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Author Topic: [Closed] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day  (Read 123844 times)

Offline Tickles

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[Closed] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day
« on: April 16, 2012, 07:18:28 AM »
Notes: I noticed that there is a zombie RP already made, and may or may not have started yet, but I have been planning this for about a month already, so here is my alternative. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have planned it.



Plot: In the year 2020, the world was at the brink of scientific progress, and peace throughout. All the worlds leaders came together to sign one last treaty that would unite them as one nation. This would be the day marked as "New earth." On March 12, 2020, a week after the peace signing, an odd weather pattern began to blanket the earth, a dense fog that blocked out the sun, bringing nights of endless cold, and days of limited vision. This was not the only misfortune, as reports came from all over the world of gruesome murders, and strange figures walking about, the day the dead have risen from their graves, disrupting the new found peace, and plunging the world into chaos once again.

With the world a mess once again, there is a shining hope in the pacific ocean, an island hidden among the fog, Perfection Isle. People flocked to this place in hopes of escaping the plague, bringing supplies to build a new home. It has been 10 years since then, and the people built a city on the island, but this is no different than an other, the zombie apocalypse has spread there.

Only a handful of survivors remain, trying to make the best of what they got, and avoid the hellish horde at every turn. But no one can survive a zombie plague.


Downtown area- The center of business and the location of the town hall. It's scattered with abandoned office buildings and shops.
 ~Town hall: When the wave broke out on the island, this place was fortified. It was in vain as the zombies still got through, and all lives were lost. Now it is a catacomb of the last defense of the island rumored to house a number of weapons and valuables.

 ~Al's Hardware- Old Al has fortified his store and offers aid to the other survivors in return for supplies. The entrance is located on the roof, as zombies have trouble climbing up a ladder for some reason.

 ~Super Duper Mart: The large grocery center that is almost gutted clean. Survivors head here to see if they can find any food scraps around, while also trying to avoid the zombies.

 ~Library: The fortress of books next door to the tow hall. Rumors say that schematics for great devices may be found here.

 ~Miscellaneous office buildings and other: Thought nothing special about these places, except the possibility to find supplies in them, they can be claimed as a rest area.

-Residential Area: The scattered houses where people once lived. Nearby is the School which would hold all grades, and the ruins of the hospital, police station, and fire station.

 ~School: A large place that taught everyone from children to adults. The rooms may have some useful items, if you don;t mind the occasional zombie teacher.

 ~Fire and police station: Not much to look at, but these places have the best security systems on the island. A weapon or two can be found at the police station, and fresh water can be grabbed from the fire station, if someone can get the generators to run.

 ~Hospital: Random medical supplies can be found here, but none dare to enter since the place is pitch black, and a hotzone for the undead.

-Forests: Trees, trees, trees The only good these places are for is to find kindling and provide cover.

-Beach: The sandy part of the island, it is home to the pier and surf shack.

 ~Pier: A graveyard for boats left behind by their owners. Some of the boats may have useful supplies, others are on the verge of sinking, and others may have an unwelcome guest.

 ~Surf Shack: Peter Bro used to live here, but no one has seen him since he went out surfing in the fog. There is nothing really special about this place except that freshly cooked fish are found from time to time with a note that says, "Order up".

-Mountain: The highest poiunt on the island. Though no zombies can traverse the massive, it is a dangerous trek that can take your life with a random rock slide and fall to the hard ground below.

-Lighthouse: The one light on the island that constantly points to the town hall, keeping the area well lit. No one knows who is keeping the light going, but they are sure that it will burn out one day.

*Please don't mind the crude map, if someone can design a better one, PM me and I may reward you in the RP.


1. NO godmodding. You are not all powerful, and can't do the impossible.

2. Use proper grammar and spelling at all times. In the case of dialogue, you may write in any style you wish so long as it is readable.

3. Posts must be at least a paragraph long (4-5 sentences). An short posts will be notified, and failure to comply will result in the premature death of your character, and possible ban from the RP.

4. As with a zombie RP, you can make as many characters as you wish, but you can only control one character at a time. If you get bored with your current character, kill them off and make a new one. Note, all items obtained by one character do not carry over to the next.

5. Be creative and have fun.

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 05:13:50 PM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2012, 06:36:41 AM »
We begin on Perfection Isle. A man of mature age is hanging a sign over the roof of his store reading "Al's hardware, open for business! Trade, Trade, Trade! Climb the ladder and head inside for more details." He tosses a rope ladder over the side and secures it. The creatures down below take kindly to it, and start to tug on the foreign object, but fail to detach it. One attempts to climb the familiar item, but can't get a leg up. They eventually give up.

Guess you poor souls can't climb a simple ladder. Well, good news for me then.

He takes a look into the sky, pulls out a book, and takes a seat on a chair, reading up on hammers and uses through the ages.

Hmm, this gives me an idea. Yes, that can work.

With his new found excitement, he heads down into his store, the safest place on the island, and begins to build a new weapon.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 08:06:11 AM »
Somewhere in the Residential Area, a man sits looking out a window on the second story of an apartment complex. All the lights are off, partly because it provides cover, but mostly because the building doesn't have any power. The whole cover thing is just a bonus, the man supposes.

The man looks around his sparse living quarters. It's not the best place, but at least it's free of any undead. Over in the corner there are some bunched-up blankets, acting as a makeshift bed. I once slept on a cold hard stone floor in an Armenian prison cell, so I ain't complaining. he thinks to himself. Over on the opposite side of the room is where the rations are kept. A few bottles of water and cans of different kinds of preserved food, mostly cans of beans. On that same wall is a door leading to a small bathroom, which contains a sink, a mirror, a toilet, and a bathtub that hasn't seen use in years. Over by the window, which happens to be his favorite place to sit, is where the man keeps his ammunition, although most if not all of it has been depleted already. I swear, if those damn zombies try to rush me again... he thinks to himself, clenching his fist as if readying to punch something. On the opposite side of the room, facing the window, is a door, which opens up into a hallway lined with a few other doors just like it. Well, almost just like it.

From the inside, the door has been heavily fortified. Five different kinds of locks ensures that no one will be getting in. And if they do, they won't be leaving in one piece. the man thinks to himself.

He sighs. As much as he likes to act like he'd kill any trespassers, the honest truth is that he'd be happy for some company. Any company. He looks down, shakes his head in despair, and goes back to watching the clouds.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 09:12:55 AM by dreadknight »

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2012, 02:10:24 PM »
  I kind of wish the zombies would hurry up and kill me thought Tanu as he brought his axe down hard cleaving a zombeis head in two. He then watched as the zombies broke through the fortified window of the building he was hiding in.  he brought out his lighter put it to one of the boards and then laugh at what he just popped into his head. thinking out loud he shouted

"Burn in hell zombies!"

He then resumed watching and almost puked when the smell of burning and rotting flesh carried into the room. he heard a loud crack come from behind him and spun around to see a zombie a little bit bigger then the rest coming through the now shattered door. Acting on pure impulse  he hurled the axe, and it made a distinct thud as it imbedded it self in the zombies skull. the zombie, not dead just momentarily stunned, fell over. Tanu charged across the room and placed one boot on the zombies neck, placing the other boot right beside the zombies ear on the floor, he grabbed his axe handle and pulled it out of the zombies  head. then pressing his boot boot on the zombies neck down hard he swung his axe and finally finished off the zombie. He then rushed out the door Axe clutched in both hands, buried lighter in his pocket and began running from the hellish horde of zombies behind him hoping to find a refuge from them.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 02:12:15 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2012, 02:11:51 PM »
In the Downtown Area, near the Residential Area, at a super market, a military woman was getting in to check arround for supplys, she knew that if she found anyone, at least they would have a secure place with supplys to be. She goes in thought the back door and closes it behind her, she makes her way into the supply shelfs as she sees some walkers on the corridors, she grabs hold of her Military Knife that was a bit longer than most knifes and sneaks up on the zombie, stabbing its head with the knife, making it fall down now completly dead, her training in the military in sneaking was working out on this zombie apocalipse when there was only few or one zombies.

With the time she had been dealing with zombies, she noticed that their head was their weak point, only one stab of a knife meant death. (i got this from The Walking Dead series, if its wrong please say so)

After 20 minutes she had cleared the zombies in the corridors, as she starts dragging them outside... After another 30 minutes she manages to get all the bodys outside and goes back in, barricading every entrance heavyly except the one she got in through which she did more lightly, then comes back looking at the supplys to see if they were all still good to eat, luckyly they still were, she goes to a fridge and takes out a beer, pops it open and drinks it as she looks outside through the front's windows.

"when will this end?... im tired of this allready...i need to find some survivors and bring them here..."

she sighs as she goes near the windows at the entrance and only keeps her head showing as she sat down and kept drinking the beer, resting a bit
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 02:35:44 PM by Aquashin »
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline dreadknight

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2012, 02:42:54 PM »
The man takes out his knife and checks to make sure it hasn't gone dull. He gently presses his finger against its edge, running it down the blade's length a few times. When he's finally satisfied, he puts it back in its sheath, which is hanging from his waist.

He looks out the window at the street below, where a zombie seems to be walking around aimlessly. Bait. he sneers. Damn zombies... sending out one of their own to try and lure survivors out into the open.

He unholsters his sniper rifle, checking to see if it still has any ammo. Seeing that it's empty, he looks at his feet where there's usually a small pile of ammo, only to see he's completely out. He's actually been out of bullets for quite some time now.

He glares at the zombie, still wandering around in the street. If he doesn't kill that thing soon, someone else could get lured into a trap, and he's not having that on his conscience.

He reholsters his rifle, gets up and starts walking towards the door. Al might have some ammo. Even if he doesn't, it still wouldn't hurt to go check out his shop. I haven't been there in a while and it'd be nice to see a friendly face. Before he unlocks the door, he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a gas mask. Can't forget this old thing. he says as he puts it over his face. He then proceeds to unlock the door, one lock at a time, and then steps outside into the apartment's empty hallway.

He glances around. Guess those boards I put over the front door's been keeping 'em at bay.

He makes his way down the nearby stairs, checks to make sure there arn't any unwelcome guests hiding on the first floor, and then makes his way out the back exit.

Next stop, Downtown.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 03:32:12 PM by dreadknight »

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2012, 11:16:28 PM »
   Tanu was running as if his life depended on it, which it kind of did with the hellish zombie horde behind him. He had just passed from the residential area and into downtown when he saw a super market veiwing it as nothing but away to hide, he ran to it seeing if he could find a way in so he could hide, but as he approached the door with the least boards on it thinking he might be able to get in there, a flicker of movement caught his eye instanly thinking it ws a zombie he put his axe in front of himself ready to fight, but then another thought crossed his mind what if it was another survivor. deciding to see if it was he shouted

"Is anyone in there?"

He then tensed up as he heard the clatter that signaled the zombies that were chasing him were close he then shouted again this time a tinge of despereation in his voice

"If anyone is in there please let me in my life and very well yours may depend on it"

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2012, 11:26:31 PM »
Axyl was just sighing agaisnt the wall as suddently she heard a shout...

"Is anyone in there?"

She looks arround outside and sees nothing but notices the sound came from the door she less boarded, she quickly runs to the door and stays still just to make sure when she hears another shout

"If anyone is in there please let me in my life and very well yours may depend on it"

she sighs and unbarricaded the door and opens it and almost in less than a second she goes out and grabs him by his clothes and pulls him in hard making him slide through the floor inside as she quickly barricaded the door again but more than before then went to him and covered his mouth as she whispered to him with a serious face

"will you shut up? they are extremely sensitive to sounds and go arround shouting? you may almost have attracted a horde here..."

she sighs as she sits down agaisnt the wall next to him

"at least your alive... thats good enough..."
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 11:53:40 PM »
 right after he shouted he saw the door unbarricade and felt himself being pulled by his clothes, then a girl with a very serious face covered his mouth and said

"will you shut up? they are extremely sensitive to sounds and go arround shouting? you may almost have attracted a horde here...at least your alive... thats good enough..."

She then sighed and set down against the wall beside him.

looking over at her and then all around the he saw she appeared to be from the army and was well equipped to stay here with food and water. Leaning right beside her ear he whispered

"I wouldn't have been shouting and risk attracting a horde of zombies unless there was a good reason, in this case there was already a horde chasing me. They might have seen you pull me in here and could very well be heading towards this place right now, and with that said do you have anything around here I could use to sharpen my axe, its gotten quite dull lately, with all the chopping off zombies heads and such. And last but not least what is your name mam"

Then reaching out he showed her his axe pointing to the dull edge.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 11:56:03 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2012, 11:58:59 PM »
"I wouldn't have been shouting and risk attracting a horde of zombies unless there was a good reason, in this case there was already a horde chasing me. They might have seen you pull me in here and could very well be heading towards this place right now, and with that said do you have anything around here I could use to sharpen my axe, its gotten quite dull lately, with all the chopping off zombies heads and such."

she looks at him and sighs as she gets up

"its a supermarket, there are sharpening stones on one of those corredors"

she walks inside and looks arround

"dont make alot of noise, and now i need to find some deodorant and duct tape... i need to lure the horde from here... you can go ahead and eat something but not much we need to make these provisions last... and by the way, they barely see, they only follow sound..."

she looks back at him

"Whats your name? im Axyl"
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2012, 12:09:02 AM »
"its a supermarket, there are sharpening stones on one of those corredors dont make alot of noise, and now i need to find some deodorant and duct tape... i need to lure the horde from here... you can go ahead and eat something but not much we need to make these provisions last... and by the way, they barely see, they only follow sound...Whats your name? im Axyl"

Standing up he walked over to one of the corridors, grabbed a sharpening stone and quietly sharpened his axe until he could just barely prick the tip of the blade without drawing blood. He then looked at Axyl and said

"Well first of all my names Tanu and, second i'm not really hungry, and lastly while your gone do you want me to stay here and wait for you, or would you rather I go with you?"

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2012, 12:16:52 AM »
"Get out of here you pile of maggots!"

Will cut the head off of a zombie trying to claw it's way through one of the few windows he built into his home. The body kept moving for a few seconds before falling to the ground. Looking around to make sure there weren't any others around he unbolted the door and swung it open. He walked up to the dead zombie's body and began poking around for anything of use. He found a few bullets in it's right leg, good he thought he could use the metal to make more bolts. Grabbing his pocket knife he began to dig out every last bit of metal he could find.

Twenty minutes later he was back inside his fortress trying to get the fire hot enough to melt the bullets. finally he got the fire hot enough, he set his only pot over the fire, dropping the bullets into it. He took his hat off and sat down for a little nap, his age was starting to catch up with him...

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2012, 12:18:42 AM »
(GM powers activate. No one is safe in this RP)

@Aqua and Blades
The horde had already followed the sounds close to the entrance the lumberjack was pulled into. They heard sounds coming from the inside and simultaneously let out a roar. Nearby zombies followed the call, knowing it meant food. Without any thought (zombies don't think), they started to push up against the door and the windows near it. The boards on the inside began to crack from all the weight.

Eventually, the right window shattered from the pressure, and the zombies began to claw at the boards, growling and roaring, attempting to break away the wood. It wouldn't be long before more came from the commotion, and the entire place would be flooded with the undead.

(I will be doing this sometimes if people get too comfortable in a spot. The only safe place is Al's.)
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2012, 12:26:59 AM »
"Well first of all my names Tanu and, second i'm not really hungry, and lastly while your gone do you want me to stay here and wait for you, or would you rather I go with you?"

suddently Axyl starts hearing the noises coming from the horde that followed the fool to the super market, she looks at him and grabs a bag giving it to him

"fill that bag with supplys, then go through the door on the back, it leads to the underground parking loot, the door to the parking loot is barricaded but next to it its a sewer entrance, you have 30 seconds, GO"

she gets the duct tape and deodorant that starts using her military inteligence to make them into deodorant bombs, quickly she had at least 3 of them, she picks them up and runs to the door she said to him while he was doing what she asked
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2012, 12:39:05 AM »
 Slinging the bag over his shoulder he took off toward the isles  throwing as much food as he could into the bag when something caught his eye, it was a small red can that looked like it could hold gasoline without checking if any thing was in it he grabbed it thinking if it did have gasoline it could come in handy. he realized it had at least been 20 seconds he took off running with his axe in one hand , small red can in the other and the backpack full of supplies on the other he made it to the back door saw Axyl and took off past her through the backdoor  and stopped when he reached a barricaded door remembering Axyl's directions he burst into the sewer entrance running full speed.

~Insert action here~

( Cortex would now be time for you to do one of those dice things to see if the can has gasoline or not?)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 12:44:17 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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