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Author Topic: [RP] Throne of time¦ Time of day: afternoon¦ Weather: sunny  (Read 347259 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #480 on: May 10, 2012, 05:32:21 PM »
Warren looked like a tornado whirling around slashing at werewolves and skeletons alike trying to keep them back. He quickly ducked a jab from a skeletons Halbard and the punched the skeleton in the face knocking its head off. Then a werewolve takckle him to the ground, Warren kneed it in the stomach then stabbed it in the head. He looked over and saw Jake approaching on hell hound. Warren bocked a blow from a mace with his dagger the spiked ball an chain warapping around the hilt of his daggers and then he did a leg sweep tripping the skeleton. he quickly destroyed it and stabbed a werewolve while shouting

Jake little help here!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #481 on: May 10, 2012, 06:31:59 PM »
For the most part, Bio's eyes were closed, and he held on tightly to Ayara's back> But he could tell something was wrong. Battle?
For a few quick seconds, his eyes were open, and then he quickly closed them. He didn't like what he was seeing. Wherewolves? He shuddered a bit, and pressed as close as he could to Ayara. A new arrival, another demigod, obviously on the side of the Titans, was shouting something about surrendering.
NEVERRRRRRR! He cried in his mind not sure if anyone could really hear him or not. With that, he patted Ayara on the back, to warn her, and then jumped.
His legs wobbled as he hit the ground, but he spread out his toes, to help him regain balance from landing on his feet. His eyes flitted around for a bit, before finally setting on Warren, who came by.
Heal her.
Bio obliged, as Silene was laid besides him. Warren began defending, and the healing Demigod started his work, fingers twitching as he gently probed woundsm and began to seal them up. The bangle and snakes with the + began to shimmer a bit, as Silene's skin and muscles began to reform, almost as if nothing had happened. The area of the wound was red, and still a little bloody, but it could easily be cleaned off>
Hey, Ayara, can I borrow your Rag?
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #482 on: May 10, 2012, 07:03:33 PM »
Efialtes after cloaking looked around, warren had aparently ran off. Efialtes then followed, when he finally found warren, he was protecting bio and silene. Efialtes decloaks behind 2 wolves and has it rip them to shreds, then he has it burn a few, but a few skeletal warriors are sneaking up behind Efialtes...

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #483 on: May 10, 2012, 07:27:21 PM »
Warren glanced back and saw Silene being healed and Bio was turned around asking Ayara something. He saw Efialtes run over and begin fighting. Warren heard a howl and saw a Werewolve lunge at Bio's turned back, Warren took a second to glance at Efialtes and saw skeletal warriors sneaking up on him. Warren was torn between who to help and he made a split second decision, Hurling his dagger it imbedded itself deep in the skull of the wolve, and the wolve fell it claws out strectched and barely toching the back of Bio's heel as if to attack him from even beyond deaths gate, at the same time Warren sent a blast of power with as much force as he could muster at the skeletons ripping them to shreds he then shouted

Jake I seriously need help!

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #484 on: May 10, 2012, 07:40:15 PM »
I rushed over to Warren slicing as fast as possible,

me-Sorry I'm late I took the scenic route.

I went Sliced at the wolves because they have flesh.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #485 on: May 10, 2012, 07:46:57 PM »
Warren glared at Jake and said

While thanks to you taking the scenic route I have been fighting a whole army.

Warren then slamme his dagger into the chest of a werewolve sneaking up on Jake and said

Now we're even you saved me from the hydra I saved you from the werewolve.

Warren then began using his powers to destroy the skeletons. He got beside Jake and then whispered

I'll take the skeletons you take the wolves.

Warren then used his powers to rip off the skull of a skeleton. he smiled and thought

things are finally going are way

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #486 on: May 10, 2012, 07:58:03 PM »
Felix shot into life and jumped from the bed, a sharp pain under his ribs stopped him from getting too far. Three steps from the bed he collapsed onto the ground, he clenched his ribs and cried out in pain.

"Get me my staff!"
"Felix, you need to rest! We managed to stop the internal bleeding and heal up most of your wounds, but our magic only does so much. You still have alot of internal damage, you need to rest for a while."
"Shut the f*ck up and get me my staff! Hades must be secured before the rest of their army arrives!"
The doctor looked around the room then nodded to his assistant. A moment later the assistant came over carrying Felix's staff weapon. He grabbed it using it as a crutch he quickly moved towards the door, then he saw Zandra, "She loves me, now I know it for sure."; after this thought ran through his head he left the building.

"Where is Hades?! Are we still in posession of him?!"
"Yes sir, this was an isolated attack, three of the god's servants; two Demigods, and a monster. Three werewolves followed them and have yet to return."
"Then send another squad of monsters! I want them on their knees by morning!"
"Sir! You over there prepair to move!"
A dozen werewolves howled in response and about fifty skeleton warriors beat on their shields. The Half titan mounted his horse and the march started.

Felix was about to join them when the taste of blood stopped him, the doctors were right he needed to rest. He returned to the medical building, sat down next to Zandra then fell asleep again.

(this squad will be at your position in a few minutes I'll let you decide how to react. Also they aren't going to kill you, only capture.)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #487 on: May 10, 2012, 08:13:02 PM »
Silene awoke and instantly jumped to her feet she felt a throbbing pain in her side but other then that she was fine. She looked over and saw Warren and Jake fightin, She was instantly at their side spear drawn was two skeletons already summoned. She glanced at Warren and whispered

Whats going on?

Warren smiled at her and then sent her a quick mental image of what happened while she was unconscious. She walked over to Warren and gently carressed his cheek saying

Warren you do deserve to be a son of Athena it wasn't your fault I got hurt.

Warrens face dropped and he said

I should of thought of a better plan or something.

Silene just shook her head and laughed. then she spun around and slammed her spear into the face of a skeleton. Looking around she saw their were no more enemies. And then Warren said

This piece wont last long that assasin is bound to send more monsters.

She nodded and dismissed her skeleton and set down. She could hear the small sound of the rise and fall of footsteps in the distance and she knew Warren was right she just hoped they could take these enemies.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #488 on: May 10, 2012, 08:17:07 PM »
As I lopped off the last of the wolves heads I turned to them.

me-I agree we should like set up some kind of tactical position or I could catch them from behind on ol' Lightning here.

I pet the hound.
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #489 on: May 10, 2012, 08:24:05 PM »
(I'm going to mod the Half Titan in charge of this march)

Only a few minutes in the sounds of battle could be heard, then it went silent.
"Six of the wolves stay here, and thirty of the skeleton warriors as well. There's an Athena Child here, don't want to get hit from behind. The rest of you follow me." The titan dismounted his horse and stretched his neck out. Then he and the remainder of his squad resumed their march. As they neared their destination skeleton bodies were laid around, all decapitated for an easy kill. He counted ten at the most before he found the three werewolves disemboweled a few yards further up.

"Spread out! Find them!" the titan looked around, there were around here somewhere, he could smell them and he was hungry...

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #490 on: May 10, 2012, 08:27:31 PM »
Warren nodded

Yes and you should take Silene with you and summon as many skeletons as you can so we'll have them from both sides.

Silene stood up and drew her spear saying

Lets get going Jake

She then hopped on the hell hound waiting for Jake. Warren glanced at Efialtes and asked

Could you make us invisible, we dont have to worry about our scent its masked by the smell of blood.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #491 on: May 10, 2012, 08:29:51 PM »
Got it.

Efialtes made everybody invisible, he then looked over at warren.Any other ways I can help?

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #492 on: May 10, 2012, 08:33:47 PM »
I race off,

me-I'm right behind you... More or less.

I draw my sword and get ready to summon skeles.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #493 on: May 10, 2012, 08:34:13 PM »
Make an illusion of all of us and make it seem as if we're charging them.

Warren then walked over to Efialtes and handed him the dagger he took earlier and said

Thanks for letting me borrow this.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Throne of time
« Reply #494 on: May 10, 2012, 08:39:12 PM »
A werewolf started to talk in its half talk half growl language to the titan. "A few...saw something...vanished quickly...might interest you."

Thinking for a moment, how had his nose missed the other Demigod? Too much blood. "Recall the rest of the squad, they are going to try to take us on head to head. Oh, and send a single Werewolf back to report on our location and situation. If I don't send a skeleton warrior in twenty minutes send some Hydras."

"Yes..." the wolf quickly ran off. The titan recalled the squad and began to move in the direction implied by the wolf. Once they arrived it was empty...