the ability to travel through shadows so she will transport us all there, link hands and we'll leave for the underworld.
I looked over at Efialtes with Bio still right next to me and asked Did you ever decide on a name for that wolf of yours? I still think it should be Bob or Fluffy. Maybe Fluffy Bob?
Ayara when we get there you need to check out Quinn. Now lets go.
Then the world began to shift around us and I fell to the ground. I felt really dizzy for a few seconds and looked around. It was dark and dusty and... not much else that I could see.
So, this is the underworld, huh? I thought to them.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #387 on: April 28, 2012, 05:14:48 AM »
Efialtes lands face first when they enter the underworld, he then gets back up after a few seconds.The wolf on the other hands lands on all 4's just fine.Well, so far we've fought a scary hydra, been tormented with illusions, fought a scary cyclops and minotuar, fought the scary hydra again, so relusion sounds almost as scary as the others, so I'm goin' with fluffy.

Then he realizes something.Wait. were in the undreworld, with countless fiend, after fiend, and this time they can actually hurt us. Right?

Before waiting for a answer  he creates the illusion of a cardboard box over him, and if you were to look inside you would see he's hunched over inside it with his fingers in his ears aas if a bomb was abuot to go off, the wolf trots over to bio  and looks up at him.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #388 on: April 28, 2012, 05:35:18 AM »
Warren looked around saw everyone getting up. He heard Efialltes name the wolf Fluffy and then create a box for him to hide in. Warren walked over still supporting Silene and kicked the box disspelling the illusion. Then pulled Efialtes to his feet communicating

You'll be fine the underworld is not that dangerous if you know what your going so quit whining and help us. You can be scared when we get to Tartarus that place is seriously creepy.

He the let Efialtes go and asked Silene

You alright

She glanced at him and responded

Yeah just let me rest for a second

He gently laid her on the ground resting her head on his lap. He then waited for the others to get ready.

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #389 on: April 28, 2012, 06:30:47 AM »
I felt an odd sensation, as if the air around was distorting or shifting. I opened my eyes, and was met with darkness. I waited while my eyes adjusted. I could make out a ceiling above, like a cave's. The others were all around, adjusting and preparing.
Well, this should be fun. Just like the old days. Dark, damp, and damn annoying. At least it's fields and not alleyways.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.