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Author Topic: [Closed] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day  (Read 123838 times)

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #120 on: April 23, 2012, 10:18:14 PM »

2x heads, 1x tails- success

All that is in the shed is some fertilizer and a small spade for gardening.
We peered around quickly, as I walked carefully into the shack. THere could be anything, anywhere. But, all we saw was a gardening shovel, and fertilizer.
" It's safe," Onyx said, with a confident tone. So, I picked the fertilizer and gardening tool carefully, putting htem under one arm, as we leaped out the window.
A few seconds later, I realized that while jumping, there had been a zombie right out that window, and that the spade had knocked it in the head, angering it, but not causing any damage.
" It's sad I missed," I muttered, to which Ony replied, " Well, don't dissapoint it. THey hate dissapointment."
I threw my new bag of fertilizer down, since I was pretty sure it couldn't serve for anything useful, and raised the spade, as the zombie charged. Onyx raised my other arm, holding my stained cleaver-saw, and weboth attacked, spade cutting through it's stomach, and cleaver, the top of it's head.
I leaned over, grinning, as it passed, and I kicked it off my spade. Then, I reached down, and yanked it's heain out of it's head. It was squishy, and a dark black-purple. Not bad, the brains were usually complete mush by this stage. We happily collected our newfound stuff, and headed towards the gate, my fingers squeezing and preffing into the organ in between the spade in my hand. I took sweeping looks on the area, and the moment I saw a zombie, I launched the brain at it, as a distraction, and charged at it, cleaning it's head down the middle with my normal weapon.
" Back to the residential areas," Onyx and I said, ad I rubbed the sticky brain-goo off on my shirt.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #121 on: April 24, 2012, 01:03:27 AM »
Tanu let out a sigh of dissapointment, when he saw the rack was empty. He then turned and began to walk towardds the stairs when he heard rumbling downstairs, thinking quickly he ran over to one of the fire poles and watched as six zombies poured in threw the door. He waited until two of the zombies were on either side of the fire pole and then slid down it, kicking both of their heads off on the way. He then attempted to whirl around and face the other zombies when he tripped from the stabbing pain that shot though his ankle. He quickly drew his hedge clippers and stabbed one zombie, that began approaching him, in the foot. Slowly getting back up by using  his clippers as a crutch he did a downward slash braining the zombie he stabbed in the foot and knocking another one back. He quickly limped forward and finished off the one he knocked back with a horizontal swing, and then turned to face the last two zombies lunging forward the best he could with an injured foot, he swung attempting to knock both their heads off with one shot, he got one but the other zombie moved out of the way, Tanu heard a 'thump' and realized his clippers had slipped from his hands and imburied themselve in the wall. Quickly limping out of the way when the zombie lunged at him, He swung his fist in an upward arc slamming it into the zombies chin and knocking it clean off its shoulders. He began to limp towards the door ready to head back to Als when he spotted a small basement door in the corner of the room, He wondered what it was for and then remembered he had heard once that the Fire men kept a back up generator in there basement. Thinking for a moment he decided he would chec if the generator was still in the basement he mumbled

Hopefully my luck has changed   

Then pulled open the basement door and crawled down there to check.

~Check for generator~

(Tell me if I need to change anything.)     

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #122 on: April 24, 2012, 01:36:57 AM »
The other one looks dead but cuts its head off anyways just to be sure. Started heading towards the hospital to see if I can find anything worth on supplies.

As I get closer to the hospital, my eyes grow wide in shock and quick dart to the ground. Seeing around 20-30 zombies trying to get into the hospital I immediately change my mind about going in there...

I think to myself. "Wow I am glad I didn't come up from the other side and alerted them.."
"Lets see...Well since I am right next to the fire station I guess I can see what I can find there."

As I get close to the Fire Station I can hear something going on inside...freaking out thinking its a horde of zombies I slowly go over to a window and slowly peek in to see several zombies dead on the floor and see a door close which appeared to either have a zombie go in or a human...

"Oh wait....Tanu was coming here to look for an axe...wonder if he was successful."

Out of the corner of my eye I see something in the wall..

"Is that what I think it is?"

Walking over there to confirm it that yes it is Tanu's clippers....

I think to myself. "Wonder why he left them here."

Trying to pull them out. They wouldn't budge.
Using my mace glove I start punching the top part of the wall to break it a bit not thinking of the noise it is making.
A group of zombies hear me trying to loosen the clippers and come rushing into the fire station. {3 of them}

"Oh great just what I need with my hand going numb.."

Having just enough time to take out my Wakizashi with my left hand I swing hard at the first zombie nearest me....The sword gets lodged in his head, but enough to kill him.
Not being able to get it out of his skull I have no choice but to use the mace glove again. As the other 2 charge at me I kick one in the chest and block the other one trying to bite me with the mace part of the glove partially smashing his face. Only enough to stun him for a moment, and I waste no time quickly swinging and finishing the job smashing through his skull. Turning to the one i kicked down was just getting back up. Not being able to move my right arm from being numb I quickly kick him back down and take out the 3 bladed hunting knife and shove it in right between his eyes. Exhausted from the fight I collapse on the ground for a breather. As I sit there i keep wondering to myself if there is anything behind the reception desk.

"Eh, Might as well go check."

Slowly getting back up and kicking my sword out of the zombies head. I head over to check to see if I can find anything behind the reception desk.

~checks behind the receptionist desk~
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 02:17:05 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #123 on: April 24, 2012, 06:56:50 AM »
~Check for generator~     

3x heads- Good fortune

Not only did you find the generator, you also notice that it is good to go. However, this takes an expert hadn to operate, and one false move can lock it up for good, until someone can repair it. Extra caution will be needed when attempting to operate, and it is up to you to accept the task or not.

~checks behind the receptionist desk~

2x heads, 1x tails- Success

You find an electronic key behind the desk, It's practically useless since the fire station is powered down, but it can be useful later on. Take it to Al to make copies of the key, or save it for yourself.

(Al time)

Al is still working on the axe. He is carefully heating it up to shape it, and cooling it down to temper it. The clangs can be heard from all inside the shop, and has even attracted unwelcome guests, but they can't figure out a way through the reinforced barricade he set on all floors.

Al is whistling a tune while he works.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #124 on: April 24, 2012, 02:08:07 PM »
Tanu see a large box once he was in the basement looking at it he realizes it is the generator. He takes a step towards it but realizes that he left his hedge clippers upstairs slowly he walked back upstairs, looking around he notice there still imbedded in the wall but it looks like someone has tried to remove them. Looking over Tanu heard rummaging and saw a figure checking behind the reception desk. Deciding to be cautious Tanu quietly made it to his hedge clippers and pulled them quietly out of the wall, approaching the desk he realized the figure was Tiren and with a wave of his hand said

Hey Tiren come with me down to the basement I got something to show ya

Then without waiting for a response he climbed back down to the basement and  carefully approaching the generator, he began to tamper with it trying to operate it.

~ attempt to operate Generator~

(I'm pretty sure this means I accept the challenge.)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 02:13:23 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #125 on: April 24, 2012, 09:51:14 PM »
2x heads, 1x tails- Success

You find an electronic key behind the desk, It's practically useless since the fire station is powered down, but it can be useful later on. Take it to Al to make copies of the key, or save it for yourself.

As I search through the drawers on the desk I notice a little electronic key in one of the drawers...

"Hmm, I wonder what this could go to."

About that time I slide it into my pocket and slightly frightened to Tanu appearing above the desk.

"Hey Tiren come with me down to the basement I got something to show ya."

"Um...alright." I say quietly to him.

Walking to the door I keep running through my mind what in the world could that key go to. As I walk down the stairs I notice Tanu messing with what appears to be a generator.

Thinks to his self..."I hope he isn't planning on starting that thing up."

I slip my mace glove on and prepare for the worst.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #126 on: April 24, 2012, 10:06:40 PM »
(Just going to say, according to the dice roll, you got an Epic win, just not going to say by how much.)

You pull a lever to begin the process. It goes without any problem. You find a button a press it, and the machine begins to warm up. after ward, you find a second lever, which looks like a circuit breaker, and pull it. The generator kicks back to life, causing all the lights in the station to come back on. The garage door and front and back door lock up thanks to the security system.

The water pump in the garage section kicks on, starting to filter out fresh water in the basin, but it won't be full until nighttime. Upstairs reveals 6 sets of bunk beds, and the common area shows a couch, a table, and a small electric burner of some kind. Congratulations on powering up the new safe haven on the island.

(Also note, this base may attract Bing if he so chooses, so you may end up fighting for it later on.)
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #127 on: April 24, 2012, 11:54:06 PM »
Tanu glanced around and realized the lights had kicked on looking back he noticed Tiren looked very nervous, he wondered what about and then realized  what is was about, glaring at him he said

Look I may have a habit of attracting zombie hordes but thatt doesn't mean I'm completely incapable. Nnow that we have lights let check this place out!

Then he climbed out of the basement still using the clippers to support him. Once up he looked around and noticed a basin with water in it. he quickly limped over and rolling up his pant legs noticed a small cut, scooping up a small amount of water and placed it in the cut cleaning it out, and then ripped a strip of his sleeve off and wrapped it around his ankle covering the wound. After that he noticed a burner, a couch, and a table. Going up the stairs he saw six bunk beds and right around them he saw the weapons rack that he searched earlier, but what caught his eye was a hutch that looked like it could contain weapons deciding to try to get an axe one last time he walked up to it and said

Well the generator worked so maybe my lucks changed.

opening the hutch door he began to look for an axe

~search hutch for an axe~

(I need an axe)
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 09:18:35 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #128 on: April 25, 2012, 12:18:13 AM »
"Look I may have a habit of attracting zombie hordes but thatt doesn't mean I'm completely incapable. Now that we have lights let check this place out!"

"Sorry didn't mean to make it look bad on you, I just tend to um how do you say....ah freak out when stuff is possible to make a tremendous amount of noise is all.."

Walking back up seeing the lights on was a rather nice sight to see. Walking upstairs he sees the most wondrous sight ever behold to him in a very long time...a bed.
Seeing it all other thoughts go out of my head and I slowly walk to the bed and collapse in it. All my equipment falling next to the bed as it all falls off me.
One thought crosses me mind before I completely pass out...from exhaustion.

"I need to get Al to sharp...shar..pen......my.......swo......" Falling asleep before I can finish the statement.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #129 on: April 25, 2012, 02:59:45 AM »
    The list Lewis compiled was a long and expensive one, so needed to get more than what he had to trade with.  Currently he has a working hunting rifle with no ammo, but even that wasn't going to be able to cover the cost.  He needed to kill something, a large animal, most likely a deer to pay for everything, and it wasn't going to be easy catching one.  Lewis silently crawled up a tree and then laid face down on a branch just above a small stream.  He was hoping a deer would stop by without noticing him, and then he could fall down on top of it and slit it's throat.
    Everything was completely and perfectly still; no noise, no movement, nothing.  Then, Lewis' eye caught a rustle from a bush, and a moment later a deer emerged from it.  It was a young buck with small antlers, but he was still a good size.  Keeping as silent as physically possible, Lewis slowly slipped off the tree branch and landed half on the buck, and half on the ground.  Without any delay Lewis wiped his knife across the deer's throat, and shortly after it dropped dead. 

   Lewis arose off the ground, clutching an antler in his right hand, and then suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right knee.  He fell down, grimacing with agony.  His knee absorbed most of the impact from the landing.  After a few moments of recovery, Lewis hoisted himself up, and limped away toward his cabin while dragging the carcass behind him.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #130 on: April 25, 2012, 04:51:01 PM »
I lick my fingers from the food, Hmm that was good I must admit. I poke my head out the door to check for zombies, nope I'm good. I cautiously walk out of the shack half expecting the zombies to run from behind the shack but there was nothing out here.

me-Must be a zombie public holiday.

I casually walk out onto the beach, I should try and make it to the city but I think I'll enjoy the beach for a little while longer, who knows, there could be survivors out here. I look down the beach and see a beach chair with an arm on the arm-rest. I approach it.

me-Hey, are you ok?

I look at his body and half of his organs are missing, his eyes were closed.

me-I guess not.

Before I leave I notice something in his hands, a half-full bottle of beer. Hey, my lucky day. I pry the bottle from his hands and turn around and walk away. I sipped the bottle once and heard a sound behind me, I turn around. The man is looing at me with a hunger in his eye.

me-Oh sorry was this yours? I'll give it back.

I threw it on his body and it smashed on his head covering him in flammable liquid. All I need is a lighter now, the zombie sprints towards me. I turn on my heels and run.

me-Here we go again.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #131 on: April 27, 2012, 07:05:14 AM »
~search hutch for an axe~

2x heads, 1x tails- Success

There is indeed a fireaxe, but it is in poor conidition.

(Al post, forgot to set RP time, but time change happened now)

Al finished up the Axe, and set it aside for Tiren to pick up. He noticed it was darker outside than before, and put on a sweater to go outside. He went on the roof and looked over at the light shining from the lighthouse, as it was directed towards the center of the town.

Our shining beacon of hope, supposed to tell us that over there is safe. But we were wrong. At least it breaks through the fog and allows for some visual.

Just then, the light flickered, adn went out. Al couldn't believe it. In an instant, the whole place became dark, as no building lights could penetrate the fog. The area was now a great danger zone with the decreased visual.

This is not good at all. No lights means no direction, and no direction means danger. I hope someone can find my shop before it's too late.

Begin the lighthouse event. With increased darkness over the island, expect the place to be very dangerous. Zombie hotzones are at the hospital, and around the city hall and library where the light used to shine.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #132 on: April 27, 2012, 04:32:36 PM »

Picking the axe up he took a practice swing and realized it was very dull. Looking over at Tiren asleep he walked over and shook him awake

Tiren i'm leaving to Al's i'll be back soon.

He turned around and walked down the stairs as Tiren began to stir. Once at the door he began to check if he had everything then disabled the security system and screamed over his shoulder

Tiren lock this behind me.

He then walked and saw a zombie in the yard. Deciding to practice his axe skills he took aim and hurled the axe cleaving the zombies head clean off, begining to walk again, he tripped over a rock and his axe fell out of his hand and made a loud clanging noise. Tanu looked over his shoulder and could still see the fire station in the distance when he heard a simultaneous roar that echoed all around then a zombie horde larger than he had ever seen came out with zombies tripping over there own two feet to try to get to him. Tanu grabbed his axe and took off running for Al's and briefly wondered why so may zombies were out when he saw the lighthouse had burnt out. Al's store came into distance right as a zombie grabbed his leg he tripped and thinking fast cut the zombies arm off and then hurled his boomer bile onto the face of a near zombie. He heard a roar and knew they were mauling the bile. He quickly ran up Al's ladder and shouted

Al we got trouble                       
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 05:07:09 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #133 on: April 27, 2012, 05:04:14 PM »
I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I ran into the forest from the beach. The sun set and it was very dark under the trees, I only just dodged the trees that came out of the blackness. When I was deep into the forest I heard multiple screeches as more zombies joined in the chase. I dared not look how many but I was sure there were about five or six. There has to be a way to lose them but how?

me-Don't you wanna get to know me first before you rip out my insides?

A loud roar confirmed their answer.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #134 on: April 27, 2012, 09:37:25 PM »
Being shaken awake by Tanu wasn't the best alarm but I guess it wouldn't be good to sleep long.

"Tiren I'm leaving to Al's i'll be back soon."

Noticing the axe in his hand. I feel a bit happy for him that he was able to find one.
Walking around in a daze for a bit I follow Tanu over to the door.

Tiren lock this behind me.


All alone now I find a ladder going to the roof. As I get on the roof the most noticeable thing is that everything is pitch black..

"What happened is it night time already?"

Hearing loud roaring in the distance. Hoping they aren't after Tanu. Standing at the edge I notice that......

"Wait where is the lighthouse light?" "Usually you can see that any wheres almost."
"Whoever is alive on this island we need to figure out a way to get it lit back up as it is a good source of light..."
"Wonder if I should go to Al's also to see if he knows anything about this, or should I stay put."

"Eh I really need to get my sword sharpened if possible." "I'll go see if I can find Al's shop in all this mess."

As I am heading down the road in the direction I think is to Al's shop. Just thinking of everything that is happened in the past years of all these zombies showing up. Wishful thinking on how things would have been if this chaos wasn't there.


"What the hell JESUS CHRIST OW!!!!!!!!"

Feeling something running down my face as I wipe my chin off from it I notice that it is blood.

"Oh freaking great I think i broke my nose and what the hell is a tree doing here." " Great I must be going the wrong way and this must be the western forest entrance...."

Ripping a piece of my sleeve off to put on my nose to try to stop the bleeding. I feel something jump on my back.....A zombie!!! Thinking only about my nose didn't even notice him walking up behind me. Fortunately from him scaring me I slammed my head into his face and I guess gave him enough head trauma and it killed him. Dropping to the ground in a sigh of relief...

"Dang that was way too close."

Feeling something run down my back I just knew what it was and throw up a little bit. I quickly get up and following the road back to way I can in hopes I will be able to find Al again.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 10:21:47 PM by nightshade06 »