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Author Topic: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:  (Read 11020 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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For many years, the villages spread throughout the lands of Beringan battled for supremacy. The luscious forest burned to the ground, and the crystal clear rivers became polluted with the blood of Warriors. Innocent children's Lives destroyed at the young age of fourteen, as they were ripped from their homes and brought before the village blacksmith. With the blacksmiths assistance, they would forge a weapon suited for them alone, then they were shipped off to shipped off to war.

It went on like this, with the villages slowly destroying Beringan until the village, Kai Sung, returned from a voyage across the sea. They had brought with them an army of men with crudely made weapons and strange powers that made them seem almost, inhuman.

Kai Sung quickly defeated the other villages with the help of the in-humans they quickly united everyone under one banner. With Kai Sungs’ reign came forty years of piece, yet the tradition of a child of age fourteen forging themselves a weapon remained. The in-humans responsible for Kai Sung victory were quickly forgotten or treated like dirt. They lived on the edges of forests or villages so they weren't harassed by jealous humans. While humans had forged weapons and good training, in-humans had their abilities and or cruelly forged weapons. This continued for years until, Takima, the only village who had enough strength to rival Kai Sung, began to make an army of in-humans and other villages that hated Kai Sings reign. Skirmishes are breaking out daily between the warriors united under the banners of Takima or Kai Sung, and the battles get disturbingly closer to the village of Kai Sung with each passing day.


Kai Sung is located in the middle of the lake,the black spot is home for the NEcrromancers, and Takima is located at the bottom of the map by the forest.

-No G-modding
-No killing other characters without consent
-No OP you will be warned
-keep all romance PG-13
-Posts must be a paragraph long 4 to 5 sentences, there will be a type of strike system
-you may have up to three characters, but only two of the same attributes


Weapon:(if you're an inhuman you can't have as good a weapon as a human to make it fair)
Human or Inhuman:
Love interest:(if any)
Skills or abilities:
Side:(Kai Sung or Takima)

Weapon: (if you’re an inhuman you must have a crude weapon to even the playing field)
Human or Inhuman:
Love interest:(if any)
Skills or Abilities:
Side:(Kai Sung or Takima)
Apprentice: (if any)

Weapon:(if you’re an inhuman you must have a crude weapon to even the playing field)
Human or Inhuman:
Love interest:(if any)
Skills or Abilities:
Side :(Kai Sung or Takima)
Apprentice:(if any)

Weapon:(If any)
Spells:( you may only have four or five)
Human or Inhuman:(As a necromancer you must be a human.)
Love interest:(if any)
Skills or Abilities:
Side :(Kai Sung or Takima)
Back-Story:(You must explain why you stirred with dark magic.)

Weapon:(If any)
Type of sorcerer:(the type of spells you specialize in, such as, Elemental spells, light spells, etc.)
Spels:( you may only have four or five)
Human or Inhuman:(As a sorcerer  you must be a human or have a very good reason your inhuman.)
Love interest:(if any)
Skills or Abilities:
Side :(Kai Sung or Takima)
Back-Story:(You must explain why you stirred with magic.)

Blacksmith's apprentice
Weapon:(if you’re an inhuman you must have a crude weapon to even the playing field)
Human or Inhuman:
Love interest:(if any)
Skills or Abilities:
Side :(Kai Sung or Takima)

Healer's apprentice
Weapon: (if you’re an inhuman you must have a crude weapon to even the playing field)
Human or Inhuman:
Love interest:(if any)
Skills or Abilities:
Side:(Kai Sung or Takima)

You can PM your ideas for any other types of profiles.


Saber-dog (Anyone can control with out permission)

Strength- Along with having immense trength, this beast of a monster has acute hearing and a perfect sense of smell.

Weakness- This beast is blind, having no vision what so ever, along with having a very soft stomach that even a dull blade could split in two.

Dragon, also known as Destrai (Anyone can control with out permission)

Strength- Fighting best in the air, it can wreak havoc upon ground dwellers with the blast of fiery bolts it shoots from its mouth. The scales of a Destrai are unpenetrable, making a Destrai one of the most dangerous beasts in Beringan.

Weakness- The only known weak points of a Destrai are it mouth, its ears and its wings, leaving basically the only option of killing one being to lodge in arrow into its ear or inside its mouth.

Death angel (Only controllable by GM or Sub-GM if I ever bother to get one.)

Info- This legendary angel is undefeatable and will only appear when you've commited an unthinkable sin.(Break to many RP's rules and get booted.)

Strength- Limitless

Weakness- None

PM me your profiles!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 10:32:35 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2012, 11:52:36 PM »
Lol Ok Since Jerry approved I'll send in mah profile.

Healer's apprentice

Username: Lubbies
Name: Jayter
Alias: Jay
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Human or inhuman: Human
Love intrest: None... Yet...
Skills or abilities: Jay is quite good at healing and is well known for his prowess, most say they can't believe he's an apprentice.
side: Takima
Backstory: Jay was born in Kai Sung and his parents died soon after he was born, when he was a kid he wandered out around the city and a small party of Takimans coaxed him into joining them. His real passion was helping people and he had wierd birthmarks on his face and arms. That's what makes him unique but some think he is corrupt and unreliable, he's determined to show them otherwise. He became the apprentice of a healer (insert name here) who believed in him. Jay has grown very fond of (insert name here) and wants to make him proud.


My profiles

Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Raithen Vallor
Age: 18
Gender: male
Human or Inhuman: human
Love interest: none
Skills or abilities: From stealing as a child he is very deceptive and sneaky when need be.
Side: Kai Sung
Back-story: With his parents killed before he could even remember, Raithen was forced to live on his own in an abandoned hut he found on the edge of Kai Sung. He struggled to survive, with the help of his hawk, Rioku, he managed to by stealing scraps. One day when he went to the market place to get a few scraps, he ran into a young girl who looked about his age. They became fast friends meeting by the river that surrounded Kai Sung every day to talk. They found out everything about each other, she knew how he had lived on his own for so many years. He knew her name was Kyra, and she was the daughter of a healer and a warrior killed in one of the skirmishes. When the time came for them to choose their paths, Kyra predictably became a healer, while Raithen chose to become a warrior going before the village blacksmith and forging the deadly blade he carries with him everywhere. To this day he lives in the hut outside of the village, yet he didn’t have to steal scraps anymore, earning money by taking tasks from the villagers.

Username: The-Blade-Slave
Name: Kyra Cilone
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Weapon: She carries this dagger as a means of self defense even though she has no skills with it, and in desperate times she will use it as a medical tool.
Human or Inhuman: Human
Love interest: none
Skills or Abilities: Very skilled with herbs and such she can heal wounds very well and she puts off a sort of calming Aura.
Side: Kai Sung
Apprentice: none
Back-story: When the skirmishes first began, she was only a child. Her father was one of the first casualties, and when her mother informed her of her fathers’ demise, she ran off into the market place of Kai Sung. As she hurtled through the market place, she slammed face first into a boy around her age that carried a hawk around on his shoulder, who she later found out was Raithen Vallor. They became fast friends meeting by the river everyday to talk, she tried several times to persuade Raithen to come stay with her and her mother, who was very wealthy because she worked as a villager healer, but he refused each time. She was introduced to the cruelties of the world after meeting Raithen, she saw him go out daily to take scraps. She did eventually convincing him to take jobs from around the village, and fix up the hut he lived in. When they came of age, she became a healer, only carrying the family dagger around with her to substitute as a weapon and tool. To this day she meets Raithen outside his hut, walking with him to his sparring practice.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 05:02:43 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 12:34:55 AM »
Name: Fernando
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: http://i46.tinypic.com/5arl7k.jpg
Human or Inhuman: Human.
Love interest: Died a long time ago.
Skills or Abilities: He's particularly skilled in stealing life force from other living beings.
Side : Neutral.
Back-Story: When Fernando was born he was born into a world of constant blood shed. As was ritual he was forced to create a weapon at the age of 14, all attempts to create a strong weapon failed, so he turned to magic. He found necromancy extremely interesting and dedicated himself one hundred percent to mastering the arts. When he was twenty he consumed his first soul, the soul of his master. After he had killed his master he took his life over, even adopting his name. Many years later, and after the death of his wife, he found a book containing all the secerts of Necromancy, including how to bring a soul back from beyond the grave. He dropped his act and left on a quest to master the book. He always carries the book on his person and only engages in fights when he has decided there is no other way to resolve a problem, and when he does fight he mainly tried to lure his opponent into a trap and consume their soul. He passes himself off as a traveling scribe.


Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2012, 01:44:37 AM »
Name: Hamon the Soul Snatcher
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Love interest: None whatsoever
Skills or Abilities:
-Resurrect: Able to bring back a dead person as an undead slave

-Blood rage: Weakens self to increase power of minions.

-Absorb Life: Uses staff to suck the life force out of weakened opponents (Excludes playable characters unless given consent)

Side :Takima
Back-Story: Hamon came to the black arts after his beloved wife, Charlette, was murdered. In his grief, he looked for any way to bring her back, and once he obtained his necromancer abilities, he set out to do so. The revival went horribly wrong, as she had no memory of him, or her life, and her body was already rotted most of the way.

Due to the fact that he sold his very own soul for these powers, he works for the Tamika as the humans see his practice as unethicle and immoral. Sometimes members of the Tamika army bring his the corpses of his enemies to revive into fresh soldiers to fight in the battle.

The mark on his forehead is the symbol of his contract with the dark arts, and he is never seen without at least two undead servants by his side.

Weapon: The Bone Dragon Staff

He uses it to channel his abilities, and it will not work for anyone other than him.

Minions he can create

-Skelotons: Basic undead. He needs parts to build first

-zombies: Basic undead. Only needs a body

-Flesh Hounds: Uses flesh from dogs and humans to make these excellent hunting animal

-Flesh Titans: Takes a large amount of flesh and bone to construct a titan. These are massive creatures with great strength.

If any problems, just let me know.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2012, 02:51:06 AM »

Username: Aquashin
Name: Alyx
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Weapon: Daggers
Human or Inhuman: Human
Love interest: Open
Skills or Abilities: Agile, fast and able to sneak on anyone due to her small stature
Side : Kai Shung
Apprentice: None
Back-Story: Zane is the definition of "Big things come in small packages", she may be small but she is able to work with steel like she was a strong muscle man.
Born from a family of blacksmiths, she had been training all her life as a fighter and a blacksmith, to continue her family's tradition, at 19 she left home to live her own life, going to a Village of the Kai Shung, tempering, repairing and creating weapons for the villagers, as well as armor.


Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2012, 03:13:52 AM »
Name:Vixon Terroin
Human or Inhuman:Human
Love interest:
Skills or abilities:Fairly strong, Great with using his sword.
Side:Kai Sung
Back-story:As a small child his family was not very wealthy. Making just enough money to get by to live. Being very combative all his life....Fighting others to get more food and such and when need be defend a very very special person to him in which he cared for and owed his life to.....When he became 14 he was already a rather strong young man, and when he was taken to the blacksmith he wanted to create a weapon with astounding metal. On one of his journeys to find metals to make his weapon he fell through on the side of a mountain into a mysterious cave. And he found several large chunks of an odd black metal that was rather light. He took it back to the blacksmith and he didn't even know what it was but it was extremely hard. He had enough to forge him a Sword and a shield out of it, and was tested with great force and stood up to all tests thrown at it to try and break it. So in the end he chose to be a warrior. When he finally was set out on his own he seen a rather wealthy warrior child with a rather interesting armor from the Takima area....He immediately killed him before he knew what happened. Taking his armor as his prize.

Name:Siren Loxeson
Appearance: The ears and tail aren't real she found them in a market one day and was given to her as a gift for her deeds of healing the tailor of the village.
Human or Inhuman:Human
Love interest:Vixon
Skills or Abilities:Great with antidotes for poisons, Treating wounds and what plants are good to eat for health and such. Also has a pendant she wears that boosts her healing capabilities that makes her on the level of a healer instead of an apprentice. Also uses a small knife when something needs to be cut.(Didn't feel like putting a picture of it since its just a regular knife.)
Side:Kai Sung
Back-story:All her life she lived in the medical life. Her mom and dad both being healers. So it was only natural for her to learn all about everything they knew about healing. When she went to be an apprentice for her mom and dad she caught on so fast to everything they taught her. Aboutt herbs, antidotes, poisons, healing capacity, and so on. When she was 13 her parents seen it was time for her to be classified as her own healer and so they gave her the renown family pendant which made them such well known healers and a special staff her father made just for her. When she hit 14 and officially became a healer she went around the villages curing people and healing them. One day she was setting back off to home when she stumbled upon a very young man wearing a fascinating armor. But he was extremely hurt from a fight. She hurried and healed him before he died of his wounds and nursing him back to health over the next month they became very close friends. In which she grew into having a very big crush on. Vixon was his name. She vowed to be by his side wherever he went.

(I was going to do a necromancer too but I will wait and see how these 2 turn out.)
(Also tell me if I did anything maybe too powerful or not enough heck idk lol I will fix it.)

Approved, but up your age a bit.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 03:49:45 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2012, 04:27:55 AM »
Healer's apprentice
Appearance:I would draw it,but I suck :/ Efialtes always wears a small white cloak with a medical symbol on it. rarely he takes it off, but when you do you'll see a brown headed boy. often he will come out after a battle and try to help any of teh wounded on either side. usually can't help them and just patches them up though.
Weapon: (if you’re an inhuman you must have a crude weapon to even the playing field)He's a medic in training, you think he'll have a weapon?
Human or Inhuman:Human.
Love interest:(if any)None.
Skills or Abilities:He is a medic, help heal wounds with different stuff he's been taught.
Side:(Kai Sung or Takima)Neutral. he heals for both sides.
Back-story:Efialtes's mother was a medic for the kai sung, and his father USED to be a warrior for the kai-sung, but some people from the Takima that were able to capture his father threatened his family and forced him to join him. well,when his mother never heard from his father, she presumed him dead, so efialtes decided he was going to be a medic. Though, a few days after they heard that he "defected" and didn't die she went missing, efialtes found her though. She had hung herself, efialtes, not having a mentor since his mother was dead, went looking for a mentor. he found one that was on the kai-sung side, but didn't want to be, like efialtes's father being forced onto teh takima side. The mentor would teach efialtes,as long as he would heal both sides. the mentor taught efialtes some, but, not enough to be a full healer.. a few days after his 6th lesson,  the man went missing, he apperantly stumbled onto the battlefield at the wrong time when trying to help and got killed. Eefialtes after that decided he would only go out after the battle was over, but, he will at least try to help them all.Onetime, when he was in teh forest where a battle had been, he heard a mewing sound, he found a small kitten that had been injured, looked like one of it's pawshad been stepped on and broken, he grabbed the kitten, and since all teh wounded he had found were dead since h e was late, he tended to it quickly, hethen took it back to where he lived and tookcare of it. ever since then he's had a kitten that will usually be on his shoulder. it doesn't fall of because of one thing:Claws. it happens tahht it sits on a shoulder with extra padding...I wonder why...


Link in case pic doesn't work:http: http: //images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/18600000/Another-catgirl-anime-girls-18611421-740-551.jpg?1338605917782

Remove the staff and add claws

Human or Inhuman:Inhuman.
Love interest:(if any)None.
Weapon:(if you're an inhuman you can't have as good a weapon as a human to make it fair)Her claws.
Skills or abilities:She is a cat girl, so, she is a little bit faster, and can jump a little bit higher, but, cannot by any means swim...
Side:(Kai Sung or Takima)takima.
Back-story:Leeta, being a inhuman she was on the side of takima, her parents were some casualties, she knew they had been captured, so she decided she would become a warrior so she could save her parents, the thing is, she wasn't "old" enough for a weapon, so she just uses her claws. Though, that has gotten her hurt, time after time.. she never makes out of a battle with out a large cut on her paws, so she always has to find a inhuman medic on the takima side.

Approved, just make sure that you make your post long enough.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 05:07:36 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2012, 06:24:03 AM »
These are my profiles. I know Blades' is supposed to post him here, but he's on his mobile, so he can't. He's approved it.

Username: Ayara012
Name: Ayara
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Approximately 5’6”. Long, brown-red hair. It’s kept in a braid. She has red eyes and pointed ears. She has slight, animal-like fangs. She wears earrings in her right ear. She has a scar over her right eye. She wears a slightly ragged black tank and combat shorts. She wears lace up boots and worn black cut off gloves. She has red-black dragon wings, which she can fly well with. She’s tall and lithe, with strong limbs.
Weapon: A simple sword, with a long blade and a simple leather hilt. It has a plain cross hilt. She also uses a simple longbow, and carries a shoulder quiver for her arrows.
Human or Inhuman: Inhuman
Love interest: None
Skills or abilities: She can fly with her wings, and has heightened reaction times. She can climb, and fight well. Ayara shares an empathy link with Artemis. (Twins!)
Side: Kai Sung
Back-story: Ayara and her sister were born from a pair of inhuman parents. However, their parents did not wish to be Inhuman. When they discovered that both their children were not only Inhumans, but very OBVIOUSLY so, they attacked them, giving Ayara her scar. They then left them to die. The Twins look like a combination of elves (NOT the midgets. Like, forest elves. Lord of the Rings style, ish.) and various animal characteristics. They lived in the forest while they trained themselves, until they were 12. Artemis then voiced her opinion that she wanted to help with the fight against Takima. Ayara disliked it, but agreed, as she was unwilling to leave her sister’s side. They now live at the edge of the forest, ready to support, but not to venture into the town-they’re not ones for unnecessary self-infliction of pain.

Username: Ayara012
Name: Artemis
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Nearly identical to her twin. Approximately 5’6”. She shares the same hair color, although it’s kept in a different style. She keeps most of her hair down long, with braids from the side combining and coming down her back overtop of the straight hair. She doesn’t have a scar, but wears the same earrings as her sister in her right ear. She shares her sisters animal-like fangs. Artemis does not have wings, but instead has a black wolf’s tail. She wears a dark-colored Halter top, which is coarsely made. She wears rough, long shorts. She wears bangles on her left arm, and wears matching lace-up boots as her sister.
Weapon: She’s uses a plain, metal enforced quarterstaff and a set of small throwing knives.
Human or Inhuman: Inhuman
Love interest: None
Skills or Abilities: Healing. She can heal minor-to mid level injuries, although the larger the injury, the more it tires her out. She can track due to her sensitive nose, and is just as fit as her sister. She can climb and run very quickly. She can fight well, but not the way Ayara can. Artemis has an empathy link with Ayara. (Twins!)
Side:Kai Sung
Apprentice: None.
Back-story: Read Ayara’s. It’s exactly the same.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2012, 08:53:34 AM »

Username: WhatThePumpkin (hullos :D)

Name: Zer0

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance:(will insert this image later, because I can't find my camera) Zer0 Is 5'11", with gray, neck-length hair. THere is a gapin hole at the top of his head, with stitches keeping it held together. He only has his right eye, which is red, with a snake-like slit. He has stitches on his neck, arms, and back, as well as legs, stomackh chest, and even mouth. (You've seen what the thing he's based off of, right?) (he also has scars on his back, liking the sides of the wings, and a little wite tail that spikes when irritated. There are scars and stiches around that, too. All of the markings, save for the one in his right middle finger, nose, head, and chest are his doing.)

Weapon:  Zer0 fights with either his bare hands, or two small needles, with thread attached(the needles are silver, obviously. Were made in Takima, his home town). He can actually do some damage with this, by puncturing muscles, skin...eyes.

Human or Inhuman: Inhuman

Love interest: None yet. He's a little scared of them, and tends to act darker, and either nervously or irrationally to them. He might get one...

Skills or abilities: Zer0's main ability is flight. He can fly rather high up, but only for around 20 minutes at a time. His seccondary ability, is poisonout blood. His blood has a short-term poison made of Arsenic, Lead, and copper, A.K.A Emerald Green/Green of Paris (a justly named green paint that killed thousands of French and Brittish children, women, and men becuase of consumption, or being around it). If his blood comes into contact with an open wound, you become insane, irrational, and twitchy for at least 10 minutes. If you are infected multiple times, the poison could last for more than a day. However, his weaknesses are simple. If he's extremely angry, he moves quickly, but doesn't aim, and just slashes about. The red feathers on his wings are made of tough, hardened blood, and it shot 3 times, one red feather breaks. Once all of them are one, he can't fly more than 2 feet off the ground, and every wing move hurts him (They grow back within 3 days. Painfully). For his poison, just avoid getting cut.

Side: He's on neither. He supports the bloodshed, because he can get a free meal. He actually avoids leaving his home, unless if someone is in his territory. He also only goes to either Takima or Kai Sung to get some supplies like sewing thread, and wears a cloak to conceal his face, and body (save for his wings and tail).

Back-story: Zer0 (birth name Crypt) was never a sane child. He was called gentle by his family, a mix of humans and inhumans alike. A "China Doll" was a nickname, because hs was considered fragile. On his 6th birthday,a strange occurence, involving a kitchen knife, a cake, and a stranger forcing his hand down, caused him to cut his right middle finger, in a spiral-like design. His mother eaisily patched it up with some black thread anda needle. Fascinated by the stitching and blood, as well as how the skin felt, he began to develop morbid interests and tendencies. It was around this time that an uncaring personality, 02 was created (He's the eye on the chest). As Zer0's tendencies grew worse, he began to ruin his own flesh, by cutting it, and sewing, at the age of 6 and a half. His arms, legs, back, and face were covered in scars and stitches, which he constantly replaced. He began to take apart other's pets, as he believed hurting others was bad then. He was abandoned in the forest at the age of 7, because of the horrid thigs he did to his body: Even going far enought to remove, ingest, and vomit up his own left eye. Alone in the forest, he began to split his personalities even further. Zer0 split into the saner part, who can speak with very little interruption, and can remain calm, then the insane half, who is prone to fits of laughter, disconjoined thoughts, and spasms(it is also known that this side is the one who actually does the killing). He and 02 tend to fight with each other, but Zer0 has gone past harming himself, and instead, takes his anger out ony anyone within his area of the forest near Takima, for longer than a day. Anyone weak enough and foolish  enough to overstay their invite, is brutally murdered with anything available for the maniac, and then eventually consumed. He lives in the forest, where a massive tree, full of holes and tunnels is. He hangs bodies from the branches, around the forest, and even over his bed. And this, is where he begins.
(I know, cheezy, right? :P)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 08:14:11 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2012, 07:44:49 PM »


Username: Lubbies
Name: Tyler
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearence: Without the ears.
Human or inhuman: Human
Love intrest: None
Skills or abilities: Tyler was trained by top notch sword fighters, he handles the blade well.
side: Kai Sung
Backstory: Tyler was instantly born into one of the most wealthy families in Kai Sung, he had a very good education and was trained by the best sword fighters. Although he got all of this he wants to fit in with the crowd so he frequently puts on a long hooded robe to hide his identity. He wears armour with his family crest on and when he turned 14 he was put under instruction by the best blacksmith. Tyler has never had a friend who doesn't use him for his wealth. He hopes to meet someone who doesn't like him for his pockets but someone who likes him for him.


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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2012, 01:07:08 AM »
Name:Hellion the Soulless
Human or Inhuman:Human
Love interest:None
Skills or Abilities:

SoulSteal: Able to steal the soul of a weakened foe.

SoulStorage: Able to store the souls he steals in a pendent he carries around his neck.

Puppet Animation: Able to pour in souls into creations to make them come to life.
Spear thrower:   Melee Unit: No Image    Archer Unit: See spear thrower Rock Golem:
                                            The Melee unit: Is just a set of metal or Wooden armor with a sword. Has good melee abilities but low defense.
                                                 The Golem: Is his ultimate creation. Only ever being able to create 1 before. It is a giant with tremendous strength(Don't worry it has a
                                                        weakness) But takes a considerable amount of Rock and souls to create just 1.
                                                 Archer and Spear thrower: Has no defense what so ever. And no melee capabilities. Taking them out in close range is extremely easy.

Side :Kai Sung
Back-Story:From just a few months old till his age now he had an obsession with dolls. Not like girly dolls but more on the lines of puppets. His family was fairly wealthy so they was able to buy him puppet toys as a child. But there was something wrong...He has a very very morbid imagination with these puppets always swinging them around and hitting his siblings with them or children on the streets. He would modify them to have spikes on them and such to make them hurt more. Him being the youngest of his siblings he was a very spoiled child. Always making them to rude gestures and saying how he wanted them to kill people under his breathe. When he became 14 and had to choose one of the trades Warrior, Healer, Blacksmith for his weapon. He got extremely angry of not wanting to do any of that and ran away from the village in Takima. Out in the forest he found a Necromancer called Dante the Soulless. He became an apprentice for him learning how to manipulate souls into undead minions. Never really interested in the undead he came up with his own way of creating minions. One day he went out and carved out of a tree a man size puppet.(A crude version of the Spear thrower.) With the knowledge he had of putting souls into undead to make them minions he performed it on the puppet and several souls flying past him going into the puppet it came to life! (Hence how he decided to be a puppet master) After several years of training with his master and secretly training his puppet trade. He finally had enough of his master and set out to the mountains for a year or so stealing the souls of anyone who came near the place. And finally after he had quite a few he found a place that was a pile of boulders and thought hard. Placing a mark around the boulders he started using the spell to animate a puppet. After several hours of souls pouring out of his pendent and souls lost around the area the enormous Rock Golem was created. Which he took back and overpowered his master and completed destroyed him. Taking his title on how he became known as Hellion the Soulless! Not really fond of the Takima he decided to venture to Kai Sung and pledge his allegiance to them. Becoming a strong ally for them.


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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2012, 07:48:34 PM »

Username: Lubbies
Name: Hayl
Gender: Male
Weapon: Staff
Type of sorcerer: Ice
Spells: Yskine- shoots a bolt of ice that causes extreme numbness. ystemora- makes a medium protective barrier out of ice. Ysgyahara- summons an ice elemental Very energy taking. Yskat- It starts to snow
Human or inhuman: Human
Love intrest: Nope
Skills or abilities: Umm he can cast spells.
Side: Kai Sung
Backstory: Hayl has never cared for the war that went on between the two civilizations, he tried to stay out of it. But he knew that what he wanted could never happen for eventually he would have to pick a side. Dark forces lingered in the city of Takima and he could feel it, he knew that whatever lay there was corrupt so he decided to lean more to the city of Kai Sung but he knew that both sides of a war are never completely clean and there is always evil where you least expect it. His goal is to cleanse the cities and end the war but he knows he cannot do it alone. He began his journey towards the city of Kai Sung from his training ground and birthplace in the forest.


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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2012, 10:37:54 PM »
Name: Aerwynna (Wynna for short)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Chin-length red hair, average height, fairly skinny, bright tealish-blue eyes, wears a green shirt and brown shorts with knee-length boots.
Weapon: A short sword that she keeps in her boot, she isn't great at using it but will when needed.
Type of sorcerer: Water
Spells: 1. Can make an army of 42 flying fish (don't ask why 42) that can spit seawater at enemies to make them unable to see fr a minute or two. Can be easily killed. 2. Can breathe underwater/make others able to, for a limited amount of time. 3. Can make a small hurricane. This takes a lot of energy. 4. Can make a ball of water shoot at someone. (It doesn't really splash on them, it's more like a solid but still water-ish....)
Human or Inhuman: human
Love interest: None as of now, might get one.
Skills or Abilities: um casting spells.....
Side: Kai Sung
Back-Story: Aerwynna's mom was a sorceress, and when her mom died she started studying magic to be closer to her mom. She isn't really fighting in the war, and she's more of a pacifist so she will try to not fight for as long as possible. She lives alone in a small treehouse she built herself near the edge of town, and she watches everyone from there but comes down as little as possible.


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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2012, 09:35:10 AM »

Saber-dog (anyone may control with out permission)

Strength- Along with having immense trength, this beast of a monster has acute hearing and a perfect sense of smell.

Weakness- This beast is blind, having no vision what so ever, along with having a very soft stomach that even a dull blade could split in two.

Dragon, also known as Destrai (Anyone can control without permission)

Strength- Fighting best in the air, it can wreak havoc upon ground dwellers with the blast of fiery bolts it shoots from its mouth. The scales of a Destrai are unpenetrable, making a Destrai one of the most dangerous beasts in Beringan.

Weakness- The only known weak points of a Destrai are it mouth, its ears and its wings, leaving basically the only option of killing one being to lodge in arrow into its ear or inside its mouth.

Death angel (Only controlable by me and sub GM, if I ever bother to get one.)

Info- This legendary angel is undefeatable and will only appear when you've commited an unthinkable sin.(Break to many RP's rules and get booted.)

Strength- Limitless

Weakness- None
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 10:29:32 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [Profiles] Rebellion: Time of day: Afternoon: Weather Sunny:
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2012, 09:13:55 AM »
Username: Cortex J.
Name: Springheel Jack
Age: 25
Gender: Male
That there's my stabbin' knife
Human or Inhuman: Inhuman
Love interest:Gold
Skills or abilities:Uses own shadow to create solid objects, most notable ones are a clawed hand to pinch gold bags, springs on his heels to help him jump, and creating a full body double to distract foes.

Jack was from a far away land that caught on to his crimes and trickery, and like any thief, he switched locations to get the drop on new targets. He loves gold, and has no problem getting what he wants by using his shadow powers, though he never once thought of using his shadow as a weapon, he always preferred objects that confounded his opponents to no end.

People that usually run into Jack see him as a devil and run in fear. Some even try to kill him. His acrobatic skills have earned him infamy in his homeland, as even the fastest assassins have a hard time getting a hold on him, let alone a knife in his throat. When he makes his grand escapes, you can always hear him laughing.

Name: Lord Rykan
Age: unknown
Gender: Male
Type of sorcerer: storm spells
Spells: Lighara-shoots a bolt of lightning. Minatarium- A thick fog envelopes his opponent, blocking their vision. Wirium- Shoot a fragment of razor sharp wind that could kill a man. Kyrium-Morphs him into a powerful Destrai, its scales and feather like wings black as night.
Human or Inhuman:
Love interest: none
Skills or Abilities: magic
Side : Takima leader
Back-Story: He grew up in a time before before Kai Sung won the war, being power hungry he learned the skills of sorcery and stirred in forbidden magic, which taught him the spell Kyrium. He became the lord of Takima's personnal advicer at the age of twenty, and wihtnin five your his liege had dissaperead under mysterious circumstances. Naturally leadership of Takima was dropped into the lap of Rykan who began to plot to over throw Kai Sung and rule Beringang the very day he came into power.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 06:25:43 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100