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Author Topic: [Profiles] Throne of Time  (Read 19964 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2012, 04:09:46 AM »

Username: WhatThePumpkin

Name: Bio

Age: 11

Gender: Male.

Godly parent: Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing.

Abilities: As a child, Bio was a relatively quick healer, and rarely got sick. He also was very light on his feet, and fast. When he met his father, he gained the ability to heal himself through special cells in his blood and saliva, as well as healing others through his staff. This, however, has it's limits. He can do a full-body heal, from any recent injuries (or poisoning, but only through the last hour), but it will leave his energy almost completely depleted, for 12 hours. A normal, healing for a single wound, will depend on the gravity of it, but the span of weakness is usually 1-3 hours.

Items: Bio has the caduceus of his father, as well as a silly little hat his father made to make up for not being able to actually go down to him and talk (you know, being a DEAD constellation and all,). That hat is a but like a fedora, although rather small, with two snakes winding around it, their heads, a blue gem. He also has a panacea leaf, a rare find, that he keeps around his neck at all times. He's afraid that Panacea will get mad if he DOES loose it, and doesn't want to anger his godly sister. He also usually has a small chalkboard around his neck, to allow him to communicate with the others.

Weapons: Bio wields his own version of the caduceus, with two snakes coiled around it, rather than his father's one snake. The snakes have a plus on their head, and a minus on their tails, both are designed to do a different task. The bottom of the staff itself is pointed, perfect for stabbing, or making neat little writings in the sand.

Appearance: The boy is tall, around 5'3", with fairly long legs, and rather pale skin. He has wide, friendly green eyes, and fiery red hair, that stands up, and is combed to the left. He wears a white t-shirt, with a black-purple Biohazard symbol on it (although, it's usually hidden by his chalkboard), and knee-high blue shorts. Each arm has a gold bangle around it, one with a plus, another with a minus. He walks around barefoot.

Side:Neutral. Being as naive as he is, he happily joins whoever he trusts. If he trusts a person on either side, he joins whoever he trusts the most. He's awfully confused about battles.

Short back-story: Bio didn't really get anything as a kid, and could never really get an answer to anything, or even say what he DID (being mute). His mother, a woman by the name of Isabelle, told him that his daddy left a long time ago, and refused to answer any questions he asked about his daddy. Later on, at the age of 11, Bio was out stargazing, when he had an encounter with Ophichus the Serpent Bearer, the constellation form of his deceased father. The encounter happened in a dream as  the boy had fallen asleep under his constellation, and in the dream, he answered all the questions Bio had (of course, none of them were very deep, just “ What's your hair color?” or “ What stars make up your constellation?” the only question that he refused to answer the 11 year old, was how “ godbabies” are born.). Bio woke up, and freaked out, he ran off, with his special gifts in hand. He wasn't mad, just con fused.
He actually ended up getting himself stuck in the middle of the war and was captured to keep him from healing or reviving anyone on the God's sides, by the Titans.

(My other one. THank you so much for allowing two, I just think we needed more monsters.)

Username: WhatThePumpkin

Name: Agony and Hope

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown (it is assumed that it's both)

Type of monster: Hydra

Abilities: Agony has a sharp, sword-like tongue, that cuts like steel. He also has poisonous fangs, but he's more likely to stab you with his tongue, rather than poison you. Hope is the nicer side, and only fights with her side of the body (using the heads or feet she's in control of to smash a rival, since she's afraid to really hurt someone.)

Appearance: A 6 headed Hydra, the body divided by color. While Agony's half of the body is a dark black/purple, with narrow, amber eyes, Hope's side of the body is a black/teal color, with wide, rather human-like teal eyes. Her tongue is black, with a forked red tip (and the heads on her side have red tongues). Agony has a black tongue, with a steel/teal color (the heads on his side, have teal tongues, stained with blood). Their tail has the colors spiraling around, to reach an arrowhead-like tip. There are also barbs on the side of the tail.

Side: Titans.

Short back-story: We're not too sure how There were only two heads with a personality on this hydra, but that's exactly what happened. Whereas Hope is gentle, and wanted to join the Gods, Agony was violent, and it's because of him that they are forbidden from joining the gods, and their entire species is disliked. As the titan's rule goes, ennemy to the Gods, friend to the Titans. They pattrol the outdoors, but also tend to stray, to kill for fun, not just doing their job.

accepted ( If Bio is captured he is in the dungeon with Ayara )

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2012, 06:09:26 PM »
Name:Efialtes((I think it means nightmare in greek))
Age:11(Yes I know same age of WTP's, whadda ya want from me? this age fits in for the backstory.)
Godly parent:Phobetor, also called icelos
Abilities: The ability to create nightmarish illusion's
Items: none. other than the weapon under  this.
Weapons:a small dagger he rarely uses.
Appearance: A small kid always in a cloak with a hood, he hides his with the shadow of teh hood, but if you do see his face you'll see he is always scared of something.
Short back-story:As a child Efialtes had nightmares. Always. So when he found out about his powers to create nightmarish Illusions it wasn't much of a surprise. So he decided he could go help the gods by performing illusions to make the enemy moral go down, He's always been scared of his abilities, just because He doesn't want to scare anyone, he's more afraid of himself for anything, so it took him a bit to decide to help the gods. he found a dagger while he was on the battle field trying while to help, he found he could use it well in last ditch situations. well one time as he was casting illusions, a she finished someone knocked him out, so Now he is Imprisoned in Mt. etna..

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2012, 06:19:32 PM »
Name:Efialtes((I think it means nightmare in greek))
Age:11(Yes I know same age of WTP's, whadda ya want from me? this age fits in for the backstory.)
Godly parent:Phobetor, also called icelos
Abilities: The ability to create nightmarish illusion's
Items: none. other than the weapon under  this.
Weapons:a small dagger he rarely uses.
Appearance: A small kid always in a cloak with a hood, he hides his with the shadow of teh hood, but if you do see his face you'll see he is always scared of something.
Short back-story:As a child Efialtes had nightmares. Always. So when he found out about his powers to create nightmarish Illusions it wasn't much of a surprise. So he decided he could go help the gods by performing illusions to make the enemy moral go down, He's always been scared of his abilities, just because He doesn't want to scare anyone, he's more afraid of himself for anything, so it took him a bit to decide to help the gods. he found a dagger while he was on the battle field trying while to help, he found he could use it well in last ditch situations. well one time as he was casting illusions, a she finished someone knocked him out, so Now he is Imprisoned in Mt. etna..

Accepted( but since your imprisoned you'll probably have to free yourself cause the rest of us are in a battle.)

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2012, 01:23:35 AM »
(I will occasionally post monsters that can be called on by everybody this is one of them.)

Name: Hell hound
Abilities: They can shoot large amounts of dark flames from their mouths, they have night vision, and are excellent trackers. Also when immersed in shadows they become completely invisible.
Appearance: They have shaggy midnight black fur, short horns that jet out of the top of their heads, and there eyes are a blood red that always seem to glow with menace. There claws are each as long as short swords and their teeth are as big and as sharp as daggers. Their long tails that trail behind them are covered with a thick fur that is basically impenetrable and are sharp enough to give you a nasty puncture wound.
Backstory: They are said to have come straight from the pits of Tartarus, some serve as elite guards for Hades himself, it is rumored that a powerful child of Hades could manage to bend one to his will. There are however some hell hounds, that take no part in the war and roam the lands in small packs, killing demigods, other monsters, and half titans alike.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2012, 11:40:04 PM »
Username: Mr. Fox
Name: Felix
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Titan parent: Mnemosyne (Titaness of memory)
Abilities: Felix has the ability to manipulate people's memories, and even force new ones on them, give him the ability to make anyone believe as he wishes; he needs direct eye contact in order to do achieve total control though. He's not extremely skilled with his ability but he gets better every day.
Items: A small necklace that warns him of evil intentions towards him.
Weapons: He carries a staff that amplifies his ability, but also doubles as a fighting staff with a long blade on the end http://i45.tinypic.com/uopw5.jpg (there's a medium sized red gem in the blade that acts as an amplifier for his ability). He also has a retractable blade hidden on his right arm that he uses to dispatch enemies silently.
Side: Titans
Short back-story:When Felix was a kid he always got what he wanted, not because he was born into wealth with parents that spoiled him, but because he could make anyone "remember" what ever he wanted them to. He failed not a single class, even though he never once showed up for school. He spent the first fifteen years of his life in the various libraries of his hometown learning everything he could of ancient times. He quickly learned of the battle between the Gods and the Titans, and began to believe he was a direct descendant of Cronos. After his eighteenth birthday he left his home and began looking for the Titans, he quickly found them and was brought before Cronos. He swore an unending oath of loyalty and began his life as an assassin/spy. After a mishap on his first mission his face was badly scarred so he began to wear a mask in order conceal his failure.

Edit: One final note, he's a psychopath.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 11:44:05 PM by Mr. Fox »

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2012, 11:56:09 PM »
Username: Mr. Fox
Name: Felix
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Titan parent: Mnemosyne (Titaness of memory)
Abilities: Felix has the ability to manipulate people's memories, and even force new ones on them, give him the ability to make anyone believe as he wishes; he needs direct eye contact in order to do achieve total control though. He's not extremely skilled with his ability but he gets better every day.
Items: A small necklace that warns him of evil intentions towards him.
Weapons: He carries a staff that amplifies his ability, but also doubles as a fighting staff with a long blade on the end http://i45.tinypic.com/uopw5.jpg (there's a medium sized red gem in the blade that acts as an amplifier for his ability). He also has a retractable blade hidden on his right arm that he uses to dispatch enemies silently.
Side: Titans
Short back-story:When Felix was a kid he always got what he wanted, not because he was born into wealth with parents that spoiled him, but because he could make anyone "remember" what ever he wanted them to. He failed not a single class, even though he never once showed up for school. He spent the first fifteen years of his life in the various libraries of his hometown learning everything he could of ancient times. He quickly learned of the battle between the Gods and the Titans, and began to believe he was a direct descendant of Cronos. After his eighteenth birthday he left his home and began looking for the Titans, he quickly found them and was brought before Cronos. He swore an unending oath of loyalty and began his life as an assassin/spy. After a mishap on his first mission his face was badly scarred so he began to wear a mask in order conceal his failure.

Edit: One final note, he's a psychopath.
accepted (so you know the ret of us are in the underworld.)

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2012, 06:25:30 AM »
After doing some coniteration on my character I have decided to make another who's very important to him. I won't be using her very often, but I feel like it will better round out Felix.

Username:Mr. Fox
Name: Zandra
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Titan parent: Atlas
Abilities: Despite her small size she posses enormous strength. She is very agile at the same time allowing her to deliver quick and deadly attacks.
Items: She carries around a single memento of her childhood, a small stuffed bear. This bear is more important to her then anything in the entire world.
Weapons: She prefers to fight without the use of weapons, but she does have a set of Nunchucks that she is very skilled with.
Side: Titans
Short back-story: Zandra grew up with the name Sarah, she was born onto a farm where her strength was greatly appreciated. She was happy with her family until she turned twelve, that's when everything she loved went up in flames, literly. At twelve years old everything she had ever known except a single stuffed bear was burned alive. She wandered around for a bit, using her strength to make enough money to eat, and using it to steal when she had to. One day she saw a man who looked strange, he was taller then everyone else and had an aura of power, she followed him to his house. When he fell asleep she snuck in and tried to find out who he was. He woke up when she broke a table in her haste. He took her before Cronis and she found out she was a half Titan, destined to fight the Gods. She allowed herself to be taken in and eventually took the name Zandra. She is the only person Felix trusts enough to let see his scared face. Felix has a crush of sorts for her, but she keeps telling him that she is taken.

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2012, 06:34:00 AM »
After doing some coniteration on my character I have decided to make another who's very important to him. I won't be using her very often, but I feel like it will better round out Felix.

Username:Mr. Fox
Name: Zandra
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Titan parent: Atlas
Abilities: Despite her small size she posses enormous strength. She is very agile at the same time allowing her to deliver quick and deadly attacks.
Items: She carries around a single memento of her childhood, a small stuffed bear. This bear is more important to her then anything in the entire world.
Weapons: She prefers to fight without the use of weapons, but she does have a set of Nunchucks that she is very skilled with.
Side: Titans
Short back-story: Zandra grew up with the name Sarah, she was born onto a farm where her strength was greatly appreciated. She was happy with her family until she turned twelve, that's when everything she loved went up in flames, literly. At twelve years old everything she had ever known except a single stuffed bear was burned alive. She wandered around for a bit, using her strength to make enough money to eat, and using it to steal when she had to. One day she saw a man who looked strange, he was taller then everyone else and had an aura of power, she followed him to his house. When he fell asleep she snuck in and tried to find out who he was. He woke up when she broke a table in her haste. He took her before Cronis and she found out she was a half Titan, destined to fight the Gods. She allowed herself to be taken in and eventually took the name Zandra. She is the only person Felix trusts enough to let see his scared face. Felix has a crush of sorts for her, but she keeps telling him that she is taken.


Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2012, 07:46:59 PM »
This is my 2nd char but evil


Username: Lubbies
Name: Sekeen
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Type of monster: Harpy
Abilities: Can shoot razor sharp feathers from his wings and he can turn his mouth into a sharp beak.
Weapons: A slightly curved knife
Side: Titans
Backstory: As a child he was son of the roost mother, he watched as heroes came with sword in hand to slay his elders. When of age he swore a vow that he would destroy all heroes no matter who they were. His mother made him Captain of the harpy army and prince of the roost. He goes in search for the titans who shall aid him in his goal.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2012, 07:49:54 PM »
This is my 2nd char but evil


Username: Lubbies
Name: Sekeen
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Type of monster: Harpy
Abilities: Can shoot razor sharp feathers from his wings and he can turn his mouth into a sharp beak.
Weapons: A slightly curved knife
Side: Titans
Backstory: As a child he was son of the roost mother, he watched as heroes came with sword in hand to slay his elders. When of age he swore a vow that he would destroy all heroes no matter who they were. His mother made him Captain of the harpy army and prince of the roost. He goes in search for the titans who shall aid him in his goal.


Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2012, 02:38:19 AM »


Name: Zion

Age: 27


Godly parent: Zeus

Abilities: he has the ability to shoot lightning from the palm of his hand and can control the air for a limited time.

Items: jagged silver chain bracelet that transforms into his weapon on command.


instead of these clothes he is dressed in a leather jacket, white t-shirt, gloves with lightning bolts on them and black jeans with boots made to walk in rough terrain.

Short back-story: His mother was killed when he was young and his father never claimed him. the titans gave him a home and a reason to live, when the time came he easily knew which side he would fight on even after his father did claim him when he was in need. His father in an attempt to win him over gave him the bracelet that doubles as his axe. Zion decided to use it even though the titans offered him a weapon because he wanted Zeus to know that he was fighting him with his own powers.

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2012, 02:41:15 AM »


Name: Zion

Age: 27


Godly parent: Zeus

Abilities: he has the ability to shoot lightning from the palm of his hand and can control the air for a limited time.

Items: jagged silver chain bracelet that transforms into his weapon on command.


instead of these clothes he is dressed in a leather jacket, white t-shirt, gloves with lightning bolts on them and black jeans with boots made to walk in rough terrain.

Short back-story: His mother was killed when he was young and his father never claimed him. the titans gave him a home and a reason to live, when the time came he easily knew which side he would fight on even after his father did claim him when he was in need. His father in an attempt to win him over gave him the bracelet that doubles as his axe. Zion decided to use it even though the titans offered him a weapon because he wanted Zeus to know that he was fighting him with his own powers.


Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2012, 10:57:25 AM »
I'm going to do a quick over view of the Monsters in Felix's army to avoid any confusion. Notice the common theme among the Ground Forces and you will discover who they were created to defend.

Air force:
Locust: Locust are small bug like creatures that can strip an area clean of everything, even metal, in a matter of minutes. Very dangerous in large groups, but easily dispatched with fire. They make up 7/16 of the Ancient Air Force. Threat Level: 3

Mega Locust: Man sized insects that can easily tear any living creature in half. They move in small packs of about ten to fifteen, when fighting them aim for the wings. They also carry a payload of toxic gas that they use in the event they are captured or killed; nothing can survive exposure to this gas. They make up 1/2 of the Ancient Air Force. Threat Level: 5

Breeder Locust: The largest member of the air force, one would be foolish to assume that they can't fly. They travel with about 5 Mega Locust and about a hundred Locusts. When fighting this monster kill it first or it will just keep breeding more Locust. They make up the last 1/16 of the Ancient Air Force, and are rarely seen on the battle field. Threat Level: 10

Ground Force:
Reborn Warriors: Standard Skeleton Warriors. Take their head off for a quick kill. Used for fodder they take the brunt of an attack to allow other forces to better do their jobs.Threat Level: 4

Ravagers: They are formed after the beings they were created to protect; Humans. Extremely hardy and hard to kill. They move in large packs and act mindless at times. Aim for their tentacles  to prevent them from attacking. Rarely they have been seen to be using weapons. Threat Level: 7

Destroyers: Huge monsters used to take out defensive structures and enemy infantry. The only area of their body not protected by armor is their face area; focus all attacks there for a quick kill. They move in groups of four or five supported by other forces. Their tentacles can easily tear through any known substance. They stand at about thirty feet tall so aerial attacks are required to defeat them most of the time.  Threat Level: 9

Reapers: These brutal mindless monsters kill quickly, effectively, and regardless of pleas for pity. Every single kill they achieve only adds to their numbers so a sinlge one can quickly overwhelm an entire army. The only way to kill them is to completely remove all of their limbs. They are barely under the control of The Father and sometimes go rouge, so they are only used in time of desperation. If they surround you your chances of survival decrease quite a bit, so take caution if you hear low pitched growls and screams. They like to stalk their prey before they move in for the kill, and often lure over confident warriors into traps. They make up the smallest portion of the Ancient Ground Force, and you are very unlikely to see them. Threat Level: 17

Sacred Swordsmen: Heavily armored Swordsmen. Used only for guarding the tunnels of the Cleanser. You will never see them outside of the giant Cleanser. If faced with them, run; as they can't be killed except by The Father. Threat Level: Infinite

Great Cleanser: Simply put, this monster is the creator and destroy of everything. This is the great monster that created The Father to protect the humans, and is the only creature capable of killing a pure Titan/God. It can't be killed so don't try, the only way to stop it is to convince it that it's job is done. It is hollow inside making a temple to humanity and acting as the home for The Father. Threat Level: Infinite.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 07:47:28 PM by Mr. Fox »

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Re: [Profiles] Throne of Time
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2012, 07:31:21 PM »
Good this should clear things up.

Daylin: 35/100