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Author Topic: [Closed] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day  (Read 123869 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2012, 12:45:39 AM »
Slinging the bag over his shoulder he took off toward the isles  throwing as much food as he could into the bag when something caught his eye, it was a small red can that looked like it could hold gasoline without checking if any thing was in it he grabbed it thinking if it did have gasoline it could come in handy. he realized it had at least been 20 seconds he took off running with his axe in one hand , small red can in the other and the backpack full of supplies on the other he made it to the back door took off down it and stopped when he reached a barricaded door remembering Axyl's directions he burst into the sewer entrance running full speed.

( Cortex would now be time for you to do one of those dice things to see if the can has gasoline or not?)

(Well, for one, the post is too short. Only two sentences, but seeing as you're new, I'll go easy.)

~Gasoline in can?~ 3x Tails- Critical failure

The can sprung a leak with the roughness, causing the gasoline to spill all over the mans trousers. It drenched the light her had in his pocket, making it a deathtrap if he sop chooses to light it. Not only that, but the head on his axe fell off, making a loud clanging noise. A zombie was resting in the sewer when he heard it, and starting its hunt towards the noise.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2012, 12:54:49 AM »
Will was awaken by a loud screaming outside his house. He stood up, grabbing his machete and wrench, he walked to his window and opened it just a little bit. There was no sign of Zombie activity anywhere near his house, which meant that some where in the city there were still a few survivors, and now they were being hunted down. Will hoped for a second that they might make it to safety, then he remembered that no one can escape a zombie hoard. he gently closed the window then bolted it again, then he turned his attention to the half melted bullets.

They were melting faster then he expected, meaning they were made of a very soft metal, not fit for bolts. He thought for a second of what he could do with this puddle of scrap metal. He decided to make a gauntlet of sorts, a glove to help fend off the bites of hungry zombies. The screams of the undead filled his house again, this time they were a bit muffled, at least it's not me he thought to himself.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2012, 12:58:03 AM »
(wow that was rough, allright^^)

Axyl went after the guy and closed the door behind them, as she goes in the sewer entrance and sees the scene of the gasoline spilling over him and the axe head falling as she sees the zombie going to them

"Dammit... get it right and i will take care of him"

she runs to the zombie with her knife in hand jumps to it sticking the knife in its brain as the same time knocking it down, as she double taped and stick the knife again in the brain to make sure it was dead, she looks back at him saying in a low voice

"come on... we have to get out of here right away"
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2012, 01:26:29 AM »
"Dammit... get it right and i will take care of him"

she runs to the zombie with her knife in hand jumps to it sticking the knife in its brain as the same time knocking it down, as she double taped and stick the knife again in the brain to make sure it was dead, she looks back at him saying in a low voice

"we have to get out of here right away"

looking at her he whispered back

" I know and now I need to find a new weapon,  I suggest we go to Al's place he might have a weapon plus a spare change of pants so I don't have to wear gasoline soaked ones. And I'll let you know now, see this lighter if worst comes to worst run, I'll light it and take as many of those bastard zombies with me as I can"

 that being said he started sprinting away from Axyl, after a few seconds he saw a zombie ahead,  quietly he charged at it raising his axe handle mumbling under his breath

" This is just not my damn day and you were the unlucky zombie to enconter me so I'll take my anger out on you"

Swinging the axe handle like a baseball bat he smashed it into the zombies head, and watched as the head went flying from the body and rolled across the floor. The body crumpled to the floor and he turned around and waved at Axyl telling her to come on. He then resumed sprinting.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2012, 02:14:45 AM »
" I know and now I need to find a new weapon,  I suggest we go to Al's place he might have a weapon plus a spare change of pants so I don't have to wear gasoline soaked ones. And I'll let you know now, see this lighter if worst comes to worst run, I'll light it and take as many of those bastard zombies with me as I can"

Axyl nods as she sees him rushing ahead with handle on hand to beat the crap of the zombie

" This is just not my damn day and you were the unlucky zombie to enconter me so I'll take my anger out on you"

he keeps going until he calls for her

"then you lead the way, i have these to take their attencion off us"

she starts running after him
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2012, 03:08:31 AM »
Lance was taking the risk of being out in the forest, trying to see if it wasn't going to be impossible for him to find food. After about an hour's search, the only luck he had was not running into any zombies. Deciding to turn back, he headed in the direction of the town, hoping to find some Zombies to take his anger out on. Though if he didn't find food soon, his supplies would diminish to nothing.

I wonder if Zombies are edible...? Probably not.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2012, 03:29:52 AM »
then you lead the way, I have to take their attention off us

Tanu glanced back at her and nodded. There were a few stray zombies along the way but eventually he reached the end of the tunnel. Four zombies  awaited them outside the outside the tunnel. Taking a offensive stance he turned to Axyl and said

I'll take care of these guys but you need to do that distraction now , the zombies are showing up more and more.

He then whirled around and swung the axe handle taking off the first zombies head he then started twirling it like a staff, another one of the zombies stepped forward and reached a hand out at Tanu he, swirling his staff Tanu smacked the zombies hand then clubbed it in the midsection knocking it back he then followed up with a head blow finishing it off, he finished off the last two zombies quickly and then turned around to see what Axyl  was doing.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2012, 03:34:39 AM »
I'll take care of these guys but you need to do that distraction now , the zombies are showing up more and more.

she nods as he then whirled around and swung the axe handle taking off the first zombies head he then started twirling it like a staff, another one of the zombies stepped forward and reached a hand out at Tanu he, swirling his staff Tanu smacked the zombies hand then clubbed it in the midsection knocking it back he then followed up with a head blow finishing it off, he finished off the last two zombies quickly and then turned around to look at Axyl that was running and jumped in the air to kick both zombies down and pin them down with her feet as she sticked her knife in their brains twice each then ran outside and took the pin from the deodorant bomb she had and threw it high and far, 5 seconds later it explodes, making a large noise

"Come on now"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2012, 04:00:05 AM »
Loud clangs could be heard in the basement of the store. It was completely soundproofed from the outside, giving Al a nice workshop to build his contraptions. Using light from a lemon lamp, he finished his new hammer design.

The super sledge. This may be my best work.

A buzzer went off, indicating that a visitor has come by. Al made his way to the ground floor of the store. The windows were sealed up with steel bars and barbed wire, and the glass was bullet proof from the beginning. A man in a cloak came up, and placed 5 jars of strange liquid.

I would like to trade these for a new weapon. I "lost" my old one in the head of a clown.

Exactly what is in these jars? I need to know to get a sense of the value.

Boomer bile. Hard to get. When it gets on something, the zombies go nuts and start attacking whatever it covers. Perfect for making an escape, or getting revenge.

I think I would love to see a test. I'll give you a couple cans of beans for one jar, and if it works, we'll talk.

Al and the strange man went to the roof. There were a few zombies across the street. The man gripped one of the jars, and tossed it by them. With a loud crash, the jar broke and the bile spilled on the two. They started to let out loud growls and rip each other to shreds. Other zombies came by too, following the scent and sounds.

Here are you beans. I just finished making a new weapon. I'll give you that for the 4 jars.

They went inside. Al brought up the super sledge. The man took a hold of it, and took a practice swing.

Isn't this a bit heavy?

That's my offer, take it or leave it.

The man placed the jars on the counter, and promptly left. Al took the jars and placed them on a lazy susan for display. He scribbled out a sign that read "Boomer Bile- Ask Al for more details."

I may have lost my hammer, but I know someone will want these if they knew what it did.

(Don't worry, the super sledge isn't lost forever, but no one should find it quickly.)
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2012, 04:03:59 AM »
Come on now

Looking back at her Tanu saw the smoke filling the sky. Agreeing with her he took off springing with Adult right behind him. After jogging for a while he decided they were out of immediate danger he looked back at Axyl smiled and said

You know you can be kinda bossy sometimes

Looking around to see how far they were from Al's they were he saw his store just a little bit ahead. Beginning to Sprint again he went to the ladder that was the entrance waved to Axyl then climbed the ladder. Once at the top he questioned

Al you here I need some new merchandise.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 04:08:50 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2012, 04:09:09 AM »
Al heard his name being called. He recognized the voice, and went to the roof to meet Tanu.

Tanu, how are ya? Been wondering when you were going to stop by for a visit. I got something new in about a few minutes ago...

He noticed the smoke rising from the sewers. The smell of gas also hit his nostrils.

I'm not even going to ask. Get inside, and we'll talk trade.

Al went back down into his store, and took his place behind his counter. This was the fun part of the store to him, as it made him feel important.
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Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2012, 04:23:27 AM »
You know you can be kinda bossy sometimes

Axyl sighs and looks at him

"then next time your on your own kid..."

she sighs as she follows him to a building.

Al, you here? I need some new merchandise.

a man appears on the roof as soon as his name was called

Tanu, how are ya? Been wondering when you were going to stop by for a visit. I got something new in about a few minutes ago...

the man inspected the surrounding and noticed the smoke from the bomb Axyl made before

I'm not even going to ask. Get inside, and we'll talk trade.

Axyl gets in and looks arround

"well... there was more at the supermarket i was in until i got unrequested company by a shouting kid..."

she sighs as she leaned agaisnt the wall
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2012, 04:29:51 AM »
Tanu how are you been wondering when you where gonna stop by for a visit. I got something new in about a few minutes ago....I'm not even gonna ask get inside and will talk trade

Ignoring Axyls comment because he was in such good mood. It always put Tanu in a good mood to visit Al and he was also curious to see what had just gotten in so he followed Al inside the store and to the counter then said

Al, here's what I need a new weapon and a pair of pants, problem is anything I had to trade was recently destroyed. I was wondering if there was any thing you needed done as payment for my supplied.

As Al sat there pondering his offer Tanu became very nervous afraid Al would deny his offer and he really needed those supplies.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2012, 04:36:37 AM »
Al noticed the woman walk in. He directed his attention to Tanu.

Friend of yours?

He sat and began to think.

I'll throw in a pair of pants for free. Now for something to be done. Hmm... I know you're good for it. Tell you what, you head down to the library and find me a book on swords, a book on bombs, and a cook book, I'll let you have this.

Al pulls out a pair of hedge clippers and sets them on the counter.

You can borrow this as well for the task, no point in letting you go unarmed. Bring me back those books, and I'll throw in a jar of boomer bile for free. Effective stuff, makes zombies go nuts, and provides a way for you to escape, just don't get any on you. Go into my room and get you a pair of pants.

He looked at the woman.

And how may I help you. I got everything, weapons, food, meds, and these little trinkets.

He points to the jars of bile.

I'll trade for anything. But for these jars, better have something of value.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2012, 04:42:00 AM »
And how may I help you. I got everything, weapons, food, meds, and these little trinkets.

she looks at him and sighs

I'll trade for anything. But for these jars, better have something of value.

she looks at him

"i wanted a safe place for me to bring people to safety, im from the army so its my duty, i was hoping to reinforce the supermarket but this kid blew it... now all the food that was there was left to rot, so, just get me something to eat and a beer..., i will trade ya one of these for it if thats how you work..."

she places the deodorant bomb on the table
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